Juventus renews with Jeep until 2024: 45 million fixed per season from 2021-22 for jersey sponsorship (42 this year, based on the previous contractual adjustment). via @gazzettadellosport
Автоматски споено мислење:
Juventus are said to be in advanced negotiations with Italy Under-21 international midfielder Nicolò Rovella, whose contract with Genoa is running down.
Juventus kit is now worth more than 108M€. 51M+ Adidas, 45M+ Jeep and circa 12M Cygames.
Jeep’s increased renewal is not only due to Ronaldo: in general, the image of Juve is increasingly modern and global and McKennie's signature is not a small detail. @tuttosport #juventus
It was a rough 2020 for many families and it was no different for Bentancur, who revealed a personal tragedy.
“We have to live every day as if it were our last, that is what I learned this year,” added the player.
“A few days ago, my cousin dies in Buenos Aires, he was the same age as me. I realised you never know what could happen and you must live every day as if it was your last. Also, tell your family how much you love them, because that is very important.”
Автоматски споено мислење:
Dybala is pushing to find a solution, he wants to stay at Juventus, this is the most important thing to him. But Dybala didn’t agree to Juve’s offer in June, €10m a season. He didn’t say yes. To be honest I don’t know what the outcome will be, the player wants to stay but will have to accept Juve’s offer. @romeoagresti via @ItaFootPod @juvefcdotcom #juventus #dybala
Па реално, и Ромео Агрести само за тоа пишува. Досадно е да, али не гледам што други вести се актуелни деновиве... Земањето на некои дечишта од Џенова или САД? Или пак враќањето на Љоренте
Среќна нова дечки, убаво да ги поминете празнициве, па во следнава година да влеземе со помалку нервози со клубов.
Премн ми е мило ако навистина го купија младичов. Премногу прашина се крева за него, го рачунат како ОГРОМЕН талент.
Juventus are set to splash out €9m on 19-year-old Genoa midfielder Nicolò Rovella, so we look into what they are getting.
Multiple sources state Rovella will extend his contract, which expires at the end of this season, and remain on loan at Genoa for the next six or possibly 18 months.
Juve are expected to pay €9m, which could include a player in exchange, most likely Manolo Portanova.
Rovella is a central midfielder who only turned 19 on December 4 and has nine Serie A appearances under his belt.
His idol is Luka Modric and Juve hope the confident young man can bring some of those characteristics to Turin in future, although he has also been compared to Rodrigo Bentancur.
During only his second Serie A start, many marvelled at the fact Rovella was on free kick duty, preferred to more experienced teammates.
He already has two caps for Italy at Under-21 level, having also represented the Azzurri at Under-17, Under-18 and Under-19.
His Azzurrini reached the final of the European Under-17 tournament, then he captained the Under-19s.
Rovella is a right-footed product of the Genoa youth academy and can play in a variety of midfield roles.
His professional debut came the day before his 18th birthday, during a 3-2 Coppa Italia win over Ascoli in December 2019.
Curiously, he made two Serie A appearances last season and they were both against Inter.
Веќе игра за прв тим на Џенова, додуша отепани се ама пак. Мн клубој го бркат малиов.
Брат само тоа се вести деновиве. Јас немам кренато раце од Дибала како играч и му сум ненормално мн благодарен за се што има направено во наш дрес пособено до ланската сезона. Другото има одговорни лица кои можат да проценат што како и колку, таму не се мешам, не сум стручен
Еве што направија со нивното куроболие на мечевите уште од рестартот на минатото првенство. Сега секои шушумиги кои заедно сосе фамилиите не вредат колку неделната плата на Роналдо, се осмелуваат да вршат пресинг по цел терен затоа што знаат дека им е влезен на пола екипа на Јуве страв во коски и може во секој момент да се погреши. Исто така разни шушумиги низ сезонава безгрижно си се отвараат со Јуве затоа што знаат дека има реална шанса да дадат гол и да вадат бод или три. Вакви мочковци ко Удинезе или Фиорентина до лани беа среќни ако во 20 минута имаат 0-0 резултат.
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