Ова е официјална одлука ? Затоа што викаа дека денес одлука треба да донесат а на нет не можам нигде да најдам официјално соопштение.
Ама изгледа ќе се доигра, не се многу натпревари, плус до тогаш би требало во повеќе земји да е средена ситуацијава.
Е сега како ќе се одрази оваа долга пауза врз екипите ...
On competition matters:
- All national team matches for men and women due to be played in June 2020 are postponed until further notice. This includes the play-off matches for UEFA EURO 2020 and qualifying matches for UEFA Women's EURO 2021
- All other UEFA competition matches, including the centralised international friendly matches, remain postponed until further notice.
- The deadlines related to all 2020/21 UEFA club competitions are postponed until further notice, in particular as regards the admission process and the registration of players. UEFA will set new deadlines in due course.
On club licensing and financial fair play matters:
The Executive Committee reiterated its full commitment to club licensing and Financial Fair Play and agreed that the current exceptional circumstances necessitate some specific interventions to facilitate the work of member associations and clubs.
It supports the proposal to give member associations more time to complete the club licensing process, until the admission process for next season's UEFA club competitions has been redefined.
As a result of the increasing uncertainty generated by the ongoing extraordinary events, the Executive Committee also decided to suspend the club licensing provisions that relate to the preparation and assessment of clubs' future financial information. This decision applies exclusively for participation in the 2020/21 UEFA club competitions.
Одложено е се на неопределено време и ќе има олеснување за ФФП. Ништо за кога и дали ќе се доигрува.