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Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.

Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried.

Don't let them in, don't let them see,
Be the good girl you always had to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.

Well, now they know.

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand and here I'll stay
Let it go, let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all.
Up here in the cold thin air I finally can breathe.
I know I left a life behind but I'm too relieved to grieve.

Standing frozen
In the life I've chosen.
You won't find me.
The past is all behind me
Buried in the snow.
Член од
6 октомври 2008
Поени од реакции
Ljubav, ima vojsku nesretnih
ja jedan sam od njih,
odkad postojim

Ti si moja zadnja pobjeda
sto za srce ujeda
kad se prisjetim

Istina je gruba,
k’o oziljak se skriva
a laz je pola mene,
drugo pola tebe sniva

Ruzmarin nema kome da mirise
uzalud je da procvijeta
Ruzmarin za nas dvoje nikad vise,
ti si negdje na kraju svijeta.

pored mene prolazi
ni da nogu nagazi,
ja ne postojim.


Didn't know what this would be
But I knew I didn't see
What you thought
You saw in me

I jumped the gun
So sure you'd split and run
Ready for the worst
Before the damage was done

The storm never came
Or it never was
Didn't know getting lost in the blue
It meant I wound up losing you

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind
So dark and foul I can't disguise
Can't disguise
Nights like this
I become afraid
Of the darkness in my heart

What's wrong with me
Why not understand and see
I never saw
What you saw in me

Keep my eyes open
My lips sealed
My heart closed
And my ears peeled

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind
So dark and foul I can't disguise
Can't disguise
Nights like this I become afraid
Of the darkness in my heart

Make ash and leave the dust behind
Lady diamond in the sky
Wild light
Glowing bright
To guide me
When I fall

I fall on tragedy

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind
So dark and foul I can't disguise
Can't disguise
Nights like this I become afraid
Of the darkness in my heart



You talk too much... Let me shut you up
Член од
4 септември 2007
Поени од реакции
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble
Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh



When you make love, do you look in the mirror?
Who do you think of, does he look like me?
Do you tell lies and say that it's forever?
Do you think twice, or just touch 'n' see?
Ooh babe ooh yeah

When you're alone, do you let go?
Are you wild 'n' willin' or is it just for show?
Ooh c'mon

I don't wanna touch you too much baby
'Cos making love to you might drive me crazy
I know you think that love is the way you make it
So I don't wanna be there when you decide to break it

Love bites, love bleeds
It's bringin' me to my knees
Love lives, love dies
It's no surprise
Love begs, love pleads
It's what I need

When I'm with you are you somewhere else?
Am I gettin' thru or do you please yourself?
When you wake up will you walk out?
It can't be love if you throw it about
Ooh babe

I don't wanna touch you too much baby
'Cos making love to you might drive me crazy

Ooh yeah

Love bites, love bleeds
It's bringin' me to my knees
Love lives, love dies

If you've got love in your sights
Watch out, love bites
Yes it does
It will be hell


Член од
20 август 2010
Поени од реакции
I never really feel quite right and I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong
Every time I look at you, you seem so alive
Tell me how you do it, walk me through it, I'll follow in every footstep

Maybe on your own you take a cautious step
Till you want to give it up, but all I want is for you to
Shine, shine down on me
Shine on this life that's burnin' out

I say a lot of things sometimes that don't come out right
And I act like I don't know why
I guess a reaction's all I was lookin' for
When you look through me, you really knew me, like no one else ever looked before

Maybe on your own you take a cautious step
Till you want to give it up, but all I want is for you to
Shine, shine down on me
Shine on this life that's burnin' out ( I know , I know, know you got somethin' )
Shine, ( shine it on me ) shine down on me ( I want to feel it)
Shine on this life that's burnin' out

Maybe on your own you take a cautious step
Till you want to give up, but all I want is for you to
Shine, shine down on me ( just show me something )
Shine on this life that's burnin' out ( you give me something that I've never known )
Shine ( if you could show me the way ) shine down on me ( I want to know what's going on in your life )
Shine on this life that's burnin' out ( don't you know I want you to )
Shine, shine down on me, Shine on this life that's burnin' out



Заменик министер без титула
Член од
15 февруари 2013
Поени од реакции
Ти ме водиш делеку во свемир,
јас со тебе незнам што е немир
кажи дали сонам, постоиш ли ти?
кажи не си сон, дај шепни ми.

Ти ме будиш рајски утре гледам,
ти ме љубиш, чуствувам јас летам
оставаш во мене траги вечни знај
стори било што но немој крај!!

Остани во мене векови да минат покрај нас,
Остани во мене безброј ноќи да те сонам јас
Остани во мене душо нека мине се
само немој ти ти си во мене...

Член од
8 јануари 2013
Поени од реакции
Ostaje mi samo sećanje,
ako suze,tebe ne vrate.
Bol ne prestaje,noći besane,
Zauvek čekam te,al tebe nema,ne.


Член од
20 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
she won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama will keep baby cosy and warm
Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe
Of course Mama's gonna help build the wall

self explanatory


You talk too much... Let me shut you up
Член од
4 септември 2007
Поени од реакции
Било што и да ти треба,
Кажи ми зборови не избирај,
Ова срце уште игра,
Кога ќе чујам твој глас дишам пак.
И никој нема да те знае,
Онака како те познавам јас,
Знаеш каде да ме најдеш,
Па тоа сум само јас


on my eighth life
Член од
17 март 2014
Поени од реакции
Низ смеа
Ми го посла Скопје на дланка
И нацрта мапа на моите табани
За да можам и мижеечки
Да стигнам право до тебе
Ги поплочи улиците
Само за нашите чекори
Па го обои во магични бои
И го обви со мирис на липа и кафе
За да ја засакам дури
И неговата магла и неговата жега
И да не посакам никогаш да заминам на долго
Да се заљубам во овој град,
Само затоа што ти живееш во него.


Член од
20 октомври 2012
Поени од реакции
Anata wa hikari
Anata wa yoru o shihai suru ai
Anata wa watashi no sasae
Anata wa taiyo


zmej gorjanin

Je sais pas
Détourner des rivières, porter des poids
Traverser des mers, je saurais faire
Défier des machines, narguer des lois
Les foudres divines, çà m’effraie pas

J’sais prendre un coup, le rendre aussi
River des clous, çà j’ai appris
J’suis pas victime, j’suis pas colombe
Et pour qu’on m’abîme, faut qu’je tombe

Je sais les hivers, je sais le froid
Mais la vie sans toi, je sais pas
Je savais le silence depuis longtemps
J’en sais la violence, son goût de sang

Rouges colères, sombres douleurs
Je sais ces guerres, j’en ai pas peur
Je sais me défendre, j’ai bien appris
On est pas des tendres par ici

Je sais les hivers, je sais le froid
Mais la vie sans toi, je sais pas
Lutte après lutte, pire après pire
Chaque minute, j’ai cru tenir

J’voudrais apprendre jour après jour
Mais qui commande à nos amours?
Je sais les hivers, je sais le froid
Mais la vie sans toi, je sais pas

Je sais pas
Je sais pas

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