Three are the Beasts wherewith thou must plough the Field; the Unicorn, the Horse, and the Ox. And these shalt thou yoke in a triple yoke that is governed by One Whip.
The object of Jnâna-Yoga is the same as that of Bhakti and Râja Yogas, but the method is different. This is the Yoga for the strong, for those who are neither mystical nor devotional, but rational&…
My name is Lola, because I am the Key of Delights, and the other children in my dream call me Lola Daydream. When I am awake, you see, I know that I am dreaming, so that they must be very silly chi…
The publications of the A∴A∴ divide themselves into five classes. Class “A” consists of books of which may be changed not so much as the style of a letter: that is, they represent the utterance of …
Листата подолу содржи 100 есеи до овој момент на блогот (подредени од најновиот па до најстариот), кои на некој начин се поврзани со философијата и учењето на Телема, без разлика дали содржат дирек…
“Brethren, not now only, but formerly too, before the appearance of those endowed with virtue, such as were without virtue attained to the highest gain and glory, but when those who were endo…
Let me then declare unto you this Mystery of the Law, as it hath been made known unto me in divers places, upon the mountains and in the deserts, but also in great cities, which thing I speak for y…
Ние постојано зборуваме за чистата Волја и за Големото дело на еден човек. Постојано велиме дека Големото Дело е ЕДНО, Иницијацијата е Една, Работата е Една – без разлика колку и да гледате в…
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica is an inseparable part of Ordo Templi Orientis; and the Gnostic Mass is one of the official rituals, more specifically the central ritual, of Ordo Templi Orientis.
Woman, Woman — where are you?
Come back to us again. Forgive even if you cannot forget and serve once more in our Temples.
Take us by the hand. Kiss us on the lips and tell us we are not alone.
Witch-Woman, out of the ashes of the stake, rise again!
It is not given to flesh and blood, till they be seven times purged, purged through and through, to dwell in the sanctuary of the Heart of the Master. My fervour is exhausted; my faith fails; I fal…
…. the action one has done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results. If I do an evil action, I must suffer for it; there is n…
Кεφαλή Ξβ Twig? The Phoenix hat a Bell for Sound; Fire for Sight; a Knife for Touch; two cakes, one for taste, the other for smell. He standeth before the Altar of the Universe at Sunset, when Eart…
Прави што ти е волја и тоа нека биде целиот Закон Подолу се наоѓа мал прашалник од 9 прашања поврзани со тоа колку сте запознаени со философијата на Телема, со праксите кои ги нуди и што имате реал…
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.