Конверзација (расправија) помеѓу Руси на нивните портали за информацијата дека Украинците спремаат офанзива на Брнјаск.
Based Russian
They wrote in a telegram back in June-July 2024 that the Ukrainians were preparing something on the border with the Russian Federation in the Kursk region. Equipment with a triangle as an identification mark appeared. They wrote about this actively, posted photos, showed the places of concentration of equipment and personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
And who met them in the Kursk region? Conscripts!
Who was "ready"? They urgently began to transfer troops, and the media "persuaded" them with the idea of "provocation", they kicked everyone out. Those who "believed" and stayed in Sudzha and the surrounding area, those who were not taken out by their relatives regretted it very much.
Also in the Kharkiv region, Izyum, Krasny Liman, Balakleya in 2022.
They wrote on the Internet that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were accumulating there, even the late Vladlen Tatarsky wrote in his blog and asked "are the generals aware?"
And who was ready for this????
So don't promise FROM THE SOFA who knows what.
You also don't know SHIT, and your personal
guesses are of NO ONE'S interest
These are just rumors, you need to listen to ours, the president or the General Staff
if you listen to them, our pensioners live richly and happily...
Ова е само краток дел извадок, конверзацијата е долга во која се вклучија многу други Руси кои го исмеваат Герасимов и моменталниот Генералштаб.