Virusite I parazitite ne se del od normalna flora. Zatoa pozitiven PCR znaci zarazen so toj virus (asimptomatski ili simptomatski, seedno).
Ako covek umre kako posledica na streptokokna pneumonia ili komplikacii predizvikani od istata, se definira deka umrel od streptokokna pneumonia ili sepsa. Bezrazlika dali imal rak, bubrezna insuficienca, ciroza i.t.n.
Bidejki samata bakterija, virus whatever bil direkten predizvikuvac za vlosuvanjeto na veke oslabenata funkcija na nekoj organ ili organi I so toa bil direkten predizvikuvac na samata smrt. Da ne bi bil zarazen, bi bil seuste ziv.
The human oral cavity is home to a rich microbial flora, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Oral tissues are constantly exposed to these microbes, which form a complex ecological community that influences oral and systemic health.
The oral cavity is home to a rich flora of bacteria; some 700 different species have so far been described . Viruses are by nature more difficult to detect, at least with traditional methods such as
in vitro cultivation. However, the advent of the tools of molecular biology, particularly various PCR-based methods, has changed the situation. We can now readily detect not only bacteria that have not yet been cultivated, but also human viruses, which are indeed common in samples from the oral cavity.
Recent investigations have shown that certain viruses are highly prevalent in the human body. Circoviruses, for example, are present in more than 90% of adults and may never cause any disease ; polyomaviruses are present, at least in some points in life, in a majority of the population, but are only rarely associated with any symptoms . Moreover, even viruses that are known to be capable of serious complications can be highly prevalent in people without any overt symptoms; examples include the herpesvirus family and enteroviruses.
Велиш Ako covek umre kako posledica na streptokokna pneumonia значи сме на исто, треба да има пневмонија, болест предизвикана од бактерија стрептокок, за да се заведе дека е починат од таа болест. Истата бактерија моше да се култивира во било кое време бидејќи ја има во респираторниот тракт, но како последица за смрт може да биде наведена само ако предизвика пневмонија. Разликата мегу здрав и хроничен болен ќе биде само во текот на клиничката слика и компликациите.