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Alot of people have written to me about the defunct Prison Break video game that was supposed to be released last year. That was apparently cancelled, but it looks like the game is being ressurected and may be released this Fall. No big details yet. I'm not even sure if this is meant to be a PC game or something for a console (ie. Playstation, X-Box, etc). We will post more details when we know them, but in the meantime, here's an article about how and why the game was given a second chance:
"Prison Break" may be done on TV, but the video game is getting a second chance.
Before the series was killed by Fox this year at the end of its fourth season, the Prison Break video game was canceled last fall by Brash Entertainment, the now defunct publisher of games based on movie and TV licenses.
But Slovenia-based developer Zootfly, which was producing the game for Brash, decided to fund the project to completion itself. It has just signed a deal with publisher Deep Silver, part of Britain-based Koch Media, to release Prison Break this fall.
"The cancellation was a blessing in disguise because we got to spend more time on the key gameplay features and get rid of the half-baked ideas Brash management pushed on us," Zootfly CEO Bostjan Troha said on the phone from Slovenia.
Releasing a licensed video game when the property on which it's based no longer exists is a difficult business proposition, but Troha said he's counting on the show's loyal fan base, many of whom protested its death, to support the title. The CEO said he's still working with Fox to secure some of the show's actors to do voice work.
Prison Break and Where the Wild Things Are, which is set for release this fall but is still searching for a publisher, are the last of Brash's games far enough along in production that they'll eventually see the light of day.