Требаше..Ама од една страна ЕУ и САД од друга страна Русија не ја сакаат неутрална Украина (освен декларативно, де). Секој ја сака под свое владение.Едноставно, премногу е важна Украина за Русија да ја остави да биде неутрална, а следствено на тоа и на Западот му е во интерес да им прави белаја во нивните односи, и затоа се случи таа фамозна 2014 година, а затоа е и испровоцирана војнава на која се лизна Русија последниве години..
In March and April 2022, during the early stages of the Russia-Ukraine war, there were reports suggesting that a potential peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine could have been negotiated. The proposed deal was being mediated through various channels, including Turkey. However, Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister at the time, was reported to have taken a strong position against the terms of the agreement and discouraged Ukraine from accepting it.
Here’s a summary of the key points regarding the peace deal and Boris Johnson’s role in it:
1. Neutrality for Ukraine:
One of the main components of the proposed peace deal was for Ukraine to adopt a status of neutrality. This would mean that Ukraine would not pursue NATO membership, which was a long-standing issue of contention for Russia, as Russia saw NATO’s eastward expansion as a threat to its security. Ukraine's neutrality could have been formalized through international guarantees for its security.
2. Crimea and Donbas:
Another aspect of the negotiations reportedly involved recognizing some territorial concessions. Russia was seeking Ukrainian recognition of Crimea as Russian territory (which Russia annexed in 2014) and the autonomy or independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the Donbas, which had been the subject of conflict since 2014.
3. Boris Johnson’s Opposition:
Boris Johnson reportedly traveled to Kyiv in April 2022 and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to reports from Ukrainian sources and some international media, Johnson conveyed two key messages:
- No Negotiations with Putin: Johnson allegedly argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin should not be trusted and that the West would not support any peace deal with Russia under Putin's leadership. He suggested that continuing the war was a better option.
- Western Support: Johnson reportedly reassured Zelensky that the UK and other Western countries were prepared to provide Ukraine with significant military and financial support, enabling Ukraine to resist the Russian invasion without having to make concessions. This stance emboldened Ukraine to continue fighting rather than negotiate an early peace.
Донбас и Крим заминаа, само ќе спасеа луѓе да не изгинат. Проблемот е што мислеа дека може Украина засилена со западно оружје и санкции може да ја порази Русија. Тоа беше коцката на Борис Џонсон и педофилие Бајден, се коцкаа со животите на Украинците.
Која е шансата дека Украинец им има кажано на Русите каде да плеснат во Полтава да осети запад колку лошо поминуваат Украинците. Јас мислам многу голема, и како иде конфликтов, мислам дека се повеќе и повеќе самите Украинци ќе им даваат мета на Русите да ги акаат западњаците што изиграваат воени експерти.