Абе и откако ќе се пензионираат работат за агендата на Јувентус, на платен список се до смрт... Демек еве видете сите тимови ги следи контроверзија...Former referee Luca Marelli explained why Milan forward Rafael Leao’s record-breaking goal wasn't disallowed. ‘VAR can't intervene at kick-off’.
Milan scored the opener in the 2-1 win over Sassuolo after 6.76 seconds against, the fastest goal in the history of Serie A and Europe’s leading leagues.
Marelli insists the goal should have been disallowed and explained why VAR didn’t intervene.
“Let’s nip a possible controversy in the bud,” he said. “On Milan’s first goal, Leao has a foot in the other half of the pitch.
“In theory, the goal should have been disallowed, but VAR doesn’t have jurisdiction over kick-off.”
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Napoli have won their appeal against the defeat to Juventus, so the game will have to be replayed and the point penalty is revoked.
Како бе вакви одлуки у наша лига???Official: Juventus-Napoli will be replayed
Napoli have won their appeal against the defeat to Juventus, so the game will have to be replayed and the point penalty is revoked.
Економска криза, 2020, корона, тоа е, не сте ги платиле доволно оваа сезонаКако бе вакви одлуки у наша лига???
Па лигата ви ја дае службено де. Сеа повисока инстанца ја укинува таа одлукаКако бе вакви одлуки у наша лига???
Тргнат.А тој - 1 бод на Наполи?