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Член од
28 мај 2008
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500 Days of Summer
Do you ever do this, you think back on all the times you've had with someone and you just replay it in your head over and over again and you look for those first signs of trouble?
Look, I know you think she was the one, but I don't. Now, I think you're just remembering the good stuff. Next time you look back, I, uh, I really think you should look again.
You don't want to be named as anybody's girlfriend, and now you're someone's wife?
...and my favorite:
Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin and they end with no lasting memory made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life.


Член од
29 октомври 2007
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Guido: My Dears... Happiness consists of being able to tell the truth without hurting anyone.

Guido: What is this flash of joy that's giving me new life? Please forgive me sweet creatures; I didn't realize, I didn't know. How right it is to accept you, to love, you... and how simple! Luisa, I feel I've been set free. Everything looks good to me, it has a sense, it's true. How I wish I could explain, but I can't... everything's going back to what it was. Everything's confused again, but that confusion is me; how I am, not how I'd like to be. And I'm not afraid to tell the truth now, what I don't know, what I'm seeking. Only like that do I feel alive and I can look into your loyal eyes without shame. Life is a party, let's live it together. I can't say anything else, to you or others. Take me as I am, if you can... it's the only way we can try to find each other.

Claudia: I don't understand. He meets a girl that can give him a new life and he pushes her away?
Guido: Because he no longer believes in it.
Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.
Guido: Because it isn't true that a woman can change a man.
Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.
Guido: And above all because I don't feel like telling another pile of lies.
Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.

8 1/2


Член од
25 јануари 2007
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„Мали... и цвеќе што најубаво мириса, ако на ѓериз никне... на ѓериз ќе смрди.“

Член од
3 јуни 2014
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Love her? You're devoid of all feeling. You lack common decency. You know how to express yourself. You always have just the right words. There's just one thing you haven't the slightest clue about: life itself. You're a craven coward, but a genius at evasions and excuses. - Through a Glass Darkly
Член од
19 ноември 2012
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Helena: Just hearing Sergei's voice used to make me nauseous. But then, you know, we were in the same room, talking. And despite all this hell he put me through, you know... I would catch myself almost forgetting who he was.
Kate Morozov: The devil's not without his charms.

- Human Trafficking (2005)

Nash: I've gotten used to ignoring them and I think, as a result, they've kind of given up on me. I think that's what it's like with all our dreams and our nightmares, Martin, we've got to keep feeding them for them to stay alive.

Dr. Rosen: Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be?

+ цела скрипта и реплики на Неш од A Beautiful Mind
Член од
16 јуни 2014
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„There are days, many of them, when I resent the size of my unbounded set. I want more numbers than I'm likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for Augustus Waters than he got. But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.”
The fault in our stars

“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What’s it look like? If it’s with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that’s what you really wanted. But don’t you take the easy way out.”
The notebook

I have to tell you this and you need to hear it. I loved you since I met you, but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead, making decisions soaked with fear... Today, because of you... what I learned from you; every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed... and I've learned that if you do that, then you're living your life fully... it doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha if not for today, if not for you I would never have known love at all... So thank you for being the person who taught me to love... and to be love.
If only


Golem alat
Член од
21 април 2006
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Jeffrey Goines: Games, Games. Here’s some games. Games that want to get out, ha. See? More games. Games, they vegetize you. See? Bah! If you play the games you’re voluntarily taking a tranquilizer.
Член од
10 октомври 2011
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U životu vaš čeka još mnogo nepravdi, mnogo poraza, ali onda će te biti same. Sve to mora da se prodže, kažu da se tako postaje čovek, deco moja.

= тренерот на полувремето меѓу Југославија и Уругвај од Монтевидео, видимо се.
Член од
5 јануари 2008
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"Man is a malformation, a perversity of nature."
The Serpent's Egg

"Do you not then hear this horrible scream all around you that people usually call silence?"
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

Kajgana Shop

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