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Io Sono Interista

The original, one and only IoSono.
Член од
21 декември 2007
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Давам кратка рецензија и мое толкување на серијалов :LOL:
Јас мислев дека конечно ќе добијам одговор за Смислата на животот :)

Fringe е серија за тебе.


Член од
22 март 2009
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Eден... документарец од National Geographic, поприлично интересен ако сме го гледале истиот околу еternal inflation, multiverse, string theory.. all that, и LOST ќе ја одгатнува. :pos:

Се шегувам, aко прочитате уствари е интересна теорија која држи вода. Еден збор Sagan: Fringe. You can thank me later.
Дали мислиш на тој каде Морган Фриман е наратор, тој е многу јак документарец и обработува слична тематика.


Дали мислиш на тој каде Морган Фриман е наратор, тој е многу јак документарец и обработува слична тематика.
National Geographic Naked Science, Parallel Universes. Видеото го има на повеќе сајтови, но е недостапно за нашата вукојебина. На јутјуб го закачував 3 пати, не сака да го даде...


/b/ House /b/
Член од
13 декември 2007
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The Forest

Suddenly, I woke up in the middle of a mountain forest. It was funny though, it looked like I’m still dreaming. The last thing I remember was talking with my brother about imagination. Anyway, as I started exploring the forest, the first thing I’ve noticed was a group of weird birds, similar to the crows but pink. They were making that annoying sound, which made me very angry for some reason. I took a stone and tried hitting them, but no matter how much I’ve tried I always missed. So I tried to ignore them and kept on exploring the forest. Then, I saw a cottage. It was very badly damaged, and probably abandoned. All the windows were closed, so I couldn’t see the interieur. Just before I tried opening the door, I’ve heard a strange noise that prevented me from opening the door. But still, the temptation was stronger than me, and I opened the door. I’ve realized, I was scared for nothing. It was just some old painting that felt from the wall. On the place where the painting was there was a big hole. It was really strange because if that was a normal hole, it should have lead to the outside of the house. But no, the hole was like a tunnel and I decided to go in. From the first sight, I thought it’s longer, but it was only 3-4 meters. When I got out of it, I was in a creepy, gigantic place. It looked like a labyrinth, and it was a labyrinth. On the right there was a map of the labyrinth and a legend. On the legend there were three colors: blue, brown and red. I had no idea what that was, but I entered the labyrinth. There was a huge river in front of me, running really fast. On the other side of the river there was an old man, trying to say something to me. But I couldn’t hear him because of the noise the river was making. I carefully explored the place where I was, but I couldn’t find anything useful that might help me get on the other side of the river. So, I had to swim. Just as I got in the river, the old man suddenly disappeared and the river became faster than a train. No matter how much I tried to swim towards the other side, it kept me pushing backwards. I was exhausted and I’ve let the river control me, with the hope that I will finally wake up of this terrible dream. But I was wrong. The river pushed me to a waterfall. I’ll never forget the feeling when I was falling down. It was scary, though magical. Suddenly, I stopped falling. I was in another place. A small empty room with only one door. Just as I made one step, the door opened and there was a bear in front of me. I had no time to find a solution for this and the bear simply killed me. It was so real, but deeply inside of me I knew it wasn’t. Now I was in another place. This place looked like hell. Definitely I was in hell because I saw a devil. A true devil, like from the cartoons. The strange thing was, he had that expression on his face, like he was a good person. He stepped in front of me and said: “I will ask you one question. If you answer correctly, this game will be over and you will get back to your home. But if you don’t answer correctly, we will swap each other. You’ll be a devil and I will be you, in your home, eating your breakfast” I wasn’t sure if I had to laugh on this or be scared, but I simply replied: “Go on my dear devil, ask that question” His face expression has changed, he looked like a real devil now
Lucky for me,
was my favorite show and I replied like a gun:
“Evangeline Lilly!
” He said the answer was correct, and started doing something strange. When he finished, he gave me something to drink. I wasn’t sure if I should drink that, but he forced me. And then I was teleported to a house. Surprisingly, that wasn’t my house. But there was a person I never thought I’d met, Evangeline Lilly herself.

Тоа се тие патетики што ги имам пишувано пред 5 години за Англиски нешо :DDDDD


Член од
1 август 2006
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The Forest

Suddenly, I woke up in the middle of a mountain forest. It was funny though, it looked like I’m still dreaming. The last thing I remember was talking with my brother about imagination. Anyway, as I started exploring the forest, the first thing I’ve noticed was a group of weird birds, similar to the crows but pink. They were making that annoying sound, which made me very angry for some reason. I took a stone and tried hitting them, but no matter how much I’ve tried I always missed. So I tried to ignore them and kept on exploring the forest. Then, I saw a cottage. It was very badly damaged, and probably abandoned. All the windows were closed, so I couldn’t see the interieur. Just before I tried opening the door, I’ve heard a strange noise that prevented me from opening the door. But still, the temptation was stronger than me, and I opened the door. I’ve realized, I was scared for nothing. It was just some old painting that felt from the wall. On the place where the painting was there was a big hole. It was really strange because if that was a normal hole, it should have lead to the outside of the house. But no, the hole was like a tunnel and I decided to go in. From the first sight, I thought it’s longer, but it was only 3-4 meters. When I got out of it, I was in a creepy, gigantic place. It looked like a labyrinth, and it was a labyrinth. On the right there was a map of the labyrinth and a legend. On the legend there were three colors: blue, brown and red. I had no idea what that was, but I entered the labyrinth. There was a huge river in front of me, running really fast. On the other side of the river there was an old man, trying to say something to me. But I couldn’t hear him because of the noise the river was making. I carefully explored the place where I was, but I couldn’t find anything useful that might help me get on the other side of the river. So, I had to swim. Just as I got in the river, the old man suddenly disappeared and the river became faster than a train. No matter how much I tried to swim towards the other side, it kept me pushing backwards. I was exhausted and I’ve let the river control me, with the hope that I will finally wake up of this terrible dream. But I was wrong. The river pushed me to a waterfall. I’ll never forget the feeling when I was falling down. It was scary, though magical. Suddenly, I stopped falling. I was in another place. A small empty room with only one door. Just as I made one step, the door opened and there was a bear in front of me. I had no time to find a solution for this and the bear simply killed me. It was so real, but deeply inside of me I knew it wasn’t. Now I was in another place. This place looked like hell. Definitely I was in hell because I saw a devil. A true devil, like from the cartoons. The strange thing was, he had that expression on his face, like he was a good person. He stepped in front of me and said: “I will ask you one question. If you answer correctly, this game will be over and you will get back to your home. But if you don’t answer correctly, we will swap each other. You’ll be a devil and I will be you, in your home, eating your breakfast” I wasn’t sure if I had to laugh on this or be scared, but I simply replied: “Go on my dear devil, ask that question” His face expression has changed, he looked like a real devil now
Lucky for me,
was my favorite show and I replied like a gun:
“Evangeline Lilly!
” He said the answer was correct, and started doing something strange. When he finished, he gave me something to drink. I wasn’t sure if I should drink that, but he forced me. And then I was teleported to a house. Surprisingly, that wasn’t my house. But there was a person I never thought I’d met, Evangeline Lilly herself.

Тоа се тие патетики што ги имам пишувано пред 5 години за Англиски нешо :DDDDD
toa e taa ljubov..postuem

Io Sono Interista

The original, one and only IoSono.
Член од
21 декември 2007
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100 дена ги трошеше жилетите што ги најдоа по торбите (а и не беше често избричен).
После тоа ја сфати вистината и се пропи детето. А вистината беше многу болна: згреши што го напушти островот, требаше да се врати и да умре за... ништо посебно.

Не Тенеќе, не беше цело време мртов
Член од
20 ноември 2008
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Со секој еден пост шо го пишите во темава, добивам известување, и со тоа известување добивам желба да ја изгледам пак серијава. :place:


Strength And Honor
Член од
21 јануари 2009
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Штета што заврши... очекував или бескрајност на серијата или мозочен излив по гледањето на последната епизода... но не .
Член од
13 јули 2006
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И сега како заврши серијава?

Значи Jack стана смоки, a Харли го зеде местото на Јакоб, така ?

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