Текст преземен од ФБ поврзан со познатата изјава на Конте кога рече дека неможе да јадеш во ресторан од 100еу со 10 еу у џебот.. доста интересно, посебно методите на Интер и Милан .
Non possiamo mangiare qui ( Не можеме да јадеме тука )
“You can’t eat in a €100 restaurant if you only have €10” said Antonio Conte, his metaphor inferring that Juventus could not afford to keep pace with the big-spending clubs in Europe. Yet, thanks to Max Allegri, La Madama IS eating at the top table with the continent’s finest thanks to some smart coaching and intelligent tactics.
Conte’s quote also lead to the picture in this post as Aaron, John and Adam made fun of it outside the Turin bar owned by the former coach’s brother. A few beers later, the three of us got to thinking about how Allegri has done what he has, and one “Appy Our” later we discussed how other clubs had done the same.
It was at this point Alessio Secco walked past (no, seriously, he did. It prompted three “WTF??” reactions followed by a few laughs about Christian Poulsen’s mum (another tangent but one best left to Lars). Below are the methods we came up with for how various clubs get around
the €100 bill at this restaurant.
The Real Madrid Method
Go in with €10, the Spanish government is picking up the tab
The Chelsea Method
Buy the restaurant, sponsor yourself €300 to eat a €100 meal
The PSG Method
Same as above only with more Zlatan. Eww.
The Manchester City Method
Copy what the above two clubs do but wait five years & get fined for it.
The Atletico Madrid Method
Buy a €10 meal, sell it for €100, buy another €10 meal, sell it for €100, buy another €10 meal...
The Arsenal Method
Eat a €100 meal, spend ten years telling everyone else their eating habits are disgusting & never go back to the restaurant.
The Sassuolo Method
Buy Juve’s entree’s for €10, sell them back for €100
The Roma Method
Spend four years working, realise you are still €10 short, press your face against the window & watch Juve eat a delicious meal as you cry yourself to sleep with violins playing in the background.
The Udinese Method
Buy an exotic fruit from a stall across the stree for €10, sell it for €100, buy ten more exotic fruits
The Inter Method
Wait until Juve order, call the police saying you saw the Old Lady threaten the waiter with a gun & have her falsely arrested. Eat her meal & tell everyone it’s yours
The Parma Method
Buy a €100 meal, pay on credit & hope nobody asks when the balance will be cleared
The Milan Method
Stand outside telling passersby that although you can’t afford one today, you’ve eaten more meals at this restaurant then anyone in the world.