Fassone: "The target of having 2/3 of the team has been done. The remaining 1/3 is still missing.
The quality of players is in line with our goals. Milan's financial management is independent. It will be a season of investments, totally covered by the bond issued. There is still a significant part of the budget to complete the squad. Making back into the Champions League the first season would be really important, financially speaking
Donnarumma is in our hearts. He is a great player and I am sure everything will work out fine. We have reformulated our offer for him, we are almost there. The response must arrive rapidly.
The arrival of a top player? Within 10 days take stock of our budget then we will evaluate. There will still be surprises.

Raiola does his job, tries to optimize the economic benefit for himself and his client. For Conti these could be decisive days. But we are leaving Atalanta to make their decisions. I have a clear ideas on our transfer budget. We have to decide how invest it, whether on one player or several players."
Mirabelli: "We have done a lot but we still have to do more. We are an open yard, more signings will arrive.
We are trying to follow a logic in the mercato. We are trying to open a cycle with young players.
The mercato is still long. We will form a suitable roster for 3 competitions. We don't know how many players will still arrive. Bacca and Lapadula have offers, the same goes to other players. It's an open yard.
We will still do something in the attack. We are evaluating many things, we have many attackers
We are having requests for many players. This will also affect the players who will arrive. Many players want to come to Milan but ours are also requested by other clubs. We are happy.
Keita was a target but he was handled in a certain way. He doesn't fall in our plans anymore.
We are looking for solutions to make the squad competitive. In our minds there are names that we think about signing. We like Biglia. It's false to say that there were discussions with Lotito. We have to find the square.
We are Milan, we do not do compromises for any player. The fact that everyone wants to come to Milan has to make us proud. It's a dream to be here, we are confident in what we do.
Bringing players from Germany is not easy. I am proud of the two we brought from there, maybe more will come...

Different teams are interested in signing our players. Whoever asks for our players must meet our economic demands. We don't give gifts away.
Non-eu players? We have free slots. We haven't taken players from Brazil or Argentina, it was a question of time. I don't exclude that the non-eu players arrive from European leagues. De Sciglio? We talked several times with his agents. The player wants to change clubs since a long time. Who wants De Sciglio has to satisfy our request, otherwise he will have to wait until June 2018.
We want to hand over to the coach the two players we have in mind. I think we'll actually make it."
Montella: "I am full of enthusiasm. The team is being completed. Many players have arrived with different experiences.We will also take important decisions regarding the outgoing players. We target returning to the Champions League. For the regista role we are making our evaluations. Fassone and Mirabelli deal with the mercato.
The player who stimulates me to train him? Bonaventura, I had him a little last year.
Playing with two strikers in front? It's a possibility, it depends on the characteristics of the players.
A team becomes a winning and an important one when it has great alternatives on the bench too.
Some players will have to leave. For example, we have three right backs and three left backs.Suso is an appreciated player by me and the management. The intention is to move forward together.
Calhanoglu is a trequartista who intrigues me, I know him, he has a great talent. We need to understand how he will integrate. I like Kalinic. We are looking at many options. We are pleased with his words but we have utmost respect for Fiorentina.
Andre Silva is a great talent who has great room for improvement. He can score a lot more"