Okolu 1000 ukri vojnici se opkoleni pod Izjum, a isto taka okolu 1,000 se opkoleni dole vo hersonska oblast vo mesnosta Aleksandrovka.. vamu dole bukvalno se otcepeni od dve strani, tretata i cetvrtata se moreto..
Јас ни за момент не верувам дека Русите планирале да го заземат Киев од проста причина што е невозможно да се освои и држи град од речиси 3 милиони луѓе со 30 илјади луѓе а тука е и плус ВСУ.
Ај објасни колоните што барале 30км од Киев. Имаше обиди за заокружување на градот ама едноставно немаа успех. Видоа не видоа си заминаа и оставија пустош зад себе.
Ај објасни колоните што барале 30км од Киев. Имаше обиди за заокружување на градот ама едноставно немаа успех. Видоа не видоа си заминаа и оставија пустош зад себе.
Претпоставувам првенствено со надеж дека Украинците ќе испаничат и потпишат договор веднаш (што не успеаја во тоа) а секундарно за тоа што и рекоа - да задржат 100к војска и опрема околу Киев за да таа не биде префрлена во Донбас или на Југ.
За разлика од Југот, во Северот Русите не освојуваа градови и не ја менуваа администрацијата што оди во прилог дека не планирале за негова анексија или да се задржуваат таму.
Твоето мислење е дека Русите со 30к војска планирале да го освојат повеќемилионскиот град Киев каде се собраа 100к украински војници?
Последно беше најавено дека Путин ќе прогласи победа на 9 мај, сега велат тек ќе почнале на 9 мај, Путин ќе наредел општа мобилизација, причината зошто е тоа така ја имате тука:
⚡A frightened British mercenary in captivity of the Russian army asks to go home “They promised they would pay, but no one got the money,” interrogation of another British mercenary who fought in Ukraine. Andrew Hill's group was defeated near Nikolaev, he was wounded and surrendered to the...
Јас незнам што ги тинтраат, нека му го акнат меѓу рогови и пушти им слики на домашните за спомен.
⚡A frightened British mercenary in captivity of the Russian army asks to go home “They promised they would pay, but no one got the money,” interrogation of another British mercenary who fought in Ukraine. Andrew Hill's group was defeated near Nikolaev, he was wounded and surrendered to the...
Јас незнам што ги тинтраат, нека му го акнат меѓу рогови и пушти им слики на домашните за спомен.
Premnogu milostlivo e da mu bapnat megju rogovi.. neka mu secat prst po prst se dodeka ne gi kaze site tajni.. ako ne gi kaze tajnite i posle 20 iseceni prsta, ondak sleduvaat genitalii pa ekstremiteti.. neka ne bidat milostlivi za platenici i nacisti.. obicnata ukrainska vojska ne ja diraj, samo zatvori gi se dodeka trae vojnata, koga ke zavrsi pusti gi..
In the past week, the situation around the small unrecognised republic of Transnistria, which lies along the Nistru River between...
In the past week, the situation around the small unrecognised republic of Transnistria, which lies along the Nistru River between Moldova and Ukraine, has sharply escalated.
Ukrainian saboteurs have staged several terrorist attacks on the territory of the republic. Hostile forces are being drawn towards Transnistria.
From the west, NATO units are moving towards Moldova’s borders.
If a few days ago there was information about redeployment of Romanian and Polish units, according to the latest information, large units of the USA, Portugal and other NATO countries are also moving. There are no NATO troops on Moldovan territory yet.
From the east, AFU troops and a group of thousands of foreign mercenaries, including at least 1,000 fighters from the Turkish far-right organisation Grey Wolves, Canadian, Croatian units and fighters from Scandinavian countries, are concentrated.
On 29 April, Ukrainian and Russian sources reported that Ukrainian President Zelenski allegedly offered Russia, through closed channels, to exchange Nazis from Azovstal for de-escalation in Transnistria. If this information is true, such an offer should only be perceived as an attempt to obtain additional benefits before the start of hostilities in the Transnistrian region. During the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which has lasted more than 8 years, Kiev has not fulfilled any commitments on significant issues.
On 29 April, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry urged compatriots to leave Moldova in view of the “difficult situation” in the country and around Transnistria. Following Bulgaria, the US, Canadian, French, German, British and Israeli authorities advised their citizens not to enter Transnistria and, if possible, to leave Moldova.
It is noteworthy that the Moldovan leadership is trying its best to avoid opening hostilities in the region. Chisinau understands that the outbreak of hostilities in Transnistria will lead to a war on the territory of Moldova itself. Also, Chisinau has no alternative to Russian gas, which the republic receives at a fixed price, much lower than the market one. A large number of Moldovan citizens are working in the Russian Federation.
At the same time, Moldova’s political leadership is not independent in its decision-making. If Washington orders a military operation against Transniestria, Chisinau will be forced to obey.
In the meantime, on 28 April, the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Naryshkin, said that Washington and Warsaw were planning to deploy a Polish “peacekeeping contingent” in the western part of Ukraine. Today, the FIS said that Naryshkin’s statement was not a version, but intelligence information obtained from several reliable sources.
In May 2022, Warsaw announced large-scale military exercises, mainly in the northern regions of the country. At the same time, exercises by NATO countries are planned in the region.
Apparently the Polish Armed Forces will be ready to conduct a military operation in Ukraine near the end of May. During the same period, we should expect a dramatic escalation of the situation around Transnistria.
Од две недели преговараат, работава е служители на Црвен Крст ги качат во автобуси и транспортираат, без никаква проверка, кој се како се викаат, имаат ли тетоважи кукасти крстови, англичани ли се, доктори по биотехнологии, ковид....
Онака како во арачиново.
⚡The Russian army is crushing the enemy near the Liman, our infantry is fighting one by one taking the supporters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine At this stronghold taken, the fighters got, among other things, the American Javelin anti-tank systems, which will soon be used against the Armed...
Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, noted that Russian troops are gradually increasing the intensity of the offensive in eastern Ukraine simultaneously in all directions.
Their greatest activity is observed in Slobozhansky and Donetsk. In addition, there were signs of preparation of the aggressor for even greater intensification of hostilities
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.