The studios are not in the movie business anymore. There are no original ideas. It's never about the idea, it is about the execution of the idea. The film studios are all now subdivisions of huge multinationalcorporations. Time Warner, British Petroleum, Sony -- these aren't companies, they are f*cking nations. They are these giant international things that don't pay taxes. It's ridiculous. They're like pirates. It really has to do with desperation, because they don't know how to get people into the theaters, so they bring back 3D and make all this kind of shit."
It's very common now to spend more money selling a movie than making a movie. So the reason they make remakes and sequels is because they're brands, like Coca Cola. They remake movies because they have presold titles. It's tragic, because you have things like Tobe Hooper's 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,' which is a brilliant movie, and yet the remakes have made a lot more money."
I don't know who owns these companies now. There are no individuals who say, 'Sure, I'll take a risk.' Because the risks are now huge.
There will always be good movies being made. It's just harder and harder to see them. And the studios are no longer interested in making good movies -- they're interested in movies that will bring you in. So you have movies like 'Avatar,' or Alfonso Cuaron's 'Gravity.' It's wonderful to look at. Now, is it a good movie? No!