Фан Клуб: Јувентус

Член од
22 февруари 2007
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3-5-2 и во домашно ама со брзи бекови. Кедира и Мората ја прават разликата.Треба да почнат посмирено со повеќе додавања да играме како лани.До сега многу брзаа и на сила индивидуално се мачевме.Погба и Квадрадо пак рагби шутеви, мора да се наштеловаат.
Денеска одлични сите, само вака нека продолжат.
Море последниот шут на Квадрадо убо беше наштелован. Ако бомбардира онака нека си пробва по некоја на меч.


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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Dybala to Mediaset "I'm happy to play but I still need to improve. This team must return to winning ways."



ВАР експерт
Член од
15 јануари 2013
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Реално вториот гол е пола заслуга на Дибала. Страшно се избори за позиција. Секоја му чест за играта, ќе се развие во тоа страшно верувам. Само си треба малку трпение и верба.


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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HT Juventus 1-0 Sevilla
Shots: 12-1
On target 2-1
Dribbles 5-5
Tackles 9-11
Pass Accuracy 86%-78%
Possession 48-52%

FT Juventus 2-0 Sevilla
Shots: 20-1
On target 6-1
Dribbles 12-16
Tackles 15-18
Pass Accuracy 90%-82%
Possession 54-46%


КЕН ЛИИИИ лиду дибу даут јууууууу !!!!
Член од
16 јули 2014
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Сликите мојт да ги избришит, тетоважите не.:kuracc:


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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Dybala: 'I saw Zaza...'
By Football Italia staff

Paulo Dybala explained his assist for Simone Zaza against Sevilla and wants to “take Juventus to the top.”

Alvaro Morata scored in the first half, while the 2-0 victory was sealed late on by Zaza.

“When I saw Zaza was running forward on his own, I hoped for the goal, as I knew with a second goal we would’ve been close to the win,” Dybala told Mediaset Premium.

“We put in a great performance and deserved to win the game.”

It was perhaps the ex-Palermo man’s best showing so far in a Bianconeri jersey.

“I have to work a great deal, because this is a team that has been accustomed to winning for quite some time. We work to play games like this. We want to take Juventus to the top and I want to continue putting in great performances.”

Allegri: 'Hernanes great game'
By Football Italia staff

Max Allegri was “satisfied” with Juventus as they beat Sevilla in the Champions League, singling out Hernanes for praise.

The 2-0 result was sealed by Alvaro Morata and Simone Zaza to put them top of the group on six points, followed by Sevilla and Manchester City on three.

“The lads put in a good performance, tacticallly, technically and defensively. We had a very young attack with little international experience,” Allegri told JTV.

“Hernanes had a good game after all the criticism of his performance at Napoli, which was too bad to be real. I am satisfied.

“Sevilla are a very solid team and dangerous in attack, but when the lads are open to working hard and sacrificing themselves for the team, we can do well.

“Against Napoli we got it wrong technically, making many errors to allow lots of counter-attacks. Even then, towards the end we were still in the running for an equaliser.

“If you keep the ball it is easier to play, attack and defend. We still have to improve this aspect, but it is getting better.”



Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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Alvaro Morata scored in his fifth Champions League game in a row to equal Alessandro Del Piero's Juventus record tonight[DOUBLEPOST=1443648951][/DOUBLEPOST]A seventh goal in nine UEFA Champions League matches for Alvaro Morata gets the ‪#‎JStadium‬ rocking and rolling on another magical ‪#‎UCL‬night.
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Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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Allegri: 'If Cuadrado passes...'
By Football Italia staff

Massimiliano Allegri noted Juventus are “learning to play at the top level” and believes Juan Cuadrado “can become unstoppable.”

The Bianconeri maintained their 100 per cent Champions League record with a 2-0 victory over Sevilla

“The lads put in a good game, but still need to read the various moments of the match,” Allegri told Mediaset Premium.

“After an intense opening 30 minutes, we should’ve controlled the tempo better, but instead got stretched out and created space for Sevilla in midfield.

“In the second half the team did better at reading the game, slowing the tempo and then accelerating at the right moment.

“This is the first step for a team that is still learning how to play at the top level.”

Allegri had been bitterly criticised following Juve’s worst Serie A start in almost 50 years, but his European record is remarkable.

“I believe in what I do. In my five years between Milan and Juve, thanks to the players at my disposal, I have achieved some decent results. If people like me is not my problem.”

Amid an injury crisis, the Coach fielded a skewed 3-5-2 with Andrea Barzagli occasionally turning into a right-back.

“Regardless of systems, it is the willingness of the players to put themselves at the disposal of the team that makes the difference. Growth also comes through bad performances, as it’s how the young players learn.”

Cuadrado was impressive in attack, although Allegri had some advice.

“He has pace and great technique when taking men on. Tonight he played better compared to his performances against Chievo and Udinese.

“He is starting to realise when to pass the ball. If he learns the timing and when to set up his teammates, he can become simply unstoppable.”

Cuadrado: 'Happy at Juventus'
By Football Italia staff'

Juan Guillermo Cuadrado enjoyed his first victory at the Juventus Stadium and is “happy” in Turin.

The Bianconeri beat Sevilla 2-0 in the Champions League, maintaining their perfect record in the tournament.

“It was important to win and we are all happy for this performance. We played very well as a team and must continue like this,” the Colombian told JTV.

“We have to enjoy the next few hours, as from tomorrow our focus goes back to Serie A.

“It is certainly wonderful to win at the Juventus Stadium, as this was our first home victory of the season. We played very well against a great side like Sevilla, so I am happy.”

Cuadrado seems a completely different player to the one who struggled over the last six months at Chelsea.

“I was so happy from the moment I arrived and my teammates gave me a warm welcome. I have always been at the disposal of the Coach and the team.”


1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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Колку што беше крив Алегри за натпреварот викендов, толку е крив за победава денеска.

Тактиката му беше погодена, хируршки прецизно.

Никој сега не зборува за негова смена :)

Cuadrado,која брзина,визија и техника ја има. Како што рече Алегри, уште малку повеќе да поддава, ќе биде незапирлив.

Кедира, е играчот кој донесе голема стабилност во средината. Средината е нашето најпрепознатливо оружје, со Кедира вечерва се доби на стабилност, Хернанес изигра страшно добро, и одма и Погба беше оној стариот. Ви реков јас дека не можи сам да игра, во средината.

Марота уште вечерва нека резервира билет, нека земи во куферче 8-9 милиони, и нека летни за Мадрид, да ја скинат клаузулата што ја има Реал за Мората. И нека му го продолжат договорот. Доволно е да ја мирисни топката за да влези вгол.

Барзаљи, вгодина, комотно може десно крило да го играат.


И, не се радувам толку на победата. Се радувам дека се врати онаа смиреност и сигурност кај играчите, кои сезонава ја немаа. Се надевам дека ова добро ќе му дојди, и дека Болоња има да ја изрешетаат викендов :)
Член од
27 јануари 2010
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Edino me interesira kako funkcionirase kedira vecerva ne bev vo moznost da ja gleda :( a cuadrado e noviot camoranesi baska 16ka e ;)

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
Поени од реакции
Edino me interesira kako funkcionirase kedira vecerva ne bev vo moznost da ja gleda :( a cuadrado e noviot camoranesi baska 16ka e ;)

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
Играчиште, секаде на теренот, креаираше шанси 2-3 во шестнаесетник, одлично подавање, спаси една ситуација пред гол кај нас со одличен старт. се на се ПЕРФЕКТЕН пу пу машала[DOUBLEPOST=1443651943][/DOUBLEPOST]Денес пред мечот


[DOUBLEPOST=1443655082][/DOUBLEPOST]David Beckham has named Alvaro Morata, Marco Verratti and Neymar alongside Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi as the players that most excite him in world football.

Apart from the normal suspects—I'll have to say Leo and Cristiano—I think Morata is an exciting player.
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