Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: whats up
You: noothing

Stranger: asl?
You: whats that?
Stranger: age sex location
You: i just fooling you lol
You: 28 f usa
Stranger: cool
Stranger: 29 m usa
You: lol
You: ure lieng
Stranger: no really i'm not
You: its not big deal really
You: im lieng too

Stranger: lol
Stranger: why?
You: i dont know why
You: its funny i guess
Stranger: i know right
You: soo do you think if u chatting with female u will get laid her?
Stranger: uhh no
Stranger: i have a girl
Stranger: i just like to chat
You: thats fine
You: im not from usa
Stranger: some people on here think they will though
You: i lie to you again

Stranger: lol
Stranger: its fine
You: and the third is lie too
You: im 18

Stranger: then why pretend your so much older
You: its cool

Stranger: lol
Stranger: i like you your fun
You: to know that you chatting with older
You: but i`am not gay, i dont like you

Stranger: but i've pretended to be a female once
Stranger: the guys are pretty dirty in here
Stranger: i think all they want is sex
You: yeah
Stranger: any way they can get it
You: we are so horny
You: where exactly are you from?
Stranger: oklahoma
Stranger: u?
You: sssr

Stranger: lol
Stranger: haii
You: hi
You: are you nazi?
Stranger: ...i'm jewish
You: lol
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: fuck you bitch.
You: aint no bitch
You: shitty
Stranger: not just any bitch, my bitch.
You: ure my botom bitch silly

Stranger: your my pussy bitch retard.
You: dumbass
Stranger: ill fuck you in the ass with a fucking stick.
You: stick?
You: strip on is better
Stranger: strip on?
Stranger: strap on.
You: yeah right
Stranger: ill fuck you with a ball of your parents pubic hair.
You: soo uncreatve moronic douche are you
Stranger: im fucking jewish
Stranger: nigger fucker.
You: jew - nigger ?
Stranger: yes.
Stranger: you caught me.
You: u`ve got some serious problems
Stranger: no you do.
Stranger: i see you.
Stranger: everyday
Stranger: on your way home.
You: am i sweet?
Stranger: i pull out my 12 inch and stroke it.
You: are u mastrubating on me?
Stranger: yeah and i cum on your shoes.
You: ohhh you making me wet
Stranger: mmm girl, to bad im gay.
You: im so sorry
You: may i join sometime on your gay party?
Stranger: i recieved aids at age 13.
You: in africa?
Stranger: no
Stranger: im your moms room.
You: slow dead, i like it

Stranger: i like you.
Stranger: if you were a male.
Stranger: we could
Stranger: fuck all over your kitchen
Stranger: and make a few porns.
You: lucky i am not
You: and dont know u
Stranger: oh baby you know me well.
You: i dont know any jew with aids

Stranger: yeah
Stranger: you know me baby.
You: maybe your mum is know me
You: i strap on her every day
Stranger: my moms a bus driver for niggers like you.
You: no nigger here
Stranger: nigger right thurr.
You: are you nazi?
Stranger: nope.
Stranger: im jewish.
You: i am a hitler huge fan
Stranger: wanna get married then?
You: sure
Stranger: okay.
Stranger: you were the dick in the relation ship.
You: thats propably works for me
Stranger: okay be a tough guy and spank me.
You: for god sake, u are dieng!!!
You: i dont wanna get aids too

Stranger: i only said to spank me.
You: so pervert
Stranger: i love you
You: i will love you to if u give me some pic of u

Stranger: what sex are you?
You: lol
You: dont u understand this hole time
Stranger: no, are you a girl?
You: nah
Stranger: well i am.
You: ether or boy
You: herma RULZZZZ
Stranger: wtf.. llmfao.
You: anytime

Stranger: lol.
Stranger: im bored.
You: im bored too in the beggining
Stranger: lol.
Stranger: so are you really a guy?
You: a guy?
Stranger: boy.
Stranger: man.
You: im not a guy since 10 years
Stranger: oh i see you.
Stranger: i recently had a bowl put down there.
You: now my testicals is replaced by vagina
Stranger: sexy.
Stranger: your make my nips hard.
You: but u are gay

You: i dont have a penis anymore
Stranger: im far from gay baby, since i laid eyes on you.
You: if u replaced your aids with cancer i will make love with you

You: since then, fuck off

Stranger: okay ill replace it right now.,
You: waiting...
Stranger: replaced.
You: lol
You: is it better now?
Stranger: all better.

You: i told ya
Stranger: lmfao.
Stranger: your funny.
You: nice to hear
Stranger: indeed it is.
You: are u living in europe?
Stranger: nope i living in the usa
You: there are some rumors here that people in usa are so damn stupid

Stranger: lmfao, well most people over here dont give a fuck about shcooling.
Stranger: schooling*
You: make sence
You: sense*
Stranger: yeah, but i on the other hand, care to much about schooling unlike these other dick fucks.
You: that is not changing the fact that you are still gay
You: u will working in some gay bar
Stranger: im not gay.
Stranger: im striaght.
You: u said that ure gay
Stranger: i was kidding.
Stranger: silly, :p
You: why u lieng to me?
You: u are bad christian
Stranger: because i can.

Stranger: im not christian?
You: catholic, same shit
Stranger: lmfao.
Stranger: im not catholic either.
You: wtf are you?
Stranger: i dont know.
Stranger: i wasnt really raised anything.
You: so ure atheist?
Stranger: no.
Stranger: i believe in god.
Stranger: but like i really dont practice a religion.
You: u dont have a religion and still beliving in god? 0_O
You: so bad personality
Your conversational partner has disconnected.