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on my eighth life
Член од
17 март 2014
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Ja sam samo ja
I strah me tog ishoda
Mada kad dodje on, shvatim on je moj dom
Tu mi je najbolje

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you...
Член од
12 март 2009
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na sakanata

Woman you were good to me
In every single thing for me that you could do
When I could see no point in going on
Left myself of knowing that another day I'll see you

In my need I reach for you
A steady hand to lead me through a darkest day
You took me running chasing after better things
The laughter of another day
Imagine how I felt when I have found
You had gone away

Woman you took my hopes, you took my dreams
Woman you took my love, you took my sleep
You left me nothing else to do
But turn around and start anew
Woman when you walk out
You took my life away with you

Through haste of fantasies, fears of uncertinties
You came to me, a reason to be going on
A hope when hope and minute gone
A world in me it had to be
Imagine I how I felt when I have found
You had gone away

Woman you took my hopes, you took my dreams
Woman you took my love, you took my sleep
You left me nothing else to do
But turn around and start anew
Woman when you walk out
You took my life away with you....
Последно уредено:



Girls, stop acting like you want a guy with traits like Romeo
Bitch that's a fucking lie
You always talk about how every man's fake
And you can't take it and you want something real
Shut up tramp, save it
Twice a week you put on your makeup and damn bracelets
And head to the club half-naked with your ass shaking
Pulling a lowlife nigga who claim he cash making
Til you let him hit and find out he work at the gas station
One of them niggas got you pregnant and you can't raise it
But you caused it, your actions made a fat statement
You want Romeo, then act patient
And stop fronting like he in the club posted in the back waitin'
It's the club, where guys put on a new persona
After they get loaded with a few coronas
They always shouting and wild out with habits that very few condone of
Then they look for beautiful brainless bitches like you to bone 'em
Then when they leave you, you cry and cry
Talking 'bout,"Oh my god I can't find a guy
I've spent so many years and I've tried and tried
Why am I even on Earth? I should die"
You want Romeo, you're not worthy
You're cock-thirsty
You're nasty and probably got herpes
Sometimes the secret to finding is to stop searching
Try a new formula, cause your last one's not working
Член од
8 јануари 2013
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Dodirni me sasvim slucajno
poljubi me filmski nestvarno
i najlepse kad je prestani
okreni se i nestani
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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You are covered in security
I wont let it bother me
Waiting for the same to fall
Living all my time alone
Dreaming outside

And I got this dream, where i have a girl like you
I will go out of my way, to make you do
I will wet my bed, I will wear high-heels
I will go out of my way to prove that i still
Smell her on you
And I can not live, and I can not breath
I will go out of my stance to prove that i still
Smell him on you......
Член од
8 јануари 2013
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To mi radi, to mi radi
jer ti mozes
da mi radis sve
to mi radi, to mi radi
jer ja zaljubio sam se :love:

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Од збор до збор. Посветен на периодов.

I push all my problems to the back of my mind
Then they surface in my dreams, they come alive
I sweep all my issues to somewhere I can't find
In hope that I'll forget but there's just so many times

Why can't I be strong and just confront all my fears?
When my fear is hurting you by being sincere
But how many more days can I run? How many years?
Emotions flooding and now it's all seeming so clear

Crying for no reason, feel the tears roll down
I felt strong but am I breaking now?
Crying for no reason 'cause I buried it deep
I made promises I could not keep
'Cause I never faced all the pain I caused
Now the pain is hitting me full force

I push all my problems to the back of my brain
A darkness deep inside where I just can't find my way
How can I walk with a smile? Get on with my day
When I deceived myself pretending it's all okay

I tried my best to hold it all together, I know
The strings have worn away and now I'm all exposed
I try to hide it all away on top of the shelf
I can lie to everyone but not to myself

Ska Maniac

Член од
2 октомври 2013
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Sto sam bolji prema svima
to sam manje drazi njima
pravo mjesto da ih saljem
sad je pizda materina

Grijesim u zivotu
i trpim glupu stoku
dajem drugu sansu
svakom idiotu

Посветено на сите што од 20.6.2014 до 27.6.2014 ме натераа да размислам за меѓучовечките односи....

zmej gorjanin


Ti živiš gde zvezde tkaju sag od srebra
i nevinošću sja
tvoje lice dok nedostizan kao sena
nastavljas svoj let
negde je skriven tvoj svet(moj svet si ti)
večnom ljubavlju dodirni me i ostani uz mene

Jer ti si princeza nekog drugog sveta
Tvoja reč stvara čuda budi iskrena
Uputi mi osmeh tek da znam
postojiš nisam sam
negde izvan planeta


Someone like you can probably save me from drowning
Inside this filthy little head of mine that's aching and pounding
Tonight, you're my solar system, I can only witness
Stars in your eyes that are blazing around me
Your touch is like a medicine I need to breathe
Everything you do is so much better than I seem to be
Your chopped liver, I feel so ugly when I'm next to you
Tell me what I have to do so I can feel special, too
Like, you...


Me,Myself & I
Член од
26 јуни 2013
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И уште шепотам без глас дека верувам во нас
Знам се ќе помине и далечни ќе сме,ќе останеме двајца што се сакале од време на време на мене сети се и не заборавај дека сме посилни од се :)

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Yeah, it's all alright.
I guess it's all alright.
I got nothing left inside of my chest
but it's all alright.


Заменик министер без титула
Член од
15 февруари 2013
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@Tragacot Твоето мислење е избришано, во иднина прво разгледај ја темата за што е па потоа дади свое мислење и сл. инаку во спротивно ќе морам да го избришам мислењето доколку не е соодветно со темата.

Да продолжам на темата со стиховите кои овие два дена не ми излегуваат од главата :rolleyes::love:

Јас кого би сакал
ако не си ти
и со кој би делел
бол и радости
моето срце ти е дом и одаја
од надеж светната
и со нежност послана

кој друг би ме чекал ако не си ти
пак да ти се вратам од далечини
од очите твои
грижата да истече
и бликне љубовта
штом ти речам еве ме

од овој ден ти си ми единствена
и погледни на дланка си ми пишана
ко златна до срце линија
засекогаш крај мене најмила
од овој ден ти си се што ми е свето
и погледни само за нас времето
по рози пат распостила
и одам до крај со тебе

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