Сведоштва за континуитетот - Поменот на антиката во македонската историја

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1 мај 2009
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Штотуку воочив дека Hades - “грчкиот“ бог на подземјето, на пеколот, не бил грчки бог воопшто туку македонски. Еве зошто.

Во грчкиот јазик зборот за пекол е: kolasi, κόλαση додека на литературен македонски најчесто ќе го сретнете зборот АД, што е ХАД со безгласно Х.
Член од
27 април 2006
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Штотуку воочив дека Hades - “грчкиот“ бог на подземјето, на пеколот, не бил грчки бог воопшто туку македонски. Еве зошто.

Во грчкиот јазик зборот за пекол е: kolasi, κόλαση додека на литературен македонски најчесто ќе го сретнете зборот АД, што е ХАД со безгласно Х.
Да е само Ад ...

И самите Грци викаат дека боговите ги превземаат од феникијците, и сега се прашувам како превземените богови можат да бидат грчки?
Член од
8 ноември 2008
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Ех. Тие што биле во АДот се јАДосувале, биле полни со чемер и јАД. ЈАДно и бедно си врвеле, само покој, ’рци и ЈАД... СтрАДале и стрАДале во пеколниот чАД, трпеле глАД и маки после нивниот во пекол пАД...
Можеби сите зборови немаат врска со Хад и Ад, но некои (јад на пр.) скоро 100 % имаат врска...
А тоа Грците го доживувале пеколот кога ќе ги наденеле на кол и затоа пеколот го викале коласи ( κόλαση ).


Член од
21 јануари 2009
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Diodorus Siculus
Ancient Greek Historian

The ancient Greek historian Diodorus wrote much of the history of Macedonia from the times of Philip II and Alexander the Great up to the last Macedonian king Perseus. In his writings, Diodorus is clear that the ancient Macedonians were a distinct nation, not related to any of the Balkan peoples (Greeks, Thracians, and Illyrians). The below 40 quotes from his books XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXXI, and XXXII are indeed an overwhelming proof of that:

[1] For even Greeks – Thespians, Plataeans and Orchomenians, and some other hostile to the Thebans who had joined the king (of the Macedonians) in the campaign. 17.13.5.

[2] For many days the king lay helpless under his treatment, and the Greeks who had been settled in Bactria and Sogdiana, who had long borne unhappily their sojourn among peoples of another race and now received word that the king has died of his wounds, revolted against the Macedonians. They formed a band of 3000 men and underwent great hardship on their homeward route. Later they were massacred by the Macedonians after Alexander’s death. 17.99.5-6.

[3] The Macedonians and Alexander backed Coragus because he was one of them while the Greeks favored Dioxippus. 17.100.4.

[4] Then the Macedonian (Coragus) poised his long lance and charged, but the Greek (Dioxippus), when he came within reach, struck the spear with his club and shuttered it. After these two defeats, Coragus was reduced to continuing the battle with sword, but as he reached for it, the other leaped upon him and seized his swordhand with his left, while with his right hand the Greek upset the Macedonian’s balance and made him lose his footing. 17.100.6-7

[5] He (Alexander the Great) was plainly disappointed at the defeat of the Macedonian. Dioxippus released his fallen opponent, and left the field winner of the resounding victory and bedecked with ribands by his compatriots, as having brought a common glory to all Greeks. 17.101.1-2.

[6] From Europe, the Greek cities AND the Macedonians also sent embassies, as well as the Illyrians and most of those who dwell about the Adriatic Sea, the Thracian peoples and even those of their neighbors the Gauls, whose people became known then first in the Greek world. 17.113.2.

[7] When Perdiccas heard of the revolt of the Greeks, he drew by lot from the Macedonians 3000 infantry and 800 horsemen. 18.7.3

[8] They (the Greeks) had more then 20000 foot soldiers and 3000 horse. 18.7.2. 3000 of these 23000 Greeks were led by a "traitor" who "left his allies without warning and withdrew to e certain hill, taking his 3000 men". 18.7.6.

[9] When oaths to this effect had been sworn and the Greeks were interspersed among the Macedonians, Pithon was greatly pleased, seeing that the affair was progressing according to his intentions; but the Macedonians remembering the orders of Perdiccas and having no regard for the oaths that had been sworn, broke faith with the Greeks. Setting upon them unexpectedly and catching them off their ground, they shot them all down with javelins and seized their possessions as plunder. Pithon then, cheated of his hopes, came back with the Macedonians to Perdiccas. 18.7.8-9

[10] When Alexander died a short time thereafter and left no sons as successors to the kingdom, the Athenians ventured to assert their liberty (from Macedonia) and to claim the leadership of the Greeks. 18.9.1

[11] When the Aetolians listened to him gladly they gave him 7000 soldiers, he sent to the Locrians and the Phocians and the other neighboring peoples and urged them to assist their freedom and rid Greece of the Macedonian despotism. 18.9.5.

[12] The decree of the Assembly of Athens: "people should assume responsibility for the common freedom of the Greeks and liberate the cities that were subject to (Macedonian) garrisons; that they should prepare 40 quadriremes and 200 triremes (ships); that all Athenians up to age of 40 should be enrolled; that three tribes should guard Attica, and that the other seven should be ready for campaign beyond the frontier; that envoys should be sent to visit the Greek cities and tell them that formerly the Athenian people, convinced that all Greece was the common fatherland of the Greeks, had fought by see against those (Macedonian) barbarians who had invaded Greece to enslave her, and that now too Athens believed it necessary to risk lives and money and ships in defense of the common safety of the Greeks." 18.10.1-3.

[13] Of the rest of the Greeks, some were well disposed toward the Macedonians, others remained neutral. 18.11.1

[14] A few of the Illyrians and the Thracians joined the alliance (with the Greeks) because of their hatred of the Macedonians. 18.11.1-2

[15] As soon as, however, as he learned of the movement concerted against him by the Greeks, he left Sippas as general of Macedonia, giving him a significant army and bidding him enlist as many men as possible, while he himself, taking 13000 Macedonians and 600 horsemen, set out from Macedonia to Thessaly (into Greece). 18.12.2

[16] Now that this great force had been added to the Athenians, the Greeks, who far outnumbered the Macedonians, were successful. 18.12.4

[17] As the Macedonians defended themselves stoutly, many of the Greeks who pushed on rashly were killed. 18.12.1-2

[18] Antiphilus, the Greek commander, having defeated the Macedonians in a glorious battle played a waiting game, remaining in Thessaly and watching for the enemy to move. The affairs of the Greeks were thus in thriving condition, but since the Macedonians had command of the sea, the Athenians made ready other ships… 18.15.7-8.

[19] Then after such a combat I have described, the battle was broken off, as the scales of victory swung in favour of the Macedonians. More then 500 of the Greeks were killed in the battle, and 130 of the Macedonians. 18.17.5

[20] The commandant of the garrison of that city, Archelaus, who was a Macedonian by RACE, welcomed Attalus and surrendered the city to him… 18.37.3-4.

[21] Seleucus and Pithon again tried to persuade the Macedonians to remove Eumenes from his command and to cease preferring against their own interests a man who was a foreigner and who had killed very many Macedonians. 19.13.1

[22] Peucestes (Macedonian commander) had 10000 Persian archers and slingers, 3000 men of every origin equipped for service in the Macedonian array, 600 Greek and Thracian cavalry and more then 400 Persian horsemen. 19.14.5.

[23] Although the risk involved in all these circumstances was clear, nonetheless she decided to remain there, hoping that many Greeks AND Macedonians would come to her aid by sea. 19.35.6.

[24] Then, after making a truce with the other Boeotians and leaving Eupolemus as general for Greece, he went into Macedonia, for he was apprehensive of the enemy’s crossings. 19.77.5-6

[25] In this year Antigonus ordered his general Ptolemaeus into Greece to set the Greeks free… 19.77.2

[26] Ptolemaeus, the general of Antigonus, had been placed in charge of affairs thoughout Greece; 19.87.3 (not in Macedonia).

[27] This was the situation in Asia and in Greece AND Macedonia. 19.105.4

[28] And first he planned to establish order in the affairs of Greece … and then go on against Macedonia itself if Cassander did not march against him. 20.102.1

[29] While these held office, Cassander, king of the Macedonians, on seeing that the power of the Greeks was increasing and that the whole war was directed against Macedonia, became much alarmed about the future. 20.106.1-2

[30] Demetrius was followed by 1500 horsemen, not less then 8000 Macedonian foot-soldiers, mercenaries to the number of 15000, 2500 from the cities throughout Greece. 20.110.4

[30] The utmost spirit or rivalry was not lacking on either side, for the Macedonians were bent on saving their ships, while the Siceliotes wished not only to be regarded as victors over the Carthaginians and the barbarians of Italy, but also to show themselves in the Greek arena as more then a match for the Macedonians, whose spears had subjected both Asia and Europe. 21.2.2

[31] Brennus, the king of the Gauls … invaded Macedonia and engaged in battle. Having in this conflict lost many man .. as lacking sufficient strength … when later he advanced into Greece and to the oracle of Delphi which he wished to plunder. 22.9.1-2

[33] A native of Terentum, Heracleides was a man of surprising wickedness, who had transformed Philip from a victorious king into a harsh and godless tyrant, and had thereby incurred the deep hatred of all Macedonians AND Greeks. 28.9.2

[34] Flamininus held that Philip (the Macedonian king) must completely evacuate Greece, which should thereafter be ungarrisoned and autonomous. 28.11.1

[35] To this Flamininus replied that there was no need of arbitration whom he ha wronged; furthermore he himself was under orders from the Senate to liberate Greece (from Macedonia). 28.11.3-4

[36] When the news of settlement reached him, Flamininus summoned the leading men of all Greece, and convoking an assembly repeated to them Rome’s good services to the Greeks. 28.13.2 (Macedonians excluded from the leading men of Greece)

[37] In defense of the settlement made with Nabis he (Flamininus) pointed out that the Romans had done what was in their power, and that in accordance with the declared policy of the Roman people all the inhabitants of Greece were now free (of Macedonia), ungarrisoned, and most important of all, governed by their own laws. 28.13.3

[38] Philip threatens the Greek Thessalians: "They were not aware, he said, that the Macedonian sun had not yet altogether set." 29.16.1-2

[39] He said, namely, that after seeing the sun rise as he was about to begin transporting his army from Italy to Greece… five day later he arrived in Macedonia. 31-11.2-4

[40] Having as his accomplice a certain harpist named Nicolaus, a Macedonian by birth… 32.15.9

Член од
4 февруари 2007
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80% од словенските богови се преслика од античката митологија.

Tokmu taka...

Thracian Perkun corresponds to Slavic Perun, Thracian Seitovins
to Slavic Sventovit, Thracian Ares to Slavic Jarovit, Thracian Balenos to Slavic Belen,
Thracian Kerilos to Slavic Černobog, Thracian Zemi – Zemela to Slavic Zemina – Mati Sira Zemlja. Even the common Slavic word for God – BOG is in fact the same as the
Thracian one - BAGO – God.


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Tokmu taka...

Thracian Perkun corresponds to Slavic Perun, Thracian Seitovins
to Slavic Sventovit, Thracian Ares to Slavic Jarovit, Thracian Balenos to Slavic Belen,
Thracian Kerilos to Slavic Černobog, Thracian Zemi – Zemela to Slavic Zemina – Mati Sira Zemlja. Even the common Slavic word for God – BOG is in fact the same as the
Thracian one - BAGO – God.
Требаше целиот документ да го ставиш на увид, има што да се прочита:


Nobody has brought to attention the similarity of the Thracian and Old Slavic pantheon.

In my opinion, Thracian Perkun corresponds to Slavic Perun,
Thracian Seitovins to Slavic Sventovit,
Thracian Ares to Slavic Jarovit,
Thracian Balenos to Slavic Belen,
Thracian Kerilos to Slavic Černobog,
Thracian Zemi – Zemela to Slavic Zemina – Mati Sira Zemlja.

Even the common Slavic word for God – BOG is in fact the same as the
Thracian one - BAGO – God.

It is an interesting, but unknown fact that Thracians ethnonyms are easy to explain in
Slavic languages as Bulgarian, Slovene, Czech, Russian, and others:
Agriani were mountaineers and their name corresponds to Blg. горјани (gorjani)– mountaineers and Sl. gorjanec – mountaneer.
Briges inhabited hilly, mountain regions too. BREG is common Slavic word for hill, high place.
Derzi corresponds to O.Blg. ДРЕЗ' (drezǎ) dearing, bold, Sl. drzek, drzen – bold, Cz. drzost - boldness, Russ. дерзкиј (derzkii) – bold.
Dolongi corresponds to O. Ch. Sl. ДОЛОНГ' (DOLONGǍ) – long one.
Drugeri corresponds to Blg. другари (drugari) – comrades, but the actual meaning of the ethnonym Drugeri is family, community, corresponding perfectly to Sl. word družina – family.

In my opinion Tracian tribe Drugeri is the same one as the Old Slavic Drugoviti.

Moriseni lived at the coast of Black Sea, their name corresponds to common Slavic word MORE – sea.

Sijaleti consists of two parts: sija corresponding to common Slavic verb sejati – to sow, and leti corresponds to common Slavic ljude, ljudi, lide - people. Sijaleti means simply sowers, agricultural people.
Vessi correspond to O. Ch. Sl. ВЬС' (VESǍ) – village, settlement, Vessi means settled people. Slovene VAS, dial. VES – village.
Член од
4 февруари 2007
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Da :)

Bas naprotiv,SITE Slovenski bogovi se zemeni od antickata mitologija...

Ovoj dokument vredi da se procita,vrskata pomegu Trakijcite i Slovenite:

Fakt e deka site Trakiski iminja imaat jasna Slovenska etimologija t.e. moze da se objasnat SAMO na Slovenski

I drugata recenica koja e napisana tamu:

The resemblance of many names is so strikingly close that it can’t be called coincidence.

Ova ne moze da bide nareceno koincidencija...

I jasno,kako sto rekov site Trakiski iminja (30 od niv vo taa grupa) jasno se etimoloski objasnati,pa posle doaga Litvancite (Baltite so 16) itn...


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Со брат му Арон отишол на дворот на германскиот цар да му го честита Велигден и да побара политичка поддршка. Како што доликува на гостин, веројатно, како подарок му однел нешто, а домаќинот, исто така, му возвратил. Имено, во музејот во Вирцбург се чува една свилена завеса, на која е претставен орелскиот лет на Александар Македонски. На завесата е претставен Александар кому два орли (христијански симбол) на главата му ставаат златна круна со три крста! Не знаеме дали таа била подарокот за германскиот цар, но би можеле да претпоставиме!



Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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R.A. Gallop, British diplomat in Belgrade, who visited Macedonia in April 1926:

"The most striking thing to one familiar with North Serbia [Serbia proper], who has been accustomed to hear Macedonia described as Southern Serbia and its inhabitants as Serbs, was the complete difference of atmosphere which was noticeable almost as soon as we had crossed the pre-1913 frontier some miles south of Vranje. One felt as though one had entered a foreign country. Officials and officers from North Serbia seemed to feel this too, and I noticed especially in the cafes and hotels of Skopje that they formed groups by themselves and mixed little with the Macedo[nian]-Slavs. THOSE OF THE LATTER THAT I MET WERE EQUALLY INSISTENT ON CALLING THEMSELVES NEITHER SERBS NOR BULGARS, BUT MACEDONIANS...THERE SEEMED TO BE NO LOVE LOST FOR THE BULGARS IN MOST PLACES. THEIR [Bulgarian] BRUTALITY DURING THE WAR HAD LOST THEM THE AFFECTION EVEN OF THOSE WHO BEFORE THE BALKAN WAR HAD BEEN THEIR FRIENDS..."

(Foreign Office document O371/11405, Kennard (Belgrade) to A. Chamberlain, 21 April 1926, Enclosure, R.A. Gallop, "Conditions in Macedonia," 19 April 1926, pg. 1).

Oliver C. Harvey of the Foreign Office, who visited both Vardar and Aegean Macedonia, wrote during the fact-finding mission and left no doubt about the distinct Macedonian consciousness and identity. In connection with Vardar Macedonia he reported that:


"While he agreed with Bateman "that the Macedonian Slavs used, before the days of propaganda, to call themselves 'Christians' rather than Serbs or Bulgars," Gallop did not agree "that the Macedonian Slavs are nearer akin to the Bulgar than to the Serb." In any case, HE QUESTIONED THE IMPARTIALIY OF THE SO-CALLED "AUTHORITIES" AND EMPHASZED THE ACTUAL REALITY THAT "NOWADAYS" THE MACEDONIAN SLAVS CONSIDERED AND CALLED THEMSELVES "MAKEDONCI!"

(Foreign Office document O371/11337, Enclosure, 23 April 1926).

Colonel A. Corfe had written in 1923 that the Macedonians of Aegean Macedonia, and incidentally in the other two parts, were fearful of state officials and had nothing to say in their presence:

"But in the evenings in their own houses or when we had given the officials the slip, we encouraged them to speak to us. Then we in-variably heard the same story as "Bad administration. They want to force us to become Greeks, in language, in religion, in sentiment, in every way. We have served in the Greek army and we have fought for them: now they insult us by calling us 'damned Bulgars"' … To my question "WHAT DO YOU WANT, AN AUTHONOMOUS MACEDONIA OR A MACEDONIA UNDER BULGARIA?" the answer was generally the same: "WE WANT GOOD ADMINISTRATION. WE ARE MACEDONIANS, NOT GREEKS OR BULGARS."

(Foreign Office document O371/8566).

--- надополнето ---


Sister Augustine Bewicke on the Macedoinan autonomy

"the inhabitants of Macedonia are in the great majority Slavs; they call themselves Macedonians, and what they desire and what we ardently desire for them is an autonomy under European control"


"It happens that Macedonians who come to Bulgaria continue to call themselves Macedonians ..."
“In Bulgaria, whether they are descended from a Macedonian who travelled eastward in 1878, or whether they are quite recent emigrants, they call themselves Macedonians ...”


Baerlein, Henry., “What is happening in Macedonia” in Fortnightly Review, 123, (May, 1928), pp.624-632,


In the district of Ostrovo / Bitola nine times out of ten these people, despite being the subject of dispute by three adjoining countries – Serbia, Bulgarian and Greece – would reply in response to the question as to their nationality that they were Macedonians”

Source: Taken from Edmond Bouchie de Belle, La Macedoine et les Macedoniens, Paris, 1922, 80, IV, 303.]

--- надополнето ---

"We have many times heard from the Macedonists that they are not Bulgarians but Macedonians,descendants of the Ancient Macedonians" ( Year: 1871)


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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Hе можев да најдам соодветна тема, па затоа постирам овде, но доколку пречи - бришете или преместете. Сепак интересно е да се види.

Среди спутников Павла (Дејан. 20.4 и далее) перечислјајутсја Гаиј Дервјанин16 и Тимофеј из Листры, т.е. из јужној Галатии, но никто - из северној области.

16 Или, если следовать Западному тексту, от Добера (Doberas) из Македонии. Это соответствовало бы описанију в Дејан. 19.29 Гајја и Аристарха, как македонјан.

Член од
1 ноември 2008
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“По долината на Македонија сe е стушено и невесело, сe е жалосно. Турците од срцето на човекот го искорнале смеењето кое му припаѓа само нему, на човекот. Од нивните робови, од потомците на Ахил и Александар, тие направиле стада од животни.”

(A. N. Didron: “Le Mont Athos Exract from Annales archeologiques”, volumes 4, 5, 18 и 21. Национална библиотека Париз сигнатура 4о V, 1122/4,5,18,21, цит. според академик Александар Матковски
“Македонија во делата на странските патеписци”, цит. дело).

За директен потомок на античките Македонци себеси се сметал и истакнатиот македонски учител, писател и револуционер Иван Шумков од Крушево. Тој во шеесеттите и седумдесеттите години од 19 век работел како учител во Солун и притоа објавил неколку книги. Во еден спор со бугарскиот учител Салганџиев, Шумков изјавил дека не е Бугарин, туку чист Македонец, какви што биле славните Филип и Александар Македонски. Во 1871 година на Учителскиот собир во Прилеп Шумков се заложил за воведување на македонскиот јазик во училиштата во Македонија.

На бугарскиот учител Салганџиев и внукот на солунскиот првенец Паунчев му се претставил како (цитат):чист Македонец, како што беа Филип и Александар Македонски”.

(Христо Андоновски: “Јужна Македонија од античките до денешните Македонци”, Скопје, 1995 год., стр. 55).
Член од
18 јануари 2009
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"Македонците на Александар Велики биле Словени, зборувале на ист јазик на кој и денес зборуваат - Македонците, Траките и Мизите, зборувале на ист словенски јазик"

Фрањо Баришиќ, I Порекло Словена CXLVIII

--- надополнето ---

... the ancient seat of the Philip against whom Demosthenes thundered, and of that Alexander who conquered the world, is so cut off from civilization that we have to depend for news of the conditions that exist there on the most accidental and unreliable sources... Until some such dependable connection is made with the mountain valleys of Monastir* we will not certainly know the extent of Turkish oppression and misgovernment there...

The Canadian Magazine of Politics, science, art and literature Vol. XX

* Битола
Член од
20 декември 2008
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За директен потомок на античките Македонци себеси се сметал и истакнатиот македонски учител, писател и револуционер Иван Шумков од Крушево. Тој во шеесеттите и седумдесеттите години од 19 век работел како учител во Солун и притоа објавил неколку книги. Во еден спор со бугарскиот учител Салганџиев, Шумков изјавил дека не е Бугарин, туку чист Македонец, какви што биле славните Филип и Александар Македонски. Во 1871 година на Учителскиот собир во Прилеп Шумков се заложил за воведување на македонскиот јазик во училиштата во Македонија.

На бугарскиот учител Салганџиев и внукот на солунскиот првенец Паунчев му се претставил како (цитат): “чист Македонец, како што беа Филип и Александар Македонски”.
(Христо Андоновски: “Јужна Македонија од античките до денешните Македонци”, Скопје, 1995 год., стр. 55).
Nesto ne e taka, kako sto si go napisal. Citaj sto pisuva Salgandziev.

Слѣд' Божковото заминаване, прѣдсѣдателја на обштината, мимо с'гласието на цѣлата обштина, нѣкои от' които настојаваха да се повика за учитель Иван' Шумков' от' Битолско Крушево, за когото повечето Солунци д'ржаха, настанјава в' училиштето за учитель един' негодјај, на скоро зав'рнал' се в' Солун' из' Грьција, в' столицата на којато, заемал' службата на келнер' в' едно кафене. И това тој (прѣдсѣдателја) направи, т. е. настани в' училиштето за учитель тоја негодај само и само да се кавва че тó прод'лжава сѫштествуванието си.

Новија тоја учитель бѣ родом' от' Охрид' и роднина на прѣдсѣдателја; тој бил' роден' от' мајка б'лгарка, а башта куцовлах' — цинцарин', а сам' говорѣше б'лгарски с'вьршенно неправилно. Когато биваше запитван', на која от' помјанатитѣ двѣ народности принадлежи, тој отговарјаше:

„ја ни сум' ни бугарин', ни грк', ни цинцарин'; ја сум' чисто макидонец', какви су били Вилип' и Аликсандри Македонски и Аризтотел' вилозов'”.

На това, смѣсь-народность, свѣтило, бѣ повѣрено ученето б'лгарскитѣ дѣца в' Солун' на матернија им' јазик', самò незнајаште б'лгарски.

Просвѣтителната дѣјность на „негово словесие”, както се и предполагаше, не отиде за д'лго; тја се свь'рши с' разпрьсването на ученицитѣ от' невѣжьт' учитель и, впослѣдствие — с' затварјането на училиштето. Т'ј се тури, за втори пѫть, крај на Солунското училиште в' 1869 та година.
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
Татароглу што е различно ова - "Шумков изјавил дека не е Бугарин, туку чист Македонец, какви што биле славните Филип и Александар Македонски"

од ова:

"ја ни сум' ни бугарин', ни грк', ни цинцарин'; ја сум' чисто макидонец', какви су били Вилип' и Аликсандри Македонски и Аризтотел' вилозов'"

...освен дека не е ни грк ни цинцарин, убаво стои дека се чувствувал Македонец потпмок на Филип, Александар и Аристотел, а не бугарин. Се' останато ти е текст од кого било. Изјавата е таа.

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