Случувањата во Африка!


Red Devil
Член од
7 март 2012
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pokraj nafta, uranium i zlato? poso od ovie ima troa mnogu :icon_mrgr:
Да не сум во кожата на Макрон како повеќе и се сили на Русија се повеќе тоне народот уште малку ке му ја пали елисејската палата :D:свиркам:


Член од
27 ноември 2014
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Да не сум во кожата на Макрон како повеќе и се сили на Русија се повеќе тоне народот уште малку ке му ја пали елисејската палата :D:свиркам:
cekaj da vidis sto mu spremaat u juzna amerika samo toa ke e za edno 2 god prvo u afrika da zavrsat

Ska Maniac

Член од
2 октомври 2013
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Освен Француска Гвајана имат ли други потчинети колонии таму?
Француска Гвајана е прекуокеанска територија т.е. дефакто е територија на Франција. Тука многу потешко и поопасно ќе оди менувањето на власт.


Член од
27 ноември 2014
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Француска Гвајана е прекуокеанска територија т.е. дефакто е територија на Франција. Тука многу потешко и поопасно ќе оди менувањето на власт.
ne be... nezavisnost ke ima... koga kosovo mozese da se odcepi zosto ne i ovie
Член од
31 март 2008
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Не знам за Гвајана ама на Корзика сакаа да и дадат повеќе независност.

Изгласаа закон за Mayotte да не важи веќе правилото ако се роди таму веднаш да добие пасош француски.

Ако не му се 2цата родители Французи нема пасош автоматски.

Многу криминал иде од таму.

Кога имам клиенти од тој остров дојдени, одма царинска полиција ми иде да бара шверцери.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Последно уредено:


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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What Are the Rules of Orania?
No one can live in Orania unless they apply first. The requirements are one has to be White Afrikaans, be a Calvinist Christian, have a clean criminal record, and speak Afrikaans only inside the enclave. Afrikaans is the only language tolerated inside Orania, yet almost 90% of South Africa’s business and social life goes by English and the majority African languages.

Orania’s population has grown fast in recent years, and the town’s mayor is planning for 10,000 households.

Oranians are mainly farmers, and the “country” seeks self–sufficiency: building its sewers, roads, council offices, and hospitals separated from South Africa’s national budget. The employment of Black laborers is not allowed. Orania has its own currency used to trade inside its borders, and in recent years it has tried to bypass the rand, South Africa’s currency, by using cryptocurrencies.


Red Devil
Член од
7 март 2012
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SENEGAL: how Russia is destroying French neocolonialism

Historical events are brewing in another West African country, Senegal. Getting rid of the country's neocolonial dependence on its former official metropolis - France.

Over the weekend, presidential elections took place here, in which the opposition candidate Bashiru Jumaye Faye is confidently leading (and may even win them in the first round, which will become known tomorrow), who, as part of his election promises, promised to review oil and gas deals with Western campaigns, including agreements with British Petroleum, Endeavor Mining and Kosmos Energy.
He also advocates a radical revision of relations between Senegal and France. And as part of this, Faye is going to follow neighboring Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso to leave the French currency system (by abandoning the CFA franc). And the French military will have to leave the country. By the way, sensing something was wrong, Paris had already announced a little earlier that it was sharply reducing the military contingent in the country (probably so that it would not be so shameful later). In return, he promises to take a course towards rapprochement with Russia.
Thus, France's next major foreign policy defeat on the African continent looms on the horizon. Moreover, Senegal was a key player in the issue of the blockade of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, which had previously freed themselves from the influence of Paris. And the departure of Senegal from the CFA franc zone puts a final and fat cross on this system (which brought huge profits to France) and on which the entire system of French neocolonialism was essentially built.

And hence all of Macron’s current anti-Russian hysteria. He, like a plucked rooster, understands that he is losing to Russia and therefore becomes hysterical. And Ukraine for him is the last chance to spoil Moscow. But I think he will be disappointed here too.


Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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