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Ти смета Хептаграм тебе гледам тоа...
At some point, all Thelemites know this, there will be a call from without and within the Thelemic current of divine destiny, and Thelemites will go to war. The enemy will be easy to locate, for he shall be anyone who is not a Thelemite; specifically he shall be anyone defending the faiths, powers, and practices of the Old Aeon.
If this war were declared today, it would not last long. Indeed, it likely would not amount to much of a war at all, as the vast majority of Thelemites are cute little hippies who wouldn't die for much of anything except more drugs and sprout-burgers. Their leaders, on the other hand, are pasty negheads, who couldn't command or plan an insurgency if their lives depended upon it, which they assuredly do not.
At most, the OTO might be able to stage a newage festival, and hope some SCA types would show up so at least an ornamental threat might be engaged against the tanks and planes and highly-trained killers of the combined militaries of the Old Aeon. Imagine Lon Milo DuQuette attempting to wipe out brigades of enemy warriors with his singing—well, OK, that MIGHT have the intended effect, but a chorus of lousy singers and magicians on the Thelemic side would not win a military battle, much less the war.
Бидејќи е предолго, еве го целиот линк... Не заборавајте на смеата... додека ме нема и сум излезен на кафе.
П.С. Алф, не секоја војна е полезна... ние телемитите сакаме мудри војни, а не тепачка со мајмините на Хоронзон, ако ме разбираш.
Ве љуби вашиот Хептаграм!