Mario Gómez
Гевгелија поделени гласовите, Нико е ѕверка, оној другиот пичињата се палат по него. И Нико испадна.

У право си богами..Али се покажа дечкото одлично,така да најбитно е да стане добар пеач..Koга си од помало место тоа е..
Освен мускули виде глас и игра?Само Денис ми отпадна. Ама ќе се врати набрзо![]()
и јас вака ја играв ова двојка ама ништо слаб тип напрајвмеНико испдна.. Неверојатно.... Дури и чудно ми е како испадна и овој Виктор, очекував девојчињата да го гласат..![]()
Епа се палат мали девојчиња и гласаат јгб..А искрено Нико најдобар беше и требаше прв да влезе у финале..Омг лиглето Христијан помина а испадна Нико.....
Програмата на A1-у вели дека има реприза во 00.40.Ќе има нешто репириза а-у?
Мислам дека е албанка бар на фејсбук што ја имам сабајле или вчера имаше нешто на албански напишано...Програмата на A1-у вели дека има реприза во 00.40.
Дали Лаура по националност е Албанка?
Не дискриминирам, пред да речите нешто, само сум љубопитен![]()
Laura Krliu was born in Skopje, Macedonia on March 15, 1992 to Arijan Krliu and Olivera Dodevska. She has an older sister called Arlinda. Laura’s goal since birth was to be a singer. From a young age she was always fixing to be a star with idols such as Whitney Houston, Tina Turner and Britney Spears. But her biggest idol was her father Arijan. Her father was a trained musician and a singer with a brilliant career and would teach Laura everything he knew and she would carefully listen as her father was practicing and knew she would become a singer. She started singing when she was three years old by imitating her favorite singers. Her first performance was at the age of 7 when she was performing at this kid’s festival and a year later she performed again and won the price for best performer. But her real major success was when she auditioned for “The Albanian Idol”. She never took vocal lessons but arrived to be in the 10 finals which was a great success having on mind that she was only 13 years old. When she came back from Albania she returned home and did “the normal teenage thing”. She finished her high school in Nova High School where she would get the opportunity to perform more than ever. Although she took part in every Christmas or Holiday performance where she would not only sing but also act. She also sang in every graduation even at her own. After finishing high school she got accepted in the music academy and hopefully she wants to be discovered and become a singer. Right now she is in the top 20 finals in Macedonian Idol and expects to achieve even a bigger success.
и мене исто! ме нервира ептенСамо мене ми е одвратно овоа детето од Прилеп (Христијан, Кристијан или како и да е..) или имам уште некој истомисленик![]()