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The Sixth Chakra
Sixth Chakra
[ level 6.2 ] The sixth chakra is associated both with light and with psychic abilities. This chakra provides a source of inner knowing, as well as an objective reflection of how things are. By being focused on a commitment to the truth and flexibility of thought, people with clear sixth chakras usually have a sense of life's realities that surpasses usual conscious barriers. For this reason, the sixth chakra is connected with higher levels of wisdom and a level disposition. It is located between the eyebrows. Here it is depicted in the body:
When this chakra is closed or blocked, you may have trouble seeing the big picture of events that are unfolding in your life. The truth of matters can be dwarfed in details, and you may become easily confused. At times like these, you can sometimes overlook the subtler forces in any situation because you're so busy giving attention to literal details. You may also find that you have a tendency to judge people and events pretty harshly.
Your sixth chakra is a level 6.2 out of 10. This means that at this point in time, you usually see the forest for the trees. However, you're still likely to have times when stress disrupts your energy and impedes your usually realistic perspective. You could gain more clarity during difficult times by taking some time to work on this chakra.
Here are some common themes associated with problems in the sixth chakra:
* Trouble putting things into perspective
* Lack of strategic thinking; inability to see the forest for the trees
* Inability to pick up on intuitive or psychic information
* Being highly focused on concrete, linear thinking
* Confusion and clouded thinking
* Fear of self-examination and the unknown
* Emotional denial
* Insecurity over others' skills
* Being slow to learn from life experiences
It's also interesting to note that when someone's sixth chakra is too open, they can become so geared toward generalities and the big picture that they become unable to focus on a project's details to complete it. Also, a very open sixth chakra can lead to receiving too much psychic information so that one is overwhelmed by it.
In its ideal state, the sixth chakra brings you insight and helps you see both the big picture of a situation and its important details. By providing perspective, this chakra helps balance and prioritize the issues of your daily life. It can also provide access to psychic information. On the other hand, blocked energy in the sixth chakra is associated with problems in the:
* Face
* Eyes
* Central nervous system
* Brain
* Head
* Sinuses
* Pineal
* Pituitary
It is also associated with:
* Headaches
* Cancer, especially brain tumors
* Visual problems
* Blindness
* Deafness
* Neurological disorders
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:
* Extreme confusion
* Inability to focus
* Either lack of intelligence or access to it
* Being hooked on fantasy
* Paranoia
* Poor visual memory
* Psychoses
* Schizophrenia
The Seventh Chakra
Seventh Chakra
[ level 6.2 ] The seventh chakra is associated with thought. It signifies our relationship to all things and the unity of everything. This chakra also symbolizes self-knowledge and spiritual consciousness. It is located at the crown of the head, but it is connected with the entire muscular system, the skeletal system, the skin, and nervous system. Here it is depicted in the body:
The seventh chakra is associated with a more profound spiritual connectedness than the other six chakras are. This chakra is the seat of higher wisdom and the energy that comes from it. The seventh chakra is thought to give access to the infinite intelligence that exists in the universe and is our key to opening the door to it. This chakra allows for self-expression on higher spiritual levels and is associated with the pineal gland, the gland that produces visions in dreams. When asking the question, "Who am I, really?" you are tapping into the energy of your seventh chakra.
When this chakra is closed or blocked, you can feel cut off from spirituality. At such times, your relationship with the divine becomes limited, and fears of the spiritual side of life can be magnified. Disruptions in your seventh chakra can also amount to the inability to gain closure on unfinished business. Such problems have the potential to end up as a real thorn in your side. Most of all, lack of flow in your seventh chakra leads to an inability to live in the present. People with blocked seventh chakra energy seem to always be either revisiting their past or looking ahead to the future.
Your seventh chakra is a level 6.2 out of 10. This means that by and large, you are able to live in the present, but you also have your share of spiritual questioning and self-doubt. By looking inside yourself and the issues below, you can seek out a better balance in your seventh chakra and your faith overall.
Some common themes associated with problems in the seventh chakra are:
* Always focusing on the past or the future
* Being continually unhappy with the present state of your life
* Believing that life has no meaning
* Feeling cut off from all things spiritual
* Clinging to unfinished business from the past
* Fearing true self-knowledge
In its ideal state, the seventh chakra brings a joy and a deep faith that everything happens for a reason. A person with pure, positive energy in their seventh chakra will feel harmony with everything and will be able to tap into the greater wisdom of the universe. Blocked energy in the seventh chakra has been associated with problems such as:
* Brain tumors
* Cancer
* Epilepsy
* Migraines
* Parkinson's disease
* Pituitary problems
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:
* Multiple personalities
* Nightmares
* Memory problems
Your chakras reading
Your seven chakras
The seven bodies
Balancing your chakras
History behind the test
The seven bodies
As you've learned, chakras are sources of energy in your body, each corresponding to a different physical region. However, the physical body is not all you're made of. In fact, many believe that there are seven layers of energy that make up your presence here on earth. Those layers are:
* Physical body — This is the only body that can be viewed without clairvoyant abilities. It can be seen and felt. This is the densest of the seven bodies and is the one through which you most actively interact with the world.
* Emotional body — This is the entity you use to both express and feel emotions, including the feeling of divine love.
* Mental body — This body corresponds to the source of your thinking and reasoning. Abstract thinking, creativity, logical reasoning, and philosophy are housed here.
* Intuitional/compassionate body — This is the source of compassion and is a vehicle for expressing higher forms of love. This body is beyond the restrictions of time and space. It allows you to understand things without having to reason through them first.
* Will/Spirit body — This body is the vehicle for your spirit to express itself. This is essentially your spiritual will. It carries both the potentials for great positivity and great negativity. It influences how you make decisions.
* Soul body — This is a more abstract body, not subject to the normal restrictions of humanness; it can provide guidance for the person from a soul level.
* Divine body — This is the highest of the seven bodies. It is where your connection to the divine lies. The divine body provides us with the means to feel the presence of a higher power in ourselves and to feel oneness with all things.
Each of your seven chakras affects and is affected by these bodies. Interactions can be complex because each of the chakras has a specific location on each of the seven bodies. The book Kundalini and the Chakras discusses each of the chakras on the different bodies and gives information about how each chakra-body combination affects you. More information about these combinations can also be found in The Book of Chakras: Discover the Hidden Forces within You.
Your chakras reading
Your seven chakras
The seven bodies
Balancing your chakras
History behind the test
Balancing your chakras
When your chakras are balanced, they are neither too open nor blocked. With practice, you can learn to willingly open or close your chakras, depending on events and how you want to feel. This section gives suggestions on how to:
* Change your chakra state to make it relatively more closed or open
* Clear chakra blockages
* Pursue activities that will help your chakras
Note that some people believe working with the chakras can be dangerous and should only be done carefully once you become well informed about the powers of Kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is a powerful energy that is coiled at the base of the spine when dormant. However, when roused — by doing these exercises, for example — you may have an excess of energy to manage. With that caution in mind, consider taking small steps toward changing your chakras. Keep an eye on how you physically and mentally respond to the process.
To be most cautious, start at the top of your head and move downward when you're doing exercises or focusing on chakras. This is a good idea because your Kundalini energy is located around the root chakra. By focusing on your root or first chakra last, you'll have cleared the upper chakras and will be more able to handle the Kundalini energy released from your first chakra.
Changing chakra states
As has been mentioned throughout this report, when your chakras are too open or too blocked, problems can occur. For example, if your fourth chakra is very open and you're going into a classroom to take an exam, you might find yourself distracted from the task at hand. Instead, in a testing situation, you might consciously want to focus on opening your sixth chakra. This can help you increase the clarity of your mind. To follow are five steps to help you change the state of any of your seven chakras:
Step 1: Locate the area of the chakra you want to work with. Sense the chakra's energy as it is right now.
Step 2: Place your hand in that area of your body. Pay close attention to the physical sensations in that area.
Step 3: Visualize the energy around your chakra. What color is it? How large an area does it cover? Is it radiating out, pulling energy in, or feeling disjointed or free-flowing?
Step 4: Now visualize how you want it to be. When chakras are functioning optimally they will have circular energy, like a "wheel of light," which is the Sanskrit meaning for the word chakra. You may want to start simply by visualizing the area of the chakra energy as bigger or smaller than it is.
Step 5: Next, try visualizing your chakra in other ways. See it bigger or smaller, flowing in or flowing out. Practice with how these things feel. Then you can use your reactions as a guide to determine the best state for your chakra given the feelings you're trying to achieve.