Како би звучеле турбофолк текстовите на англиски јазик и странските песни на македонски јазик?


God is a DJ
Член од
25 ноември 2011
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Nocas sam sanjao plavog slona
od hiljadu tona i dvesta miliona
dolara u kesu i belu smesu

Nocas sam sanjao mene i Madonu
u staklenom kondomu i Bila kako svira
pesmu mira na saksofonu

Nocas sam sanjao ja i Divac Vlade
Amerima iz snova lupamo blokade
i da sam visok tri nula tri
i jebo te vole me svi

I necu da se probudim
jer mogu da poludim
kad vidim ko sam
kad vidim gde sam

Nocas sam sanjao plavog slona
od hiljadu tona i dvesta miliona
dolara u kesu i belu smesu

Nocas sam sanjao mene i Madonu
u staklenom kondomu i Bila kako svira
pesmu mira na saksofonu

Nocas sam sanjao ja i Divac Vlade
Amerima iz snova lupamo blokade
i da sam visok tri nula tri
i jebo te vole me svi


I kada spavam sanjam pesmu tu
kako places na mom ramenu
sanjam more, sanjam brodove
i ti me stihovi zbog tebe progone

Last night I dreamed of a blue elephant
one thousand and two hundred million tons
million in cash and a white mixture

Tonight I dreamed of me and Madonna
in a glass condom and Bila was playing
a song of peace on saxophone

Last night I dreamed of me and Divac Vlade
American dream team are eating blockades
and I'm high, three three zero
and fuck, everybody likes me

I'm not going to wake up
because I go crazy
I see who I am
I see where I am

Last night I dreamed of a blue elephant
one thousand and two hundred million tons
million in cash and a white mixture

Tonight I dreamed of me and Madonna
in a glass condom and Bila was playing
a song of peace on saxophone

Last night I dreamed of me and Divac Vlade
American dream team are eating blockades
and I'm high, three three zero
and fuck, everybody likes me

And when I sleep I dream of that song
how you cry on my shoulder
I dream of sea, I dream of boats
and those verses are haunting me because of you


High Value
Член од
5 јуни 2009
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Ana Nikolic-I want to watch you making love to her(Со малку слободен превод)

I see you next to me
But I wake and it's all just a dream
But you are now with another,
Perfumised, stripped down.

Now don't be hiding, you should be ashamed
Cause if it's something I can do, to suffer I know
My heart is not possessive anymore
that's just fine.

I want to watch you making love to her
To understand what I miss in that bed of mine
And I confess to the world how much you mean to me
When you cross my pain threshold

I lie to you , lie to me
That I'm cold, not feeling anything
Then I inflame and go insane
When I remember you're not waking up alone

Now don't be hiding, you should be ashamed
Cause if it's something I can do, to suffer I know
My heart is not possessive anymore
that's just fine.

I want to watch you making love to her
To understand what I miss in that bed of mine
And I confess to the world how much you mean to me
When you cross my pain threshold

Звучи ко нешто Ријана шо би пеела.


: : stuck in void : :
Член од
21 јануари 2008
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Поетски превод :D


Javi se, javi se
sta bih ja bez tebe sam
sam pod tudjim zvijezdama
sjeti se nekada

Javi se, javi se
daj mi pedalj svoga sna
suzu s tvoga jastuka
sjeti se nekada

Jer sad lutam, zima je
trazim tvoje bijele tragove
sivi hladni gradovi
jos te mnogo ima u meni

Javi se, javi se
sta bih ja bez tebe sam
sam pod tudjim zvijezdama
sjeti se nekada

Jer sad lutam, zima je
trazim tvoje bijele tragove
sivi hladni gradovi
jos te mnogo ima u meni


на англиски

Call me dear, call me dear
what am I but a loner without you
lonely gazing someone else's stars
remembering those days blue

Call me dear, call me dear
share me an inch of your dreams
and a teardrop on your pillow too
remember those days blue

I wander through the snow
following your traces
there's still much of you in me
in those cold gray places

Call me dear, call me dear
what am I but a loner without you
lonely gazing someone else's stars
remembering those days blue



1 + 1 = 10
Член од
22 јуни 2010
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Rokeri s Moravu - Turio Ljubisa

Ljubiša put it in!

Once upon a time, Ljubiša was mowing the lawn
And then he went to have some rest in the shade
While the stream was burbling and the birds were singing,
Darinka has shifted to wash her face

And she has just tilted to get some water,
When she saw an openmouthed look

Ljubiša put it in! He put his beer in the freezer
But he forgot to to take out the bottle!
Ljubiša put it in! He put his beer in the freezer
But he forgot to to take out the bottle!

Once upon a time, Ljubiša was mowing the lawn
And then he went to have some rest in the shade
While the stream was burbling and the birds were singing,
Darinka has shifted to wash her face

And she has just tilted to get some water
When she saw an openmouthed look

Ljubiša put it in! He put his beer in the freezer
But he forgot to to take out the bottle!
Ljubiša put it in! He put his beer in the freezer
But he forgot to to take out the bottle!

Ljubiša put it in! He put his beer in the freezer
But he forgot to to take out the bottle!
Ljubiša put it in! He put his beer in the freezer
But he forgot to to take out the bottle!
Ljubiša put it in! He put his beer in the freezer
But he forgot to to take out the bottle!

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

Ona je više kao prelepa kraljica
sa filmse scene
Rekao sam: "Ne mari,ali šta misliš,
da li sam ja jedini
koji će plesati na podu u krug?"
Ona je rekla da sam jedini
koji će plesati na podu u krug.

Rekla mi je da se zove Bili Džin.
Kada je izazvala scenu
svaka glava se okrenula očima koje sam sanjao
da postanem jedini
koji će igrati na podu u krug.

Ljudi su mi uvek govorili:
"Pazi šta radiš
i nemoj ići okolo i slamati srca devojaka"
i majka mi je uvek govorila:
"Pazi ko ti je ljubav
i pazi šta radiš
jer će laž postati istina"

Bili Džin nije moja devojka,
ona je samo osoba
koja tvrdi da sam ja jedini.
Ali dečak nije moj sin,
ona kaže da sam ja jedini
ali dečak nije moj sin.

Za četrdeset dana i četrdeset noći
zakon je na njenoj strani.
Ali ko može da stoji kad su u potražnji
njene šeme i njeni planovi,
jer smo plesali na podu u krug.
Zato iskoristite moj jak savet
i zapamtite da uvek razmislite dva puta
(razmislite dva puta, razmislite dva puta)

Rekla je: "Dušo, igrali smo do tri"
A zatim je pogledala u mene
i dala mi fotografiju, moja beba je plakala
njegove oči su kao moje
jer smo plesali na podu u krug, baby

Ljudi su mi uvek govorili:
"Pazi šta radiš
i nemoj ići okolo i slamati srca devojaka"
Došla je i stala pravo do mene
onda sam osetio miris slatkog parfema.
Ovo se dešava isuviše brzo.
Ona me je pozvala u njenu sobu.

Bili Džin nije moja devojka,
ona je samo osoba
koja tvrdi da sam ja jedini.
Ali dečak nije moj sin.

Bili Džin nije moja devojka,
ona je samo osoba
koja tvrdi da sam ja jedini.
Ali dečak nije moj sin.

Rekla je da sam jedini,
ali taj dečak nije moj sin.

Bili Džin nije moja devojka,
ona je samo osoba
koja tvrdi da sam ja jedini.
Ali dečak nije moj sin.

Rekla je da sam jedini,
ali taj dečak nije moj sin.

Rekla je da sam jedini,
ali taj dečak nije moj sin.

Rekla je da sam jedini.

Bili džin nije moja devojka (x5)
Bili Džin nije (x3)
Nije moja devojka (x4)
Bili Džin nije moja devojka (ona je samo osoba) (x4)
Bili Džin nije (x2)
Bili Džin nije moja devojka (x2)
Bili Džin nije (x2)
Bili Džin nije moja devojka (x2)
Bili Džin nije (x2)


Rafa Para Siempre
Член од
21 февруари 2010
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DaniBMW апсолутен победник си во темава. Од триста јазици ги преведе песниве, секоја чест. Ме изнасмеа. :D


Примерен форумџија
Член од
28 април 2011
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Како до сега не сум ја знаел оваа песна, па од ова поголема глупост нема. Тој со капата како да е дојден да го тепа пејачот само чека да заврши песната, а и момакот најлево има супер денс. Па кога ќе го додадеш и преводот ова е ремек дело. :pos::pos::pos:


maybe an alien
Член од
26 декември 2007
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Никогаш не сум бил уплашен од највисоките височини
ниту уплашен од летање, сега.
Никогаш не сум бил уплашен од најлудите тепачки;
ниту уплашен од умирање!
Но сега сакам да го откажам ова патување, затоа што ме плашиш
и не го сакам тоа каде одиме
Ми треба нов панаѓур, затоа што ме плашиш
и не го сакам тоа каде одиме
И сега ќе ти недостасувам
Знам ќе ти недостасувам
Ти гарантирам ќе ти недостасувам
затоа што го промени начинот на кој ме бакнуваш :tapp:

(ме мрзеше цело, доволно е )

Шерил Кол - Падобран (рефрен)

Не ми треба падобран
душо, ако те имам тебе
душо, ако те имам тебе
не ми треба падобран
ти ќе ме фатиш
ти ќе ме фатиш ако паднам
доле, доле, доле

Следнава ја имаше на македонски, ама да видиме на српски како би изгледала (турбофолк?:rolleyes:)
Adele - Neko kao ti
Cula sam da si se skrasio
da si nasao curu i da ste sada u braku
Cula sam da su ti se snove obistanile
Valjda ti je dala stvari koje nisam ja

Stari prijatelju, sta se to stidis?
Nije valjda da se skrivas iz svetlosti

Mrzim da se pojavim iz nigde niotkuda, nepozvana
Ali nisam mogla da budem podalje, nisam mogla da se borim
Nadala sam se da ces videti moje lice i bices potseten
To za mene, nije gotovo

Nema veze, nagi cu nekog poput tebe
Ja zelim samo najbolje za tebe
Ne zabovaraj me, molila sam, secam se sta si rekao
Nekad traje u ljubavi, ali nekad boli umesto
Nekad traje u ljubavi, ali nekad boli umesto

Znas kako vreme leti
Samo juce je bilo vreme nasih zivota
Mi smo rodjeni i odrasli u letnjoj magli
Vezani sa iznenadjenje nasih slavni dana


Член од
30 април 2008
Поени од реакции

Sister invites brother for a dinner

Sister invites brother for a dinner
Come on,come on brother,lets have a dinner

Have your dinner sister,dont wait for me
I was dear sister in restaurant

I ate,drank sister,and a got drunk
And I made sister big oppression

I slaughtered mothers only child
They are looking for my blood now

Come on,come on brother,lets have a dinner
For the blood revenge brother,its easy

Sister has brother,nine sons
Sister will get over one of them

All night mother is sitting and crumbling tears
To get over which one of them

Mother got over the youngest one

The youngest one to mother,the most beautiful one.



Телемит, Темплар, Масон, Сциентолог во целибат
Член од
30 април 2010
Поени од реакции

Which cousins are singing tonight,
which one are happy tonight,
spreading arms to hold you tight,
to keep the bride,
which cousins are singing tonight. (2x)

Spreading arms to hold you tight,
to keep the brideeeeeeee (psychedelic way of singing, similar like Syd Barret and Nico on LSD)

Which cousins are singing tonight,
which one are happy even to cry tonight,
this is not a dream, my eyes are not blind,
which cousins are singing tonight. (2x)

This is not a dream, my eyes are not blind (psychedelic way of singing, similar like Syd Barret and Nico on LSD)

Spreading arms to hold you tight,
This is not a dream, my eyes are not blind (unknown way of singing, similar like Otis Redding and Little Richard on Absint)

Which cousins are singing tonight,
which one are touching your hair,
crossing my hands to keep you,
please bear with me on this,
which cousins are singing tonight. (2x)

Crossing my hand to keep you,
please bear with me on this.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (psychedelic way of singing, similar like young Aleksandar Sarievski on psilocybin mushrooms)


High Value
Член од
5 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
на малешевски дијалект


Примерен форумџија
Член од
28 април 2011
Поени од реакции
Не кажувај либе добра ноќ (Don't say good night my darling)

Don't say good night my darling,
don't go home so early,
it's the best time in the night,
this night is beautiful for us. (x2)

Everybody sleeps and we are alone,
use me my darling,
caress me, kiss me endlessly,
it's wonderful night for love. (x2)

I know that you love someone else,
I know that you cheat someone else,
my heart is for you,
And I wouldn't give it to someone else. (x2)

There is no spring for me,
the flowers are not blossoming for me,
you are the first love for me,
and you would be the last. (x2)


Southern comfort, southern sun
Член од
27 декември 2005
Поени од реакции
Еве неколку стари македонски. Не си земав слобода во преводот.

Don't sale Cole the ranch

Don't sale Cole your ranch,
Mother doesn't give me Cole for you x2

After bars you go Cole,
scarlet wine you drink,
Home Cole you don't go to sleep x2

How much it costs Cole yoour ranch,
That much it costs Cole my pleasure x2

Chоrus x2

How much it costs Cole your sheep
That much it costs Cole my eyes x2

Chorus x2

How much it costs Cole your frontiers,
That much it costs Cole my eyebrows x2

Chorus x2

How much it costs Cole you kraal
That much it costs Cole my throat x2

Chorus x2

Helen daughter

Helen daughter, Helen,
You one on mother

What are you standing daughter
What are you thinking,
What book are you writhing x2

I'm writing mother, I;m writing
To the city of Edrene

Edrene mother, Edrene
to my beloved x2

To buy mother, to buy
For me chapel

Chapel mother, chapel
From 300 groshs x2

To send mother, to send
For day Elijahday

Elijahday mother, Elijahday
Macedonian holiday

Daphne, red wine

Daphne, red wine
Your boyfriend feel asleep
Your boyfriend feel asleep
On Blackstone mountain
On Blackstone mountain
On dry hill with no water

Robbers passed to me
his coat the stole
his coat they stole
in bar they sold it.

In bar they sold it
for a white angry brandy,
for a white angry brandy
and scarlet red whine.

If they stole his coat,
Let my boyfriend be alive x2
Член од
3 јуни 2013
Поени од реакции
Еве неколку стари македонски. Не си земав слобода во преводот.

Don't sale Cole the ranch

Don't sale Cole your ranch,
Mother doesn't give me Cole for you x2

After bars you go Cole,
scarlet wine you drink,
Home Cole you don't go to sleep x2

How much it costs Cole yoour ranch,
That much it costs Cole my pleasure x2

Chоrus x2

How much it costs Cole your sheep
That much it costs Cole my eyes x2

Chorus x2

How much it costs Cole your frontiers,
That much it costs Cole my eyebrows x2

Chorus x2

How much it costs Cole you kraal
That much it costs Cole my throat x2

Chorus x2
Оваа звучи како кантри нешто. Најприкладно е да ја пее некој оптегнат под дебела ладовина, шеширот на глава, говедата и кољите пасат на ливадата, гитарчето в рака, сламката в уста и Донт ју сејл ди ранч.

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