и зборот Selloi,the priests of Dodona at Hepeirus (cf. Homer's, Iliad, Π 233)
не е грчки,бидејќи Додона никогаш не припаѓала на суб-сахарците...
Пулески..греци народно име немајет..се казват уруми..
п.с..сигурно гледал и во фаците..
Postojat referenci deka so hellene vo periodot vreme se oznacuvale paganite.
"The name Hellene came to mean "pagan" with the institutionalisation of Christianity in the first centuries and it retained that meaning until the end of the millennium, during which the early Christian church played an instrumental role in accelerating the transition."
"Saint Paul in his Epistles uses Hellene, almost always in association with Hebrew, possibly with the aim of representing the sum of those two religious communities.[35] Hellene is used in a religious meaning for the first time in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Mark 7:26, a woman arrives before Jesus kneeling before him: "The woman was a Hellene, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter."[36]"
[35] Saint Paul, Acts of the Apostles, 13, 48 & 15, 3 & 7, 12
[36] New Testament, Gospel of Mark, 7, 26
Net source:
Ottuka vo kontekst na uste edno izvedeno znacenje od hell/ene,koe pak ne bi mozelo da bide t.n.grcko
hell->*k'sijel -sjael -svetol
Svestenicite ili mozebi potocno bi bilo svestenickite Selloi bi bile onie sto ja dumat religijata na svetlinata -sonceto
Svetli -osvetleni-prosvetleni
Vo nasiov denesen jazik toj zbor denes go imame kako epitet se obrakjame kon ovie nasi tatkovci ,koi sto ja prodolzuvaat ulogata na nekogas svestenicite/ckite...
Vo latinskiot toa e zborot
holy ,so istoto znacenie