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Постоеле. Еве овде дискутиравме за некои стихови од апокрифното евангелие по Тома, па ти сам заклучи зошто е отфрлено.@121314 имaлo ли уништувaње нa други евaнгелијa?
Дaли гoреспoменaтите евaнгелијa пo Тoмa и Јудa, нaвистинa пoстoеле и пoстoјaт?
Акo дa, зaштo се oтфрлени?
The Gospel of Thomas - Parson Tom
Во апокрифното евангелие по Јуда се споменува овој стих:
Judas [said] to him, “I know who you are and where you have come from. You are
from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one
who has sent you.”,
после кој Исус му одговара на Јуда:
Knowing that Judas was reflecting upon something that was exalted, Jesus said to him,
“Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is
possible for you to reach it, but you will grieve a great deal.
Потоа следи:
The next morning, after this happened, Jesus [appeared] to his disciples again.
They said to him, “Master, where did you go and what did you do when you left us?”
Jesus said to them, “I went to another great and holy generation.”
His disciples said to him, “Lord, what is the great generation that is superior to us and
holier than us, that is not now in these realms?”
When Jesus heard this, he laughed and said to them, “Why are you thinking in your
hearts about the strong and holy generation? [37] Truly say to you, no one born [of]
this aeon will see that [generation], and no host of angels of the stars will rule over that
generation, and no person of mortal birth can associate with it, because that generation
does not come from […] which has become […]. The generation of people among [you]
is from the generation of humanity […] power, which [… the] other powers […] by
[which] you rule.”
Jesus said to them, “Stop struggling with me. Each of you has his own star, and
every[body—about 17 lines missing—]
Adamas was in the first luminous cloud that no angel has ever seen among all those called ‘God.’ He [49] […] that […] the image […] and after the likeness of [this] angel.
Another angel, Saklas, also came from the cloud.
“The twelve rulers spoke with the twelve angels: ‘Let each of you [52] […] and let them
[…] generation [—one line lost—] angels’:
The first is Set, who is called Christ.
“Then Saklas said to his angels, ‘Let us create a human being after the likeness and after
the image.’ They fashioned Adam and his wife Eve, who is called, in the cloud, Zoe.
И спореди со Битие 1:27
И го создаде Бог човекот според образот Свој, според образот Божји го создаде; машко и женско ги создаде.
Gospel of Judas - National Geographic
Дали Бог го создаде човекот како што се тврди во Битие, или ангелот Саклас го создаде човекот, како што се тврди во апокрифното евангелие по Јуда?
Навистина чудно зошто е отфрлено, нели?
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