smart ass
ми треба маало проектче (160-250 зборови,страна/страна ипол),за иднината... за нешто во иднината,коли во иднината,какви ке бидат куките... што било ама само за во иднина да е... телепортација ова она... на англиски да биде...
(Take a joint roll on and time travel start's-
не го пиши ова се зезам инаку пишев па испадна вака.(п.С немам џоинт...може ако имав клингонците ќе кажеа повеќе:pos2 Let's imagine that for a moment we have the ability to 'travel' for 70 years in future,obviously man will make the first step on Mars,many of the countries will be joined in order to keep the nature balance-not like today,also as oil reserves are spending we will use electrical cars thus there will no more exist conventional traffic as we know today in major city's (over 5 million population) instead there will be build underground roadway's for car's while above we will have Park's with threes and on the large skyscrapers will be mounted solar panels in order the building to have it's own energy,buildings will be large enough so that in them can live 30000 peoples thus they will have bar's and even special sport terrain,this people will work in the building and they will have to leave it in a rare situation's.
Houses would be designed for rational use of space thus material's also would resist earthquake more of the houses will have rational location for example people who will work in agriculture will have community of houses and they also will use Green energy,they and their families will have help from many robot's-they can detect possible disease for crop's or rice and tell to people so that many of the chemical's used now will be in history lesson's and touchable 3D holography.
Society would use energy from the trash and also many river's will be cleaned in order to keep the ecology.
Space travel will no more be risky but it could be easy as a pie thus space aircraft's would be able to carry more weight and to get higher speed than today's.
Base on the moon is obviously to be built where many spacecraft's could land,weak moon gravity in the bases will be no problem hence magnet's will be used so that peoples inside base would not "fly" like Armstrong on the moon.
Economy would be focused on development on advanced technology thus robot's will be used and also exoskeleton's so that there will no be people who will not be able to walk also similar is with other people for example if somebody at accident loose his arm,it will be replaced with robotic arm.For many illness cure is obvious that modern medicine could threat them such AIDS,Cancer and other's.
Humanity will learn the lessons from the past so "history is repeating" no longer could be taken as a fact.
Army will still exist but not to kill actually most of them will be trained for evacuation and medical help of peoples as we know catastrophic event's will happen so we would be able to save as much as we can human lives ,weapon production will no longer have today's function to kill,but it will become or,as a hobby firearm's will no longer produce toxic gas from powder but science could find alternative.
Situation with poor and hunger will also be history.
More perspective and of course nice time to live.
All of this will NOT happen IF and only IF GAY marriage and buying children will be Allowed to Them in the next 20 year's.
(ова забелешкава не ја пишувај:pos2..
ќе би за две недели завршено.Brat abe mi treba opsto za ezerata vestacko vo R.M najveke za ovie pogolemitr Debarsko i tamu drugite nastanok i se drugo golemona itn.
ју ар велкам.Фала многу за помошта :helou::pos2:
Колку страни требаат.