Matrix it is then.
At the beginning, they were asked to choose, one side or another, they were capable of choosing between two sides without a problem, well, a few problems only.
At the same beginning, the red pills were taken enough to beat the blue pills. But, years passing by, the numbers of people who took the red pills was massive, so they wanted and decided to throw the second "Blue System" away, they thought that there is no need for another system, the "Red" one was fine.
The blue pills were almost forgotten, the red army was created, the number of supporters was larger and larger, the red army rules 108 months. There were also a people who didn't wanted to take any of those two pills, they didn't trusted them enough to take a pick, they were called "The Others", the others knew to steal some value info about both of those pills and publish them, to tell, to spread the truth about their system, but that wasn't enough. The red army had a "system check" once in every four years, the checking was really quick, and was taking a few days, after that, the system was working fine for the next four years.
On the fresh start of this "Red System" a lot of people outside of this community were able to visit this place and to enjoy the benefits of it, so a lot of foreigners were enjoying in this great system, but after a while, the red people decided to stop that madness, so they created a "no way in" system for strangers, a lot of red people were happy about this, not even a single stranger can come and try to play the rules.
The foreigners were not happy with this decision, they were starting to ask themselves why is this happening. A lot of strangers were starting a investigation to find out the real reason for this strange act.
They were investigating the red people online, they asked them why did they went for a red pill instead of the blue pill, the strangers find out that 93% of the red people were choosing that pill because of the color of the pill, nothing more, a 7% were choosing the red pill because of her physical form. Strangers also asked them why did they define their choice by a color or a physical form, "it's not a bloody soccer team to choose!" they said, but unfortunately they didn't get any reasonable answer from the red people.
But this made a lot of wonders in a foreigner's mind, they were trying to get in that system at any cost, they were offering money, their loyalty and a lot more, they even wore a red clothes, but it didn't worked at all, they were hold on border with an army to protect that invasion of foreigners.
The foreigners tried almost everything, but they were still at that border who kept them outside of that empire. Some foreigners claim that they even heard and saw how red people were celebrating when that "Red System Check" was flashing green "OK" in the cheering words "EBRIRRI" who they though that they stand for "Even a blue rabbit is a red rabbit inside".
That empire is still there, no one knows what is going on there, but the red people are still happy and satisfied with the choice they chosen, but the foreigners are not giving up, they will find a way in and they will once more taste those "red benefits" which that empire is offering.