Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!



Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey =]
Stranger: hi there ^_^
You: how are you
Stranger: i'm great ta, it's a little chilly up here
Stranger: yourself?
You: goody im good =]
You: whats your name?
Stranger: I'm Captain J.T. Kirken
You: owww really?
Stranger: most certainly! it's nice to meet you from so far away.
You: ow im Captain Jack Swallow =]
You: its nice to meet you too Captain
Stranger: Mr Swallow, it is my pleasure. from where are you hailing me?
You: from Caribbean
You: u?
Stranger: From Apollo
You: =]
You: so how old are you Mr Kirken
Stranger: in your years, I'm approximately 60
Stranger: relativity is a bitch!
You: ow fair enough
Stranger: relative to me though, I'm about 30
Stranger: time, space, velocity and whatnot
You: good for you...yeah yeah
Stranger: i'm amazed i got a signal actually, i've been stuck here a little while
Stranger: must be the iron content in the rocks
You: lol god help you

што нема по светов.


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I'm a guy in tighty whities :)
You: that's gay
Stranger: fuck you
You: seriously man
You: that's really gay
Stranger: im not gay though
Stranger: i like women
You: why would you be in tighty whities FFS?
You: get boxers or something
You: whities... ewwww
You: so gay
Stranger: because they feel comfortable and keep my cock in place?
You: yes, because you are gay
Stranger: even though i like girls
Stranger: just because I wear tighty whities doesn't mean im gay, retard
You: how can you like girls if you behave like such a big gay?
You: you act like being the queen of the gays
Stranger: that would be like you wearing granny panties (if your a chick) and being a loser.
You: in that case, you are gay loser
You: that sucks man
You: do you have a bridge close to you?
Stranger: fuck you cunt
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Life sucks.

For some.


аут оф мај мајнд...
Член од
11 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: i need advice

You: yes..

Stranger: im pregnant

You: how old are you?

Stranger: 13

You: whaaaaaat??

You: at 13 we didnt know what is kids get pregnant lol

Stranger: look i was raped

многу напредни децава...


A man who never was a boy.
Член од
13 јули 2009
Поени од реакции
Omg ниеден нормален не ми се погодува голем баксуз сум!!!


You: hi
Stranger: hola!
You: hola to u 2
You: where are u from
You: ???
Stranger: Mexico!
You: Hehhe
You: how old r u>>>
You: ???
Stranger: I learn english to come to america
Stranger: I 18
You: but I am not from America
You: I am 21
Stranger: Where are you?
You: and am from Macedonia
You: from the Balkans
You: ever heard of
You: ???
Stranger: No.
Stranger: School no good here.
You: oooooh
You: that's too bad
Stranger: Very sad!
You: so y do u want to go 2 USA
You: ???
Stranger: for better learning!
You: that's great
You: You have a very nice grass in Mexico
You: you know
You: ???
Stranger: You talk abouts marijuana?
Stranger: you want hook up?
You: yes
Stranger: it pays for school
You: but am too far
Stranger: I have friend in norway
Stranger: is that close?
You: no
You: not near
You: it is in the north
You: and I am in the south
You: sorry



Член од
30 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Хаха, мене вчера една Американка ми праќаше нејзини слики. :):):)


Stranger: hi
You: bored as hell, right?
Stranger: yes
You: good, me too
You: coordinates?
Stranger: asl?
You: aw damn it, I asked about coordinates first :(
You: 20 m 42/21 or something
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



аут оф мај мајнд...
Член од
11 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
и јас американка најдов...и си збориме така едно 2 саати па фејсбук ми даде..гледам на првата слика добра беше...листам натаму гледам забите нешто не и беа во ред и малце пуничка беше..а на првата слика ко манекенка изгледаше...
иначе вчера и швеѓанка си најдов...па и мсн ми даде...не беше лоша..XD


You: hey

Stranger: hi

You: how are you?
Stranger: fine, you?
You: fine.
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: Macedonia, you?
Stranger: Jaoo, pa mi smo komsije:) Iz Srbije ...
You: Pa so ne kazas da go ebam, se sokapame angliski govorejki.


Иначе и мсн ми даде, женско е 20 годишна.


Ај некој нека го даде оној текст за да се препознае соговорникот од неколку точки
а) машко, сака да разговара
б) машко, сака да разговара со машко
ц) машко, сака да разговара со женско

Член од
4 април 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hey

Stranger: hey

You: how do u do

Stranger: how do udo

Stranger: btw

Stranger: 20 girl china

You: 22 man USA

Stranger: so can we talking be normal

You: but i'm not black

You: yes

You: ofcourse

Stranger: it's ok

Stranger: cool

You: so ask something

You: what u wanna talk?

Stranger: anything but have sex online

You: do u have dildo?

Stranger: dildo

You: yes

Stranger: no

Stranger: why

Stranger: i'm not lesbian

Stranger: and i can have sex with man why i need it

хахахаха добра беше,само малку ја изнервирав :pos2::pos2::pos2:


Член од
30 декември 2007
Поени од реакции
Турциве се најачи.

Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: from
You: Macedonia
You: You ?
Stranger: turkey
Stranger: f/m?
You: m
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

zee German

Член од
12 август 2009
Поени од реакции
Шо е ова све кинези и пољаци...и по некоја кинескиња ...

Kajgana Shop

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