Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!


Поштен лопов
Член од
29 март 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hi

Stranger: Hee

You: how are u

Stranger: Im good, you?

You: im fine

Stranger: You?

You: fine

You: you?

ми тргна вечерва :vozbud: :toe:


Член од
9 јануари 2010
Поени од реакции
Stranger: 19 M from Paris here.

You: hi

You: 18 f pit

You: how are you?

Stranger: Very fine babe, and ya ?

You: im great

You: whats your name?

Stranger: Florian, pleased to meet ya.

You: maslo floriol?

You: mine is Bezimenka

PS:pit znacit pickine trapista :vozbud:


Поштен лопов
Член од
29 март 2009
Поени од реакции
одев по примерот од baze_sk и :

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: how are u

Stranger: hows it goin?

Stranger: ^^

Stranger: Good

Stranger: You?

You: im fine

You: :)

Stranger: Coolio

Stranger: ASL?

You: my asl?

Stranger: yes

You: why you need that? :-|

Stranger: It just helps the flow of conversation if you know a little about the person you're talking too...

Stranger: ...otherwise it ends up like all the other bullshit you get on here, which does your head in after a while

You: aaaa ooooo uuuu i know now


аут оф мај мајнд...
Член од
11 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: I like eggs.

Stranger: Not as much as pie

Stranger: but I like eggs

Stranger: Eggs are good

Stranger: Do you like eggs?

You: yes

You: but i like potatoes more than eggs

You: potatoes are good

You: not as good as tomatoes

You: do you like potatoes?

Stranger: Potatoes are great.

Stranger: But I like human toes more than potatoes.

Stranger: Toes are good.

You: yeah they taste just like chicken

Stranger: Not as good as a beating heart, but its still meat, ain't it?

You: beating heart???

You: man beating heart sucks

You: it beats when you eat it

You: and you cant eat it

You: thats why i like potatoes

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hello

Stranger: asl?

You: 25/f/turkey

You: u?

Stranger: 24/m/usa

You: whats your name?

Stranger: steve, yours?

You: seherezad

You: are you married?

Stranger: nope

Stranger: u?

You: yes..

You: im married to onur

You: and i have child

You: kaan

You: kaan is ahmed's son

You: ahmed died

Stranger: I'm sorry

You: i dont know how i havent watched from the beggining

You: ah its ok

You: i love onur now

Stranger: cool d(^_^)b

You: today ние се смиривме

You: i dont know how to say that on english

You: u know onur paid me about 150.000 $ to sleep with me once..

Stranger: wow

You: i think it was 150.000

Stranger: must have one bangin bod eh?

You: what means that?

You: sorry i only speak turkish and macedonian

Stranger: means you must be hot, or sexy

You: yes...

You: kerem like's me too

You: he told me...

Stranger: and do you like him?

You: friend benu likes him

Stranger: ah

You: loves*

You: and i love onur

You: and gospodin burhan wants me to call him dad

Stranger: complicated o.o

You: yes...

You: he calls me daughter

You: and im not his daughter

You: and nadidan calls me daughter too

You: they dont have daughters day have 2 sons

You: one died

You: one is in a shvalerationship

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

од прва му здосади серијава..:S


Член од
20 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: asl?
You: 25/f/turkey
You: u?
Stranger: 24/m/usa
You: whats your name?
Stranger: steve, yours?
You: seherezad
You: are you married?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: u?
You: yes..
You: im married to onur
You: and i have child
You: kaan
You: kaan is ahmed's son
You: ahmed died
Stranger: I'm sorry
You: i dont know how i havent watched from the beggining
You: ah its ok
You: i love onur now
Stranger: cool d(^_^)b
You: today ние се смиривме
You: i dont know how to say that on english
You: u know onur paid me about 150.000 $ to sleep with me once..
Stranger: wow
You: i think it was 150.000
Stranger: must have one bangin bod eh?
You: what means that?
You: sorry i only speak turkish and macedonian
Stranger: means you must be hot, or sexy
You: yes...
You: kerem like's me too
You: he told me...
Stranger: and do you like him?
You: friend benu likes him
Stranger: ah
You: loves*
You: and i love onur
You: and gospodin burhan wants me to call him dad
Stranger: complicated o.o
You: yes...
You: he calls me daughter
You: and im not his daughter
You: and nadidan calls me daughter too
You: they dont have daughters day have 2 sons
You: one died
You: one is in a shvalerationship
Друже, настрана обидот за хумор и креативноста, патетично е колку знаеш за шехерезад. :icon_conf


аут оф мај мајнд...
Член од
11 јуни 2009
Поени од реакции
Друже, настрана обидот за хумор и креативноста, патетично е колку знаеш за шехерезад. :icon_conf
па кога не можеш да дојдеш на ред до далечинското нормално дека ке знаеш основни работи :P


Паско Кузман
Член од
17 декември 2007
Поени од реакции
па кога не можеш да дојдеш на ред до далечинското нормално дека ке знаеш основни работи :P
брат ова не се основни работи ти ја знаеш цела историја на семејството :pos2:


Поштен лопов
Член од
29 март 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: you have pussy or cock?

Stranger: women

You: nice

Stranger: l don't speak english well..

You: where are u from

You: ok

Stranger: korea

You: good

Stranger: and u?

You: paris

Stranger: oh!

You: age?

Stranger: 17~

You: im 18

Stranger: nice to meet you!

You: nice to meet you too

You: :)

Stranger: haha

You: cek da stavam drva vo sporetov zagasna

bRutal savaGe

Член од
10 јули 2009
Поени од реакции
одев по примерот од baze_sk и :

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: how are u

Stranger: hows it goin?

Stranger: ^^

Stranger: Good

Stranger: You?

You: im fine

You: :)

Stranger: Coolio

Stranger: ASL?

You: my asl?

Stranger: yes

You: why you need that? :-|

Stranger: It just helps the flow of conversation if you know a little about the person you're talking too...

Stranger: ...otherwise it ends up like all the other bullshit you get on here, which does your head in after a while

You: aaaa ooooo uuuu i know now
друже, не си го следел мојот пример у целост...

Stranger: HI
You: hI
Stranger: How are u
You: how am i?
You: fucked up
Stranger: How cum...
You: i cant find some normal girl who wanna striptis web cam
Stranger: Hmm, thats pretty sad.
Stranger: ;o
Stranger: What to do now?
You: if u are f then we go web cam, if ure not then call your mum to serf for me
You: its that ok!?
Stranger: Lol. ;o
Stranger: you're a little desperate, are you...? :P
You: why desperate?
Stranger: Seems so...
You: i have a fucking orgasam on a sleep
Stranger: o rly..
You: yeah
Stranger: :P
You: so i cant go over
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: thats difficult
прво почнуваш накурчено...

You: do you have a sisster?
Stranger: No
You: fuck
Stranger: xD
You: girlfriend?
Stranger: Can i tell you a little secret?
Stranger: :P
You: ok
Stranger: I am a girl.
You: lol
Stranger: Haha
You: bad type of lieing
You: are u sure?
Stranger: Ye i am
You: u have a soft vagina behind your swetty legs
You: :D
You: whats wrong hunny?
Stranger: Nothing
Stranger: i have no swetty legs
Stranger: :P
You: fatty legs?
Stranger: No
Stranger: :O!
You: then?
You: what kind of legs do you have if is not a fatties
You: lol
Stranger: xD
Stranger: Just normal?
Stranger: :P
You: works for me
потоа работите полека си доаѓаат на свое место...

You: u have a msn
You: ?
Stranger: Ye
You: thats great
Stranger: U too? :P
You: sure
Stranger: tell me.
и ете, гледаш на крај, хепи енд :pipi:

најдов уште една... од БРАЗИЛ !?!?!? :nesvest:


Stranger: hmm
Stranger: sry for that
Stranger: anyways
Stranger: what do u do
You: no its not problem :D
Stranger: ?
You: uhh right now im smoking :D
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: u smoke also
Stranger: i hate smokers
You: u smoke but u hate them?
You: weird :D
Stranger: how do u know that i smoke
You: heh
Stranger: are u fortune teller
You: something like that


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey m/f how old where from?
You: i'm a dog
You: sry
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Расист. :jaj:

bRutal savaGe

Член од
10 јули 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: are u male?
Stranger: yh
Stranger: are u a female
You: in other life maybe :)
Stranger: wa
Stranger: are u a female
You: u are dumb
You: dont u get it
Stranger: are u a girl or a boy
You: go to the nearest hospital pls


Поштен лопов
Член од
29 март 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hi picko

You: how are u

Stranger: Hey

Stranger: Good... Asl?

You: 19 f from Sv Nikole

You: u?

Stranger: 18 m from San fran

You: ok picko

You: what is your name

Stranger: Ryan

Stranger: What do you look like? Nicole is my favorite girl name

You: oh cool

You: but my name is Petko

You: :0

You: Sv Nikole.... i live there

Stranger: Oh ok

You: :)

Stranger: What nationality r u?

You: christian

You: and u

You: ?

Stranger: Buddhist

You: ok


Чиста Македонија !
Член од
7 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
не ми се веруе,на Гејче од соседството налетав уше од прва
(појма неам англиски али ај)

Stranger: 19 m greece wanna cam 2 cam with a female just to talk;)

You: greece ?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: are u f

Stranger: with cam

You: u just wanna to talk on camera with f

You: definetly a gay,as all your nation

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

мамицу му :vozbud:

Stranger: BALLS!!!!

You: big ?

Stranger: yep

You: eat them

You: xD

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

bRutal savaGe

Член од
10 јули 2009
Поени од реакции
Stranger: O_______________O
You: o_O
Stranger: x___x
You: -.-
Stranger: <.<
You: .!.
Stranger: : /
You: :)
Stranger: ;D
You: =(
Stranger: =?
You: oo or .!.?
You: <>
You: or .!.?
Stranger: =^.^=
You: (o - o)
Stranger: O.O
You: \|/
You: ?
Stranger: 3:-[
You: >>>|<<<
You: \|/ OR .!. ?????
You: 1st or 2nd?
You: ....
Stranger: harharharhar
You: +)
You: (+)(+) ????
Stranger: im a little slow tonight
You: what?
You: do u get it ?
Stranger: yeah i get it
Stranger: now

аууу ова е врвна дискусија!


говно интерашко
Член од
24 јуни 2008
Поени од реакции
Stranger: asl?
You: 31 f KUROF
Stranger: where / what is that?
You: in the PICKA islands
Stranger: and where are they?
Stranger: i've never met someone on there thirties on here before
Stranger: sort of sexy
Stranger: are you sure you never try dick?
You: FAIL!

Kajgana Shop

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