Друго беше изјавата ја извртиле. Не гледам зошто Јувентус го гибнале тука кога можеа директно човеков да го изгорат.
Еве ја изјавата :
The former defender spent 13 seasons with the Turin giants and won the World Cup with Italy in 1982. H
e praised Maradona as a 'legend and gentleman'.
“A living legend and a gentleman opponent,” Cabrini told Irpina TV. “Who, like many other champions, was able to give the best and the worst at the same time.
“He would still be here with us if he came to Juve because the environment would have saved him, not the club but the environment itself.
“The love of Naples was as strong and authentic as it was ill.”
But he
later said that his words were ‘misinterpreted’ and immediately apologised as the reports emerged in Italian media.
“You misinterpreted my words, it was not a moral judgment but a comment on the energy of a city that couldn’t contain this passion,” he said.
“I thought that the muffled environment in which I lived at Juve would perhaps have protected him. I apologise to anyone who felt offended.”
И јас сум на ставот дека ова последново не се изјавува, но ова беше реакција пошто го прашале шо мисли за тоа дека повеќе колеги негови изјавиле дека тие околу него го уништиле Марадона со дрога и останати работи. После смрта имаше мн гласини за проблемите со здравјето и дрогата биле поради луѓето околу него, дека никој не водел вистинска грижа за него од тие 'блиските'.