Не реков дека не се случувало порано, ниту дека го измисли мурињо, меѓутоа во последниве 5 години јас не памтам вакво нешто.
Колку и да делува лош сепак е маестрален потег...
--- надополнето ---
И малце офтопик не се однесува на Арсенал али сепак респект за Тевез за ова.
"I don't want to play any more," he said to the
TyC Sports.
"I'm tired of football, but also tired of people who work in football. I don't want to play any more, and I'm talking seriously.
"Football is only about money, and I don't like it. There are so many agents with really young footballers... it's awful, as these young players are not interesting in winning titles, they only want money.
"The young players think that they have won something in football because they have two mobile phones and a house. Today, there are many bad people in the football business, and you have to fight with them all the time. I'm tired of that too."
"Today, the young players have no education at all, and I don't want to listen to them. When I played in Boca, when [Martin] Palermo or [Juan Roman] Riquelme talked, I listened to them. So I don't want a young player to tell me 'why did you do that?' in the dressing-room. I would punch him, as I have won 13 titles in my career.
Кој ќе погоди кон кого е наменето ова за неслушањево на младите?