„Што е сонот? Индоктринирани сме да веруваме во психолошки модел кој ги гледа соништата како траги на копнежи или фрагменти од сеќавања. Но и покрај тоа, нашиот јазик исто така го поистоветува поимот „сон“ со идеал или нешто за кое вреди да се стремиме. Дали овде постои парадокс? Во ова предавање, магико-антропологот Карл Абрахамсон го насочува светлото кон новите (или можеби дамнешни?) теории на сонот и нивните можни примени во креативниот современ живот.“
"What is a dream? We have become indoctrinated to believe in a psychological model which regards dreams as traces of desires or fragments of memories. Yet our language also equates "dream" with an ideal and something worth striving for. Is there a paradox here? In this lecture, magico-anthropologist Carl Abrahamsson shines the light on new (or perhaps ancient?) dream theories and their possible applications in a creative contemporary life."
Кој е Карл Абрахамсон? / Who is Carl Abrahamsson?
"Carl Abrahamsson is a pioneer of occulture whose life adventure has seen him forge a personal and lasting bond with Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, contribute as a Thelemic thinker in OTO, administer TOPYSCAN and TOPYEUROPE at the height of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, as well as working with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge in the guises of Psychic TV/Thee Majesty with his own White Stains project. He is the founder of the respected journal The Fenris Wolf and the publishing house Edda (with Fredrik Söderberg). He is a writer, curator, conspirator, photographer, documentary film maker, and indefatigable agent of change.”
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Датум: 12.12.2014
Почеток: 19:00
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