Стварно? Википедија? Дај потруди се малце повеќе нареден пат.
One morning in January 1876, 23-years old Rusell received a copy of religious periodical called Herald of the Morning. The editor, Nelson H. Barbour believed......... This was in agreement with what
Russell and his associates in Allegheny had believed
for some time!..... Russell.... arranged to meet with Barbour in Philadelphia. „When we first met“, Russell later stated „he had much to learn from me .... as i had much to learn from him....
He and Barbour decided to revive publication of the Herald.... Russell contributed his own funds to revive the journal.... Очигледно уште пред да се сретнат овие двајца, тие веќе биле во две различни “Екипи“. Кога се сретнале дознале дека имаат многу знаеднички работи и дека можеле да учат еден од друг со тоа што го имаат истражено (Расел повеќе знаел за откупната жртва на Исус, додека пак Барбур многу повеќе знаел за временските пророштва). (Цитирано од: Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom)
Иако тие двајца соработувале некое време, Расел во никој случај не бил адвентист!
И таа нивна разделба не дошла преку ноќ, како што звучи кога ќе го прочиташ текстот што го цитираше. Следи објаснување:
Расел и неговите соработници го истражувале подлабоко стихот од 1. Коринќаните 15:51,52. По деталното испитување, сфатиле дека имале погрешно разбирање за стиховите. „Our present clear view was the result of the examination thus started“. „So this re-examination showed further light upon the pathway and became a good cause for encouragement, as evidencing the Lord's continued leading“. I also wrote to Mr. Paton, calling his attention to the fundamental character of the doctrine assailed, and pointing out how the time and circumstances all corresponded with the parable of the one who took off the wedding garment when just about to partake of the wedding feast. (Matt. 22:11-14.) He replied that he had not seen the ransom feature in so strong a light before;
that Mr. Barbour had a strong, dogmatic way of putting things which had for the time overbalanced him.
I urged that, seeing now the importance of the doctrine,
he also write an article for the Herald, which, in no uncertain tone, would give his witness also for the precious blood of Christ.
This he did. These articles appeared in the issues of the Herald from July to December, 1878. (
A sketch of the development of present truth", Zion's Watch Tower, July 15, 1906.)
.......... In a letter to Barbour dated May 3, 1879, Russell explained his reason: "There has arisen a difference of view between us as to the teaching of our Father's word [ regarding the substitutionary value of the ransom ] and while giving you credit for all sincerity and honesty in your views, which i claim for myself in the opposite view, yet i must be guided by my own understanding of our Father's word, and consequently think you to be in error. . . . The points of variance seem to me to be so fundamental and important that the full fellowship and sympathy such as should exist among publishers and editors of a paper or magazine, no longer obtains between you and me, and because this is the case, I feel that our relationship should cease.
In a follow-up letter dated May 22, 1879, Russel wrote: “Now
i leave the ’Herald’ with you. I withdraw entirely from it, asking nothing from you. Please announce in the next No. of the ’Herald’ the dissolution and withdraw my name.
Книгата од каде што се земени информациите на википедиа е напишана он екс-ЈС. Дефинитивно е објективно напишано што и да пишува таму... дека нели е
@Kiko добро истражи ја историјата на било која организација пред да ја обвинуваш со копи-пејст текстови од википедија.