Moviespotting 2016

Колку филмови сметате дека може да изгледате во 2016?

  • Вкупно гласачи
Член од
10 октомври 2011
Поени од реакции
Јануари 2016
1. Surviving Christmas (2004) - 5/10 ('Tis the season to be jolly :D Ништо посебно)
2. The Break-up (2006) - 4/10 (за атер на Анистон, али ме разочарала. :place:)
3. Duh babe Ilonke (2011) - 4/10 (какви регионални срајна поддржуваме :tapp:)
4. Rango (2011) - 7/10 (R) (Џони Деп does it again) :icon_mrgr:
5. Sinbad: The legend of the seven seas (2003) - 6/10 (анимацијата ми беше најлоша точка во филмчево:()
6. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) - 5/10 (добра анимација, али досадна приказна со едно-те-исто низ цело филмче)
7. The Three Muskeeters (2011) - 1/10 (Пол Андерсон, како можеше да направиш ваква глупост :tapp:)
8. Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (2012) - 7/10 (Мадагаскарци стандард)
9. Christmas Eve (2015) - 1/10 (безвезе божиќно вилмче)
10. Bridge of Spies (2015) - 7/10 (само добар и ништа више)
11. Shrek Forever After (2010) - 6/10 (онака)
12. The Hateful Eight (2015) - 10/10 (кажав и претходно, Тарантино - цар)
13. The Revenant (2015) - 9/10 ( Одличен и Ињариту)
14. Rushmore (1998) - 8/10 (Андерсон класика)
15. Combien tu m'aimes? (2005) - 5/10 (Единствено Белучи си вреди во филмов)
16. The Darjeeling Limited (2007) - 5/10 (Андерсон досада)
17. Самоуништување (1996) - 8/10 (Ме изненади, очекував послабо филмче (y))
18. Караула (2006) - 8/10 (Рајко Грлич - цар, сум се пресмеал :icon_mrgr:)
19. Paris a` tout prix (2013) - 6/10 (лабаво француско филмче, оценава пред се за глумицата :love:)

20. Мис Стон (1958) - 7/10
(доста добар филм од револуционерниве наши) R
21. Контакт (2006) - 7/10 (овој ме изненади, можда зашто му појдов без некој хајп)
22. Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) - 7.5/10 (уште еден добар филм на Вес, овојпат анимиран)
23. Moonrise Kingdom (2012) - 7.5/10 (со овој го завршувам и опусот негов, уште Хотелот да го ривачнам)
24. Deadpool (2016) - 9/10 (одличен, освен замерка за кратката минутажа)
25. Spotlight (2015) - 7.5/10 (Се изјаснив дека го свиѓам у оскаровската тема)
26. The Martian (2015) - 5/10 (Јао човече :tapp:)
27. Respire (2014) - 4/10 (досаден)
28. Hotel Transylvania (2013) - 8/10 (одлиќен 4) :icon_mrgr:
29. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) - 4/10 (седи 2ка)
30. Anacleto El Agente Secreto (2015) - 3/10 (жити комедијата)
31. The Last witch Hunter (2015) - 1/10 (ми се лоши од што е лош ) :LOL:
32. 13 hours (2016) - 7/10 (добра пуцаљка)
33. Sleuth (1972) - 8/10 (Филмов оди од океј, кон досаден, па интересен. Крајот му ја извади оценава) :D
34. Love the Coopers (2015) - 1/10
35. The Lobster (2015) - 5/10 (not my cup of tea)
36. Brooklyn (2015) - 5/10 (далеку од материјал за Оскар)
37. Room (2015) - 8.5/10 (филмчиште!)
38. To kill a mockingbird (1962) - 6.5/10 (не може со книгата, а Грегори Пек - глумичиште!)
39. Sur la trace du Marsupilami (2012) - 6/10 (имаше сцени на кои сум се пресмеал)
40. Ooops, Noah is gone (2015) - 6/10 (интересен)
41. Very bad things (1998) - 1/10 (катастрофа, а изгледаше интересно)
42. Taxi (1998) - 7/10 (супер забавен)
43. Grimsby (2016) - 7.5/10 (смеење до стомакозаболување)
44. Taxi 2 (2000) - 7/10 (се држи со братот)
45. Taxi 3 (2003) - 6/10 (мало слабији)
46. Taxi 4 (2007) - 5/10 (просек)
47. Cinema Paradiso (1988) - 9/10 (нешто ми фалеше за 10)
48. Sisters (2015) - 1/10 (безвезе)
49. London has fallen (2016) - 1/10 (само со експлозии не се прави акционен)

50. A second chance (2014) - 7.5/10 (доста добар)
51. Јад (1975) - 5/10 (сценариото не ми се свиѓа)
52. Around the world in 80 days (1989) - 6/10 (интересна верзија со Пирс Броснан)
53. Џган (2016) - 7/10 (добар)
54. Ride Along 2 (2016) - 5.5/10 (интересен)
55. Mr. Right (2015) - 4/10 (слаб)
56. Жед (1971) - 5/10 (реставрирана верзија, малку се подобри оцената, ама пак во глобала ми е просечен)

СФФ (2016)
57. Saint-Amour (2016) - 7/10 (Депардје на нивоу)
58. Son of Saul (2015) - 7.5/10 (Добар, али на жалост далеку од La vita e bella и Schindler's list)
59. Belgica (2016) - 7.5/10 (добар белгискиов, посебно музиката)
60. Men & Chicken (2015) - 7/10 (такоџе добар)
61. El Clan (2015) - 7/10 (аргентинска мајсторија)
62. Лазар (2015) - 6/10 (океј, али од темава очекував повеќе)
63. Un homme idéal (2015) - 6.5/10 (добар али потоа преоѓа во клише)
64. Kika (1993) - 7.5/10 (прв филм на Алмодовар и ми се допадна многу)
65. Жед (1971) Rewatch - 5/10

Мај 66 - 70

66. Јесен стиже, Дуњо моја (2004) - 6/10
67. How to be single (2016) - 3/10
68. Deal of a lifetime (1999) - 2/10
69. Jack Reacher (2012) - 4/10
70. All of me (1984) - 3/10

ЈУНИ 71 - 76
71. The Nice Guys (2016) - 8/10
72. Wilderness survival for girls (2004) - 1/10
73. Vukovar poste restante (1994) - 6/10
74. Pljacka treceg rajha (2004) - 5/10
75. Време, живот (1999) - 5/10
76. Освета (2001) - 5/10
3 месеци ништо да не чкртнам, што мрза ќе бев. :eek:

Јули 77 - 88
77. Sorority Row (2009) - 4/10
78. Iznogoud (2005) - 6/10
79. Of Mice and Men (1992) - 7/10 (добар)
80. The Heartbreak Kid (2005) - 4/10
81. Нели ти реков (1984) - 5/10 (омилениот му на гранде :D)
82. The Passage (2007) - 3/10 (јако го најавуваа на Телма, а тежок крш испадна)
83. Тhe Stepford Wifes (2007) - 2/10
84. Against the ropes (2004) - 5/10
85. Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder (2014) - 5.5/10
86. Head of State (2003) - 1/10
87. Епизодист (2011) - 7/10 *добро краткометражно филмче*
88. Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010) - 5/10

Август 89 - 101
89. Frequency (2000) - 7/10
90. Interview with the Vampire (1994) - 6/10 (го мислев за поарен :notworthy:)
91. Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2010) - 0.5/10
92. The good, the bad and the ugly (1966) - 6/10 (досаден вестерн :D:D)
93. Ride Along (2014) - 5/10
94. The Fugitive (1993) - 6.5/10
95. The Backwoods (2004) - 5/10
96. Training Day (2001) - 6/10 *и овој го мислев поарен*
97. Pretty Woman (1994) - 8/10 * асали романтики баце*
98. A Perfect Murder (1998) - 4/10
99. Црвениот коњ (1982) - 5/10 *уште еден филм што ми се није допао од нашиве*
100. El Cuerpo (2012) - 10/10 (ова мистерииче ептен ми се свиѓаше :cool:)
101. Pay it forward (2000) - 7.5/10 (ова у целина ми се свиѓаше а и малиот од A.I. e одличен)

Септември 102 - 113
102. Money Monster (2016) - 4/10 *трејлерот у Синеплекс беше повозбудлив :ROFLMAO:*
103. Zootopia (2016) - 8/10 *се надевам ќе лапне оскар*

104. Primates of the Caribbean (2012) - 1/10
105. 09:06 (2009) - 5/10 *словенечки филм со Лабина Митевска, прекраток и крајот лош*
106. До балчак (2014) R *5/10 (му падна оцената од пред 2 години :icon_mrgr:)
107. Carne Tremula (1997) - 8/10 (втор од Алмодовар и мислам ќе ми стане омилен режисер) :X3:
108. Ослободување на Скопје (2016) - 4.5/10 (катастрофа)
109. Под исто небо (1964) - 7/10 *изненадувачки доста ми се свиѓаше филмов од Љубиша*
110. Irreversible (2002) - 1/10 * втор филм на Ное што едвај го догледав и веќе не планирам да гледам од него*
110. Panama (2015) - 5/10 *се дигна фама лани со номинација во Кан, али џаба*
111. As If I am not There (2010) - 6/10
112. 7 Days in Havana (2012) - 5/10
113. The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (2005) - 7.5/10 (прв романски филм и доста добар)
Последно уредено:
Член од
1 декември 2010
Поени од реакции
1. The Lion King - 10
2. Welcome to the Dollhouse - 7
3. Bridge of Spies - 8
4. Life is Beautiful - 9
5. Jurassic World - 8
6. Up - 8
7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone - 9
8. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 8
9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 8
10. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 9
11. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7
12. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 9
13. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - 8
14. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 9
15. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - 6.5
16. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - 8
17. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - 7
18. Prometheus - 7
19. A Short Film About Love - 5
20. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace - 8
21. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones - 8
22. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith - 9
23. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope - 8
24. Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back - 9
25. Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi - 9

26. Spotlight - 8
27. Room - 8
28. Pulp Fiction - 10
29. Intouchables - 10
30. Sulivan's Travels - 8
31. The Revenant - 9
32. The Rebound - 6
33. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) - 9
34. The Godfather - 10
35. Man from Earth - 9
36. The Godfather II - 10
37. Ant-Man - 8
38. Submarino - 8
39. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 8
40. Good Will Hunting - 10
41. Deadpool - 9
42. Detachment - 8
43. The Shawshank Redemption - 10
44. The Trap (Klopka) - 8
45. Rush - 8
46. Alive - 6.5
47. Cheaper by the Dozen - 3.5
48. Life of Brian - 9
49. Dirty Grandpa - 6
50. The Frighteners - 6
51. Confessions - 8
52. The One I Love - 7
53. Little Miss Sunshine - 8
54. Harvie Krumpet - 9
55. The Man Who Knew Too Much - 8.5
56. Grave of the Fireflies - 7.5
57. Rebecca - 9.5
58. Sunset Boulevard - 9
59. Notorious - 8
60. Strangers on a Train - 7
61. Double Indemnity - 9
62. Psycho - 9
63. M - 8
64. Captain America: Civil War - 9
65. The Apartment - 10
66. Breakfast at Tiffany’s - 7
67. Witness for the Prosecution - 10
68. To Kill a Mockingbird - 9
69. The Third Man - 8
70. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - 10
71. North by Northwest - 9
72. Rope - 8
73. The Lady Vanishes - 7
74. High Noon - 8.5
75. The Big Heat - 8
76. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - 8
77. The Night of the Hunter - 9
78. Diabolique - 9
79. Shadow of a Doubt - 8.5
80. Angels with Dirty Faces - 10
81. Out of the Past - 7.5
82. To Have and Have Not - 7.5
83. Scarlet Street - 8.5
84. The Lost Weekend - 7.5
85. Dark Victory - 8
86. Some Like It Hot - 9
87. X-Men: Apocalypse - 8
88. Repulsion - 7
89. Good bye, Lenin! - 8
90. Rosemary’s Baby - 8
91. Now You See Me 2 - 7
92. Chinatown - 9
93. The Tenant - 9
94. The Pianist - 10
95. Dead Ringer - 8.5
96. Bicycle Thieves - 10
97. It’s a Wonderful Life - 10
98. Umberto D. - 9
99. Once Upon a Time in the West - 8
100. Mary and Max - 10
101. Zootopia - 8
102. The Bone Collector - 6
103. Spirited Away - 7
104. Stand by Me - 9
105. Seven Pounds - 9
106. A.I. Artificial Intelligence - 10
107. Bicentennial Man - 10
108. Scent of a Woman - 8
109. Mildred Pierce - 9
110. A Simple Plan - 8
111. Ace in the Hole - 8
112. A Trip to the Moon - 10 :cuc: :D
113. Un Chien Andalou - 7
114. The Great Train Robbery - 6
115. Murder on the Orient Express - 8
116. The Killers - 9
117. Gilda - 7
118. Sherlock, Jr. - 10 :pos:
119. The General - 9
120. White Heat - 8.5
121. In a Lonely Place - 8
123. Murder by Death - 9
124. Clue - 7
125. Gone with the Wind - 10
126. Singin’ in the Rain - 6
127. Dark Passage - 8
128. Bunny Lake Is Missing - 8
129. The Best Years of Our Lives - 10
130. Modern Times - 10
131. Cops - 9
132. The Maltese Falcon - 9
133. City Lights - 10
134. A Dog’s Life - 8
135. The Invisible Man - 7
136. The Gold Rush - 10
137. The Great Dictator - 8
138. The Kid - 8
139. The Cameraman - 8
140. The Garage - 8
141. One Week - 9
142. The Circus - 9
143. The Play House - 8
144. Laura - 9
145. Neighbors - 9
146. The Big Sleep - 8.5
147. Key Largo - 8
148. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - 9
149. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang - 8
150. The Roaring Twenties - 8
151. The Public Enemy - 7
152. Sudden Fear - 9
153. The Asphalt Jungle - 7
154. It Happened One Night - 7
155. The Naked City - 7
156. Rififi - 8
157. The Apartment - 10
158. Brief Encounter - 8
159. Nights of Cabiria - 10
160. Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem - 7
161. Trouble in Paradise - 7
162. Kiss Me Deadly - 8
163. High Sierra - 7
164. Touch of Evil - 9
165. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children - 6
166. Vertigo - 10
167. Bad Day at Black Rock - 7.5
168. High and Low - 8.5
169. Golden Five - 5
170. Night and the City - 8
171. La Strada - 8
172. The Killing - 9
173. Before I Wake - 7.5
174. A Matter of Life and Death - 6
175. Citizen Kane - 9
176. The Wrong Man - 7
177. The Shop Around the Corner - 10
178. To Catch a Thief - 8
179. My Man Godfrey - 9

180. The Lady from Shanghai - 7
181. Seven Chances - 8.5
182. Star Trek Beyond - 6.5
183. Zodiac - 8
184. Rashomon - 7.5
185. Leon: The Professional - 10
186. The Birds - 7
187. Lifeboat - 8
188. The 39 Steps - 7
189. Marnie - 8
190. Cinema Paradiso - 9
Член од
26 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
01. The Godfather II (1974) 10
02. The Godfather III (1990) 8
03. Irrational Man (2015) 6
04. Disturbia (2007) 7
05. The Revenant (2015) 6
06. Sleeping With Other People (2015) 5
07. About Time (2013) 7
08. Basic Instinct (1992) 7
09. American Psycho (2000) 8
10. 88 Minutes (2007) 6
11. The Hateful Eight (2015) 9
12. 21 Grams (2003) 9
13. Insomnia (2002) 6
14. Sicario (2015) 7
15. Rocky IV (1985) 7
16. Knight Of Cups (2015) 1
17. Amores Perros (2000) 7
18. Spotlight (2015) 8
19. Rear Window (1954) 8
20. The Big Short (2015) 6
21. Heat (1995) 8
22. 11:14 (2003) 6
23. Solace (2015) 5
24. Biutiful (2010) 6
25. Poker Night (2014) 3
26. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) 7
27. The Inthouchables (2011) 10
28. Taxi Driver (1976) 6
29. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford (2007) 6
30. Pompeii (2014) 5
31. Traffic (2000) 6
32. American Gangster (2007) 8
33. Goodfellas (1990) 8
34. La vita e bella (1997) 10
35. A Beautiful Mind (2001) 8
36. Swingers (1996) 5
37. Righteous Kill (2008) 5
38. The Words (2012) 6
39. Silver Linings Playbook (2012) 5
40. Schindler's List (1993) 10
41. Deception (2008) 5
42. Femme Fatale (2002) 8
43. Damage (1992) 7
44. The Pianist (2002) 9
45. Scarface (1983) 10
46. Ronin (1998) 7
47. Scent Of A Woman (1992) 7
48. 8 Mile (2002) 9
49. Legend (2015) 7
50. Pawn Sacrifice (2014) 8
51. Mystic River (2003) 10
52. Vertigo (1958) 8
53. Psycho (1960) 8
54. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011) 8
55. Youth (2015) 5
56. Memories Of Murder (2003) 9
57. The Number 23 (2007) 6
58. Ip Man 3 (2015) 8
59. Middle Men (2009) 7
60. The Departed (2006) 10
61. Confessions (2010) 7
62. The Treatment (2014) 6
63. Quiz Show (1994) 7
64. North By Northwest (1959) 10
65. Lost Highway (1997) 8
66. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (1966) 10
67. Marnie (1964) 8
68. Blue Velvet (1986) 7
69. Once Upon A Time In The West (1968) 9
70. Thunderbolt And Lightfoot (1974) 7
71. A Fistful Of Dollars (1964) 8
72. For A Few Dollars More (1965) 10
73. It's A Wonderful Life (1946) 10
74. Deadpool (2016) 6
75. Gran Torino (2008) 9
76. Escape From Alcatraz (1979) 7
77. The Untouchables (1987) 7
78. Absolute Power (1997) 8
79. From Here To Eternity (1953) 7
80. The Vanishing (1993) 6
81. Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016) 7
82. Dirty Harry (1971) 7
83. Once Upon A Time In America (1984) 10
84. Warcraft: The Begining (2016) 8
85. Magnum Force (1973) 7
86. Demolition (2016) 7
87. The Legend Of Tarzan (2016) 5
88. Trumbo (2016) 8
89. Manhatan Night (2016) 4
90. Delta of Venus (1995) 2
91. Bitter Moon (1992) 6
92. 12 Angry Men (1957) 9
93. Concussion (2015) 7
94. Killing Me Softly (2002) 6
95. What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) 9
96. Rebel Without A Cause (1955) 8
97. Planet Of The Apes (1968) 9

098. Braveheart (1995) 10
099. American Beauty (1999) 9
100. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) 8
101. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 7
102. Golden Five/Zlatna Petorka (2016) 5
103. East Of Eden (1955) 6
104. Perfect Strangers aka Perfetti Sconosciuti (2016) 8
105. Suicide Squad (2016) 5
106. The Infiltrator (2016) 8
107. Before The Rain (1994) 8
108. Jason Bourne (2016) 7
109. Gone With The Wind (1939) 8
110. Hair (1979) 10
111. Last Vegas (2013) 4
112. Full Metal Jacket (1987) 7
113. Groundhog Day (1993) 9
114. Live Flesh/Carne Tremula (1997) 7
115. The Truman Show (1998) 6
Член од
15 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
149/200 :notworthy:

001. When Marnie Was There (2014) - 4
002. Carol (2015) - 3½
003. The Secret World of Arrietty (2010) - 4½
004. Brooklyn (2015) - 4
005. X2: X-Men United (2003) - 4
006. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - 3
007. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) - 3½
008. Bridge of Spies (2015) - 4
009. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) - 4
010. Princess Mononoke (1997) - 5
011. All About Eve (1950) - 4½
012. 21 Grams (2003) - 4
013. Victoria (2015) - 5
014. Howl's Moving Castle (2004) - 4
015. Spotlight (2015) - 4
016. A Short Film About Love (1988) - 4
017. Room (2015) - 4½
018. The Revenant (2015) - 4½
019. Inception (2010) - 5
020. The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) - 3½
021. You Can Count on Me (2000) - 4
022. Hard Candy (2005) - 4
023. The Man from Earth (2007) - 4
024. The Wind Rises (2013) - 3½
025. A Beautiful Mind (2001) - 4½
026. Closer (2004) - 4
027. Blood Diamond (2006) - 4
028. Steve Jobs (2015) - 3½
029. The Big Short (2015) - 3
030. Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989) - 3
031. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) - 3½
032. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) - 3½
033. The Night Before (2015) - 3
034. Submarino (2010) - 4
035. Infinitely Polar Bear (2014) - 3½
036. V for Vendetta (2005) - 4½
037. The Hunt (2012) - 5
038. Deadpool (2016) - 4½
039. I Heart Huckabees (2004) - 2
040. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) - 3½
041. Hot Fuzz (2007) - 3½
042. The Spectacular Now (2013) - 3½
043. The World's End (2013) - 3½
044. Shaun of the Dead (2004) - 4
045. Trumbo (2015) - 4
046. 45 Years (2015) - 3½
047. Confessions (2010) - 4½
048. Once (2006) - 4
049. Chungking Express (1994) - 3½
050. Revolutionary Road (2008) - 3½
051. Bicycle Thieves (1948) - 4½
052. War of the Buttons (2011) - 3
053. Daddy's Home (2015) - 2
054. Irrational Man (2015) - 3
055. The Treatment (2014) - 4
056. Anomalisa (2015) - 4½
057. Detachment (2011) - 4
058. Two Night Stand (2014) - 3
059. Before Sunrise (1995) - 5
060. Man of Steel (2013) - 4
061. 2 Days in Paris (2007) - 3
062. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) - 4
063. Son of Saul (2015) - 4
064. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) - 5
065. Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010) - 3
066. Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014) - 3½
067. Chasing Amy (1997) - 3½
068. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - 3½
069. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) - 3
070. X-Men: First Class (2011) - 4½

071. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - 3
072. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - 4
073. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - 3½
074. Captain America: Civil War (2016) - 4½
075. Zootopia (2016) - 4½
076. Wonder Woman (2009) - 3½
077. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) - 4
078. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) - 3½
079. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - 3½
080. Fight Club (1999) - 5

081. The Imposter (2012) - 3½
082. Warcraft (2016) - 3½
083. Notting Hill (1999) - 3½
084. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - 5
085. 2 Guns (2013) - 3
086. The Graduate (1967) - 4
087. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) - 4
088. Demolition (2015) - 4
089. Blue Jasmine (2013) - 4½
090. Tangerines (2013) - 4½
091. Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) - 4
092. Dazed and Confused (1993) - 3½
093. Me Before You (2016) - 3½
094. Sing Street (2016) - 4½
095. Kate & Leopold (2001) - 3
096. Find Me Guilty (2006) - 2½
097. Raising Helen (2004) - 2½
098. The Fundamentals of Caring (2016) - 4
099. Sleepless in Seattle (1993) - 3
100. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) - 4
101. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) - 3
102. You've Got Mail (1998) - 3
103. As Good as It Gets (1997) - 3½

104. Batman: The Killing Joke (2016) - 3½
105. In Bruges (2008) - 4½
106. Batman Returns (1992) - 3½
107. Justice League vs. Teen Titans (2016) - 3
108. Frances Ha (2012) - 4½
109. Batman: Year One (2011) - 3½
110. The Jungle Book (2016) - 3½
111. Suicide Squad (2016) - 3½
112. Waiting... (2005) - 2
113. Now You See Me 2 (2016) - 3½
114. Before We Go (2014) - 3½
115. Golemata voda (2005) - 4
116. Blue Valentine (2010) - 4
117. No Strings Attached (2011) - 3
118. The Age of Adaline (2015) - 3
119. Rear Window (1954) - 4½
120. Gravity (2013) - 4
121. Do balcak (2014) - 3½
122. Strange Wilderness (2008) - 2
123. Café Society (2016) - 4
124. The Parent Trap (1998) - 3
125. The Lazarus Project (2008) - 2
126. Mickey Blue Eyes (1999) - 2½
127. The Game Plan (2007) - 2
128. Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) - 2½
129. Dirty Grandpa (2016) - 1½

130. Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) - 4
131. St. Vincent (2014) - 3½
132. The Secret Life of Pets (2016) - 3
133. Love, Rosie (2014) - 3½
134. Safety Not Guaranteed (2012) - 3
135. Up in the Air (2009) - 3
136. The Legend of Tarzan (2016) - 2½
137. Perfect Strangers (2016) - 4½
138. Tallulah (2016) - 3½
139. Manhattan (1979) - 4½
140. Captain Fantastic (2016) - 3½
141. Nerve (2016) - 3
142. Sausage Party (2016) - 3
143. Trainwreck (2015) - 3
144. Clueless (1995) - 3
145. The Fault in Our Stars (2014) - 3½
146. Submarine (2010) - 3
147. My Blueberry Nights (2007) - 3½
148. Star Trek Beyond (2016) - 3½
149. Justice League: The New Frontier (2008) - 3
Член од
15 јули 2009
Поени од реакции
63. This is the End (2013) 6
64. The Spectalucar now (2013) 8
65. 21 & Over (2013) 6
66. 22 Jump Street (2014) 5
67. That Awkward Moment (2014) 7
68. 17 Again (2009) 8
69. What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) 9
70. Prisoners (2013) 9
71. Demolition (2015) 7
72. Braveheart (1995) 10
73. Alexander (2004) 7
74. Golden Five (2016) 7
75. Kingdom of Heaven (2005) 9

75/100 :oops:


Член од
20 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
January - September 1 - 164


165. Ghostbusters (2016) - ★★
166. Golden Five (2016) - ★½


167. Life in a Day (2011) - ★★
168. Charade (1963) - ★★★★
169. До Балчак (2013) - ★½
170. Bottle Shock (2008) - ★★½
171. Gett: The Trial of Viviane (2014) - ★★★½
172. Nerve (2016) - ★★½
173. Lights Out (2016) - ★★★
174. Still Life (2013) - ★★★½
175. Whatever Works (2009) - ★★★★★
176. Captain Fantastic (2016) - ★★½
177. A. I. Artificial Inteligence (2001) - ★★★★★
178. Dont Breathe (2016) - ★★★
179. Sausage Party (2016) - ★★★
180. Star Trek: Beyond (2016) - ★★★
181. American Dirtbags (2015) - ★½


182. The Whole Truth (2016) - ★★½
183. Head Full of Honey (2014) - ★★★
184. The Wave (2008) - ★★★★★
185. About a Girl (2014) - ★½
186. Hördur – Between the Worlds (2015) - ★½
187. Tour de Force (2014) - ★★★★


188. Finding Dory (2016) - ★★½


♆ wicked one ♆
Член од
28 август 2014
Поени од реакции
1. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 7
2. THX 1138 (1971) 4.5
3. Love (2015) 6.5
4. Zona Zamfirova (2002) [R] 6
5. The Lobster (2015) 7
6. 45 Years (2015) 9
7. Parental Guidance (2012) 3.5
8. Burnt (2015) 5
9. The Little Prince (2015) 10
10. A Short Film About Love (1988) 9.5
11. Three Colors: Red (1994) 8.5

12. Solace (2015) 6.5
13. Submarino (2010) 7.5
14. Brooklyn (2015) 7.5
15. Room (2015) 9
16. Spectre (2015) 7
17. War of the Buttons (2011) 6


18. Now You See Me (2013) [R] 6.5
19. De Behandeling (2014) 8
20. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) 4.5
21. Shutter Island (2010) [R] 9
22. Detachment (2011) 7

23. The Trap [R] 7.5
24. Miami Vice (2006) 4
25. Alive (1993) [R] 7


26. Harvie Krumpet (2003) 8
27. 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) 8
28. Before Sunrise (1995) 10
29. Before Sunset (2004) 10

Before Midnight (2013) 9.5
31. Life Is Beautiful (1997) 10

32. Grave of the Fireflies (1988) 9
33. Once (2007) 7.5
34. The Piano Room (2013) 8
35. Dirty Grandpa (2016) 4.5
36. What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) 9
37. When Harry Met Sally... (1989) 7.5
38. Rebecca (1940) 8

39. Flipped (2010) 8
40. Good Bye Lenin! (2003) [R] 8.5
41. The Piano (1993) 5
42. Boogie Nights (1997) 7


43. Intimacy (2001) 5
44. The Constant Gardener (2005) 7.5
45. Zootopia (2016) 6.5
46. To Catch a Thief (1955) 8
47. The Congress (2013) 6
48. 12 Years a Slave (2013) 8 [R]
49. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) 8 [R]
50. A Beautiful Mind (2001) [R] 10
51. Lunacy (2005) 6


52. Great Expectations (1998) 7
53. Before Sunrise (1995) [R] 10
54. Before Sunset (2004) [R] 10

55. A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) [R] 9
56. Before Midnight (2013) [R] 9.5
57. A Simple Plan (1998) 7.5


58. Cabaret Balkan (1998) 7
59. Singin' in the Rain (1952) 6
60. Do balcak (2014) 6.5
61. Precious (2009) 6.5
62. Me Before You (2016) 3
63. Roger Waters: The Wall (2014) [R] 9.5
64. Victoria (2015) [R] 9 (По нецела година решив да го репризирам, и повторно ме остави со истата импресија како при првото гледање.)
65. EuroTrip (2004) [R] 7.5

66. Brick (2005) 7
67. Gett (2014) 8
68. Still Life (2013) 6
69. Around the World in 80 Days (2004) [R] 6
70. Perfetti sconosciuti (2016) 8
71. The Wave (2008) 8 [R] Моментално предлог во филм клубот. Изволте. :D
72. Unfaithful (2002) 5.5

Само 72/100 на два месеца до крај на годината. Тешко, тешко вторава сезонa :(

Последно уредено:


♆ wicked one ♆
Член од
28 август 2014
Поени од реакции


Член од
29 јануари 2006
Поени од реакции
1. All about Eve - 9/10
2. Sherlock: The Abominable Bride - 6/10
3. The Green Mile (R) - 10/10
4. Spotlight - 8/10
5. Victoria - 9/10
6. Bridge of Spies - 7/10
7. The Quiet Family - 8/10
8. Room - 9/10
9. Соба со пијано - 6/10


10. Steve Jobs - 7/10
11. The Lobster - 9/10
12. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - 8/10
13. The Big Short - 6/10
14. Carol - 7/10
15. Four Rooms - 7/10
16. Brooklyn - 8/10
17. Медена ноќ - 7/10
18. Mad Max - 7/10
19. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior - 6/10
20. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdrome - 5/10


21. Mad Max: Fury Road - 7/10
22. Bear Story - 9/10
23. In Time - 7/10
24. Dogtooth - 7/10
25. The Goonies - 8/10
26. Five Fingers - 6/10
27. A Lot Like Love - 8/10


28. Old School - 7/10
29. Crash - 8/10
30. Trial and Error - 6/10
31. Rounders - 8/10
32. The Double Life of Veronique - 8/10
33. Џган - 7/10
34. The Boy - 6/10
35. Eight Below - 8/10
36. Man on Fire - 9/10
37. Anomalisa - 6/10


38. Bicycle Thieves - 10/10
39. Deadpool - 7/10
40. Ex Machina - 7/10
41. The Boy in the Mirror - 4/10
42. Zootopia - 8/10
43. Equilibrium - 9/10
44. The Barber of Siberia - 7/10
45. Sweet and Lowdown - 7/10
46. Човекот што не сакаше да умре - 8/10
47. Кружно патување на Марето - 7/10
48. Цртежи на карпи - 6/10
49. Маѓепсаниот Гручо - 7/10
50. Будалиот Џек - 7/10
51. Патување пеш - 6/10
52. Девојката што паѓа - 4/10
53. Сам (Alone) - 4/10
54. Последни чекори - 3/10
55. Незрели цреши - 8/10
56. Карма - 7/10
57. Шшшт... Запеј ми! - 5/10
58. Feed me with your words - 8/10


59. Heidi - 9/10
60. Biutiful - 6/10
61. Demolition - 8/10


62. A. I. Artificial Intelligence - 10/10
63. Now You See Me 2 - 7/10
64. Me Before You - 6/10


65. Warcraft: The Beginning - 7/10
66. Café de Flore - 9/10
67. Creed - 7/10
68. The Terminal - 7/10
69. До балчак - 4/10
70. The Man Who Knew Infinity - 8/10
71. Fenster zum Sommer - 6/10
72. Lust for Life - 9/10


73. Ice Age: Collision Course - 7/10
74. Mrtav 'ladan - 8/10

75. Shame - 8/10
76. Златна петорка - 6/10
77. The Secret Life of Pets - 8/10
78. Paddington - 7/10
79. Finding Nemo - 9/10
80. Perfect Strangers - 10/10
81. The Big Shave - 7/10
82. Meet Joe Black - 6/10
83. Captain Fantastic - 8/10
84. Sunstroke - 7/10
85. Sausage Party - 5/10
86. The White Ribbon - 9/10
87. Finding Dory - 8/10
88. Лепа села лепо горе - 8/10
89. Rebel Without a Cause - 7/10

90. The Return - 9/10
Член од
1 декември 2010
Поени од реакции
1. The Lion King - 10
2. Welcome to the Dollhouse - 7
3. Bridge of Spies - 8
4. Life is Beautiful - 9
5. Jurassic World - 8
6. Up - 8
7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone - 9
8. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 8
9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 8
10. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 9
11. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7
12. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 9
13. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - 8
14. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 9
15. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - 6.5
16. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - 8
17. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - 7
18. Prometheus - 7
19. A Short Film About Love - 5
20. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace - 8
21. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones - 8
22. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith - 9
23. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope - 8
24. Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back - 9
25. Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi - 9

26. Spotlight - 8
27. Room - 8
28. Pulp Fiction - 10
29. Intouchables - 10
30. Sulivan's Travels - 8
31. The Revenant - 9
32. The Rebound - 6
33. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) - 9
34. The Godfather - 10
35. Man from Earth - 9
36. The Godfather II - 10
37. Ant-Man - 8
38. Submarino - 8
39. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 8
40. Good Will Hunting - 10
41. Deadpool - 9
42. Detachment - 8
43. The Shawshank Redemption - 10
44. The Trap (Klopka) - 8
45. Rush - 8
46. Alive - 6.5
47. Cheaper by the Dozen - 3.5
48. Life of Brian - 9
49. Dirty Grandpa - 6
50. The Frighteners - 6
51. Confessions - 8
52. The One I Love - 7
53. Little Miss Sunshine - 8
54. Harvie Krumpet - 9
55. The Man Who Knew Too Much - 8.5
56. Grave of the Fireflies - 7.5
57. Rebecca - 9.5
58. Sunset Boulevard - 9
59. Notorious - 8
60. Strangers on a Train - 7
61. Double Indemnity - 9
62. Psycho - 9
63. M - 8
64. Captain America: Civil War - 9
65. The Apartment - 10
66. Breakfast at Tiffany’s - 7
67. Witness for the Prosecution - 10
68. To Kill a Mockingbird - 9
69. The Third Man - 8
70. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - 10
71. North by Northwest - 9
72. Rope - 8
73. The Lady Vanishes - 7
74. High Noon - 8.5
75. The Big Heat - 8
76. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - 8
77. The Night of the Hunter - 9
78. Diabolique - 9
79. Shadow of a Doubt - 8.5
80. Angels with Dirty Faces - 10
81. Out of the Past - 7.5
82. To Have and Have Not - 7.5
83. Scarlet Street - 8.5
84. The Lost Weekend - 7.5
85. Dark Victory - 8
86. Some Like It Hot - 9
87. X-Men: Apocalypse - 8
88. Repulsion - 7
89. Good bye, Lenin! - 8
90. Rosemary’s Baby - 8
91. Now You See Me 2 - 7
92. Chinatown - 9
93. The Tenant - 9
94. The Pianist - 10
95. Dead Ringer - 8.5
96. Bicycle Thieves - 10
97. It’s a Wonderful Life - 10
98. Umberto D. - 9
99. Once Upon a Time in the West - 8
100. Mary and Max - 10
101. Zootopia - 8
102. The Bone Collector - 6
103. Spirited Away - 7
104. Stand by Me - 9
105. Seven Pounds - 9
106. A.I. Artificial Intelligence - 10
107. Bicentennial Man - 10
108. Scent of a Woman - 8
109. Mildred Pierce - 9
110. A Simple Plan - 8
111. Ace in the Hole - 8
112. A Trip to the Moon - 10 :cuc: :D
113. Un Chien Andalou - 7
114. The Great Train Robbery - 6
115. Murder on the Orient Express - 8
116. The Killers - 9
117. Gilda - 7
118. Sherlock, Jr. - 10 :pos:
119. The General - 9
120. White Heat - 8.5
121. In a Lonely Place - 8
123. Murder by Death - 9
124. Clue - 7
125. Gone with the Wind - 10
126. Singin’ in the Rain - 6
127. Dark Passage - 8
128. Bunny Lake Is Missing - 8
129. The Best Years of Our Lives - 10
130. Modern Times - 10
131. Cops - 9
132. The Maltese Falcon - 9
133. City Lights - 10
134. A Dog’s Life - 8
135. The Invisible Man - 7
136. The Gold Rush - 10
137. The Great Dictator - 8
138. The Kid - 8
139. The Cameraman - 8
140. The Garage - 8
141. One Week - 9
142. The Circus - 9
143. The Play House - 8
144. Laura - 9
145. Neighbors - 9
146. The Big Sleep - 8.5
147. Key Largo - 8
148. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - 9
149. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang - 8
150. The Roaring Twenties - 8
151. The Public Enemy - 7
152. Sudden Fear - 9
153. The Asphalt Jungle - 7
154. It Happened One Night - 7
155. The Naked City - 7
156. Rififi - 8
157. The Apartment - 10
158. Brief Encounter - 8
159. Nights of Cabiria - 10
160. Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem - 7
161. Trouble in Paradise - 7
162. Kiss Me Deadly - 8
163. High Sierra - 7
164. Touch of Evil - 9
165. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children - 6
166. Vertigo - 10
167. Bad Day at Black Rock - 7.5
168. High and Low - 8.5
169. Golden Five - 5
170. Night and the City - 8
171. La Strada - 8
172. The Killing - 9
173. Before I Wake - 7.5
174. A Matter of Life and Death - 6
175. Citizen Kane - 9
176. The Wrong Man - 7
177. The Shop Around the Corner - 10
178. To Catch a Thief - 8
179. My Man Godfrey - 9
180. The Lady from Shanghai - 7
181. Seven Chances - 8.5
182. Star Trek Beyond - 6.5
183. Zodiac - 8
184. Rashomon - 7.5
185. Leon: The Professional - 10
186. The Birds - 7
187. Lifeboat - 8
188. The 39 Steps - 7
189. Marnie - 8
190. Cinema Paradiso - 9

191. A Streetcar Named Desire - 7.5
192. The Wave - 7
193. Fargo - 8
194. Amadeus - 9
195. The Deer Hunter - 9
196. Doctor Zhivago - 8.5
197. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - 9
198. Sweet Smell of Success - 7
199. Miller’s Crossing - 9
200. Julia’s Eyes - 7.5

Џонтра Волта

1. The Hateful Eight (2015) - 10 usa
2. Bridge of Spies (2015) - 7 usa
3. 45 Years (2015) - 7 england
4. The Martian (2015) - 8 usa
5. Interstellar (2014) - 9 usa
6. Inception (2010) - 8.5 usa

7. A short film about love (1988) - 6.5 poland
8. A short film about killing (1988) - 5 poland
9. Amores Perros (2000) - 7.5 mexico
10. 21 Grams (2003) - 8 usa
11. Babel (2006) - 7.5 usa
12. Biutiful (2010) - 6.5 spain
13. Birdman (2014) - 6 usa

14. 11:14 (2003) - 7 usa
15. Sin City (2005) - 5 usa
16. Death Proof (2007) - 7 usa
17. Spotlight (2015) - 6 usa
18. The Big Short (2015) - 6 usa
19. Victoria (2015) - 10 germany

20. Rebecca (1940) - 8 usa
21. Suspicion (1941) - 7.5 usa
22. Lifeboat (1944) - 6.5 usa
23. Rope (1948) - 7.5 usa
24. The Trouble With Harry (1955) - 5 usa
25. To Catch A Thief (1955) - 7 usa
26. Frenzy (1972) - 8 england
27. Blood Diamond (2006) - 9 usa

28. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) - 6.5 india
29. Life Is Beautiful (1997) - 8.5 italy
30. The Intouchables (2011) - 10 france
31. Driving Miss Daisy (1989) - 7.5 usa
32. Rain Man (1988) - 9 usa
33. Gone Baby Gone (2007) - 8.5 usa
34. The Town (2010) - 8.5 usa
35. Argo (2012) - 8.5 usa

36. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - 9 usa
37. 12 Years a Slave (2013) - 8 usa
38. Oldboy (2003) - 7 south korea
39. Confessions (2010) - 9 japan
40. A Separation (2011) - 6.5 iran
41. About Elly (2009) - 6.5 iran
42. Submarino (2010) - 9 denmark
43. The Hunt (2012) - 9 denmark

44. The Grey Zone (2001) - 6.5 usa
45. The Counterfeiters (2007) - 6 austria
46. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008) - 7 england
47. Enemy at the Gates (2001) - 8 usa
48. Full Metal Jacket (1987) - 6 usa
49. Flags of Our Fathers (2006) - 8.5 usa
50. Letters From Iwo Jima (2006) - 8.5 usa
51. Fury (2014) - 7.5 usa
52. Room (2015) - 9 canada
53. Brooklyn (2015) - 7 ireland
54. War of the Buttons (2011) - 6 france

55. Тhe Conversation (1974) - 7 usa
56. Silence of the Lambs (1991) R - 9 usa
57. Hannibal (2001) - 6.5 usa
58. Red Dragon (2002) - 7 usa

59. Blue Velvet (1986) - 8 usa
60. Lost Highway (1997) - 8 usa
61. The Treatment (2014) - 8 belgium
62. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) - 8.5 argentina
63. Headhunters (2011) - 6 norway
64. Let the Right One In (2008) - 8 sweden

65. High Noon (1952) - 9 usa
66. Django (1966) - 7 italy
67. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) - 7.5 usa
68. Hang `Em High (1968) - 7 usa
69. High Plains Drifter (1973) - 6 usa

70. Suspiria (1977) - 5 italy
71. Dogtooth (2009) - 8 greece
72. Detachment (2011) - 6 usa
73. The Vanishing (1988) - 8 netherlands
74. Funny Games (1997) - 7 austria
75. Hidden(Cache) (2005) - 6.5 france
76. Chinatown (1974) - 8 usa
77. The Burning Plain (2008) - 7.5 usa
78. Angel Heart (1987) - 8 usa

79. A Bronx Tale (1993) - 8 usa
80. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) - 7.5 usa
81. The Untouchables (1987) - 8 usa
82. Once Upon a Time In America (1984) - 10 usa
83. Enemy (2013) - 6 canada

84. Nine Queens (2000) - 7.5 argentina
85. Klopka (2007) - 7 serbia
86. Incendies (2010) - 10 canada
87. Harvie Krumpet (2003) - / australia
88. Son of Saul (2015) - 5 hungary

89. 127 Hours (2010) - 7 usa
90. Trainspotting (1996) - 10 scotland
91. Brothers (2009) - 7 usa
92. Demolition (2015) - 8 usa
93. Philadelphia (1993) - 7.5 usa
94. Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - 8 usa
95. A Time to Kill (1996) - 8 usa

96. Captain Phillips (2013) - 7.5 usa
97. Ida (2013) - 5 poland
98. Bicycle Thieves (1948) - 7 italy
99. The Third Man (1949) - 7.5 england
100. 12 Angry Men (1957) - 9 usa

101. Papillon (1973) - 8 usa
102. Leon: The Professional (1994) - 10 usa
103. City of God (2002) - 7.5 brasil
104. Sleep Tight (2011) - 7 spain
105. The Hidden Face (2011) - 8 spain

106. Thesis (1996) - 6 spain
107. Cell 211 (2009) - 7 spain
108. The Body (2012) - 8 spain
109. Marshland (2014) - 7 spain
110. Tell No One (2006) - 7.5 france
111. Oslo. August 31st. (2011) - 7.5 norway

112. Sins of My Father (2009) - (doc)/ colombia
113. Stalingrad (1993) - 6 germany
114. Fortress of War (2010) - 7.5 belarus
115. Battle For Sevastopol (2015) - 7.5 ukraine
116. Nicija Zemlja (No Man`s Land) (2001) - 8 bosnia and herzegovina

117. Tangerines (2013) - 8 estonia
118. Patton (1970) - 7.5 usa
119. Platoon (1986) - 8 usa
120. Apocalypse Now (1979) - 6 usa
121. The Deer Hunter (1978) - 10 usa

122. Everybody`s Fine (2009) - 7.5 usa
123. Sleepers (1996) - 8.5 usa
124. The King of Comedy (1982) - 7 usa
125. Mean Streets (1973) - 7.5 usa
126. Casino (1995) - 9 usa
127. Gangs of New York (2002) - 8.5 usa

128. This Boys Life (1993) - 7.5 usa
129. What`s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) - 8 usa
130. The Basketball Diaries (1995) - 7.5 usa
131. The Colony (2015) - 8 germany
132. The Bridges of Madison County (1995) - 8.5 usa
133. American Beauty (1999) - 9 usa

134. Cinderella Man (2005) - 8 usa
135. Warrior (2011) - 7.5 usa
136. Rush (2013) - 8 usa
137. The Bourne Identity (2002) - 8 usa
138. The Bourne Supremacy (2004) - 8 usa
139. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) - 8 usa
140. The Bourne Legacy (2012) - 7 usa
141. Jason Bourne (2016) - 8 usa

142. True Romance (1993) - 7.5 usa
143. The Elephant Man (1980) - 9 usa
144. Cast Away (2000) - 9 usa
145. Perfect Strangers (2016) - 9 italy

146. My Left Foot (1989) - 7 ireland
147. The Last of the Mohicans (1992) - 7 usa
148. In The Name of the Father (1993) - 8.5 ireland
149. There Will Be Blood (2007) - 7 usa
150. Lincoln (2012) - 7 usa

151. The Straight Story (1999) - 7 usa
152. Insomnia (1997) - 7 norway
153. Crash (2004) - 7 usa
154. Before I Wake (2016) - 6 usa
155. Road to Perdition (2002) - 8.5 usa

156. The Infiltrator (2016) - 6.5 usa
157. Eastern Promises (2007) - 7 usa
158. The Wave (2008) - 7 germany
159. The Keeper of Lost Causes (2013) - 8 denmark
160. The Absent One (2014) - 8 denmark
161. A Conspiracy of Faith (2016) - 8 denmark


Be a bee
Член од
9 јуни 2006
Поени од реакции
Јануари: 13/100
1. Anomalisa (2015) 8/10
2. The Captive (2014) 5.5/10
3. A Christmas Story (1983) 7/10
4. Sleeping with other people (2015) 5/10
5. Faults (2014) 7.5/10
6. Sisters (2015) 2/10
7. Anesthesia (2015) 7/10
8. Little Boy (2015) 6.5/10
9. Good Kill (2014) 5.5/10
10. Fathers and Daughters (2015) 6/10
11. Joy (2015) 5/10
12. The Big Short (2015) 8/10
13. The runaways (2010) 5.5/10

Февруари 24/100:

14. The Revenant (2015) 8/10
15. Bridge of Spies (2015) 8.5/10
16. The Danish Girl (2015) 8/10
17. The Martian (2015) 7.5/10
18. Steve Jobs (2015) 4/10
19. Inside Out (2015) 10/10
20. Deadpool (2016) 9.5/10
21. Spotlight (2015) 7/10
22. Mad Max : Fury Road (2015) 4/10
23. Brooklyn (2015) 6/10
24. Carol (2015) 8/10

Март 26/100:
25. The Lobster (2015) 8/10
26. Zootopia (2015) 8/10

Април 36/100

27. James White (2015) 7.5/10
28 The Nightmare (2015) 5/10
29. Jane Wants a Boyfriend (2015) 5/10
30. Victoria (2015) 9.5/10
31. The piano teacher (2001) 8/10
32. Lilya 4-ever (2002) 8/10
33. Џган (2016) 7.5/10
34. 300 (2006) 5.5/10
35. Perfume: The story of a murderer (2006) 7/10
36. Love Loves Coincidences (2011) 3.5/10

Мај 44/100

37. Hello, My name is Doris (2015) 6/10
38. Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party (2015) 7/10
39. LOVE (2015) 8/10
40. Estranged (2015) 1.5/10
41. The preppie connection (2015) 5/10
42. 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) 8/10
43. How to be single (2016) 4/10
44. Mr. Right (2015) 3/10

Јуни 49/100

45. Stand (2014) 7.5/10
46. That Sugar FIlm (2014) 7/10
47. The Imposter (2012) 8.5/10
48. Catfish (2010) 9/10
49. Out in the Silence (2009) 6/10

Јули 54/100

50. Midnight Special (2016) 3/5/10
51. Eye in the Sky (2015) 8.5/10
52. Autism in Love (2015) 9/10
53. Maigret Sets a Trump (2016) 8/10
54. Girl on the Edge (2015) 4.5/10

Август: 58/100

55. Tallulah (2016) 7/10
56. The fundamentalism of caring (2016) 7.5/10
57. Goodnight Mommy (2014) 9/10
58. Finding Nemo (2003) 8/10

Септември: 67/100

59. Zodiac (2007) 9/10
60. The Kings of Summer (2013) 7/10
61. Palo Alto (2003) 3/10
62. The Model (2016) 5.5/10
63. The Shallows (2016) 4/10
64. Swiss Army Man (2016) 6.5/10
65. Summer of 8 (2016) 5/10
66. Me before you (2016) 7/10
67. Disconnect (2012) 7/10

Октомври: 79/100

68. Being Charlie (2015) 4/10
69. Lights out (2016) 1/10
70. Detachment (2011) 8/10
71. Jaws (1975) 8/10
72. Jaws 2 (1978) 8/10
73. About a girl (2014) 7.5/10
74. Amy (2015) 9/10
75. Hin Und Weg (2014) 9.5/10
76. Nerve (2016) 7/10
77. Bad Moms (2016) 4/10
78. Life in a day (2011) 9/10
79. Phobia (2016) 8.5/10

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