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After single intravenously administration of 250, 500 and 1000 mg mildronate, the elimination half-life (t(1/2)) were (5.56+/-1.55), (6.46+/-1.07) and (6.55+/-1.17) h, respectively. The Student-Newman-Keuls test results showed that peak plasma concentration (C(max)) and the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve from time 0 to 24h (AUC(0-24)) were both linearly related to dose. The pharmacokinetics of mildronate fitted the linear dynamic feature over the dose range studied. The essential pharmacokinetic parameters of multidoses administration intravenously (500 mg, b.i.d) were as follows: t(1/2) was (15.34+/-3.14) h; C(max) was (25.50+/-3.63) microg/mL; AUC(0-24) was (58.56+/-5.57) mgh/L. The t(1/2) and AUC of multidoses administration intravenously were different from those of single-dose administration significantly.
These findings suggested that accumulation of mildronate in plasma occurred.
Не е прашањето дали знаеле или не за дали е забранет, ваљда не израчунале колку време пред турнир да престане да го зема леков.
Или има некоја поголема приказна за допинг шо не ја кажуваат.
Basically, he says that:
1) Meldonium protects cells from an oxygen deficit, e.g. under stress;
2) It slows down the oxydation of fat.
1) He thinks it is good for athletes to use it at practices to protect their health;
2) In his opinion, it cannot help them to perform better, and rather the opposite (because you need acids to produce energy, more or less).
Apparently, there are no clinical studies that proved that it helps athletes to perform better.
As for difficulties to buy it, in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, etc. it can be bought in regular pharmacies. A 40 capsule package costs 270 RUB (right now it's less than 4 euros).
So i see two possible conclusions:
a) All this guy says is correct. The reason it gets prohibited is that in WADA they thought something like: "OK, this stuff seems not to improve performance, but shit, 17% or Russians use it! Maybe we just don't get it and there is something in it? Let's prohibit it!"
And as Russian sports is not well organised, to say the least, a lot of athletes continue to use it after prohibition, not reading the letter or not caring enough.
b) Either he lies, or, more probably, farmacists synthesized something else in last years, that contains meldonium and actually improves performance, but hadn't told him. Sharapova/her team used it to cheat.