На интернетот се појавија
страници со имиња и позиции на разузнавачи од САД и Велике Британије. Офицерите за кои станува збор се стационирани во скандинавскиот регион на Европа и се разузнавачи... вршат „специјална“ работа под дипломатски и нелегални позиции.
Со оглед на претходното, не е изненадување да се види американски и британски шпиони во земјите на нивните наводни сојузници.
Copenhagen, Denmark,
Former and acting officers of CIA
PAPP Allan Edward, born in 1967, previous known station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Counselor, 2016-2018.
LIM Seunghye Sonya, born in 1974, previous known station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Counselor, Section for the Regional Affairs, 2018-2020.
FERNANDEZ Michael Louis, born in 1977, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Counselor, 2020. Previous known station: Baku. Languages: Spanish, Azerbaijani.
ARMER Todd Clifford, born in 1974, previous known station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2018-2020.
DE MIER Mark, born in 1971, previous known station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2019-2022. Previous known station: Geneva, Second Secretary U.S. Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, 2007-2008.
BIBA John Connor, born in 1984, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2020. Previous known station: Jerusalem.
CAPARULA Katie, born in 1984, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2021. Previous known station: Tokyo.
CANELLAS Nicole, born in 1992, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2021.
PETERSON Andrea Lynn, born in 1980, previous known station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2018-2020.
SERVELLO Leo, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022.
BRADFORD Jonathan Mark, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2021.
COWDERY Andrew Taylor, born in 1984, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, First Secretary, 2021. Previous known station: Phnom Penh, Beijing.
MARCUS Christine, previous known station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2017-2020.
Copenhagen, Denmark
Former and acting officers of MI6
HUSTWITT Justin John, born in 1967, current station: MI6 officer, 1991.
WILSON Katie Elizabeth, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Second Secretary, 2021.
LAWRENCE Katherine, born in 1985, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, First Secretary, 2021. Previous known station: Belgrade, Vilnius.
BROWN Alexander Nicholas Seaton, DOB: July 31, 1974, current station: Copenhagen, Denmark, Counselor, 2021. Previous known station: British Armed Forces officer, Falkland Islands.
Stockholm, Sweden,
Former and acting officers of CIA
LINDER William Peter, born in 1965, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, 2015-2018. Previous known station: United States Department of Defense Special Operation units. Graduated from the West Point Military Academy.
JOES Anthony James, born in 1973, previous known station: Stockholm, 2015-2018. Previous known station: Bangkok, Manila.
NEUMANN Krista, born in 1970, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, Section for the Regional Affairs, 2020. With specific expertise in China and the Baltic countries. Married to
NEUMANN Edward, born in 1970, CIA officer, with specific expertise in China, Lithuania and Eastern Europe countries.
ATKIN Aaron Michael, born in 1965, in Texas, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, Political Section, 2015-2018. Previous known station: US Mission to the UN in New York, 2016. Graduated from Texas Military School. Previous known station: Military intelligence units of the US Armed Forces in Germany and Bosnia.
CHASSEN Daniel, born in 1983, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, 2016-2019.
CONLEY Kelly Coyne, born in 1979, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2019-2021. With specific expertise in regional security. Previous known station: US Mission to the UN in New York.
BRITT Megan Marie, born in 1987, CIA officer. Current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2022.
DEVLIN Christopher, CIA station cipher clerk.
GORZKA Stephanie, born in 1966, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Section of Regional Affairs, 2020.
KELLER Chad Marcus, born in 1977, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2022.
KENNEDY Sean Patrick, born in 1970, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, Third Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2016-2019.
LONG John Theodore, born in 1982, born in Florida, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, 2021. Previous known station: Kuala Lumpur, Second Secretary, Counter-terrorism issues.
MCCORKELL Lorrie Williams, born in 1969, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, 2018-2020.
MEEKS Lance Taylor, born in 1976, in South Carolina, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, Political Section, 2016-2019. Previous known station: US Armed Forces, captain. Languages: Norwegian.
PERRY Kristen Chelsey, born in 1990, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Third Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2020.
TEPFER Tyler Matthew, born in 1983, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Political Section, 2020.
WILDMAN Michael Mcgraw, born in 1980, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Political Section, 2018-2020.
WRIGHT Jennifer Collins, DOB: June 24, 1974, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2020.
TRAVIA Edmund, born in 1972, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Political Section, 2018-2020.
YAYBOKE Kenan Zekai, born in 1978, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2022.
YORKE Michael Bernard, born in 1966, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, Second Secretary, Political Section, 2018-2020. Previous known station: The Hague, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Stockholm, Sweden,
Former and acting officers of MI6
TAYLOR Mark Christopher, born in 1976, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Counselor, Political Section, 2018. MI6 officer since 2000.
RUSKIN Peter Jonathan, born in 1976, previous known station: Stockholm, Sweden, Counselor, 2018-2023. MI6 officer since 2002.
GOUGH Judith, born in 1972, head of Department of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Foreign Office, 2012-2015.
LUTTRELL David Charles, born in 1972, current station: MI6 officer, 1999.
KING Richard, born in 1983, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, 2021. Previous known station: South Africa, Second Secretary of the British High Commission.
BELLASS David Livingston, born in 1974, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, First Secretary, 2021.
MACKENZIE Elisabeth, born about 1978, current station: Stockholm, Sweden, Counselor, 2022. Languages: Chinese.
Oslo, Norway,
Former and acting officers of CIA
SCHWAB Karl Christian, born in 1967, current station: Oslo, Norway, Counselor, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2019.
BURT Mark Woodrow, born in 1976 in Texas, current station: Oslo, Norway, First Secretary, 2020. Previous known station: Rome, Paris.
CANTOR Alexander Ben, born in 1970, Pennsylvania. Current station: Oslo, Norway, First Secretary, 2020.
ARITURK Selim, current station: Oslo, Norway, First Secretary, 2021. Previous known station: Seoul, Baku.
BOOTH Christopher, born in 1974, current station: Oslo, Norway, First Secretary, 2022.
DUNLOP John Edward, born in 1967, Michigan. Current station: Oslo, Norway, First Secretary, 2022.
OLNEY Luke Andrew, born in 1985, current station: Oslo, Norway, Second Secretary, Political Section, 2020.
SMITH Jeffrey Dan, born in 1985, previous known station: Oslo, Norway, Second Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2018-2020.
RAMSEY Grayson Edward, current station: Oslo, Norway, Second Secretary, 2021.
LANGENHEIM William Shepard, current station: Oslo, Norway, First Secretary, 2022.
Oslo, Norway,
Former and acting officers of MI6
GURNEY Christoff Yves, current station: Oslo, Norway, First Secretary, 2022.
WOOD Richard John, born in 1967, current station: MI6 officer, 1991.
HARVEY Andrew William, current station: Oslo, Norway, 2021.
Helsinki, Finland,
Former and acting officers of CIA
BURWELL Mimoza Konomi, born in 1978, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2016 to 2019.
RECCORD Bryan, born in 1979, known station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2017.
BARTMESS Jason, born in 1976, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2016 to 2018.
CHASE Reid, born in 1969, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, First Secretary, 2016 to 2018.
WAGNER Chad Reaux, born in 1980, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2018 to 2021.
RUGGIERI Naconah, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2020 to 2022.
WALKER Christopher Lee, born in 1973, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2018 to 2020.
FRENCH Sayer, born in 1982, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Third Secretary, 2019 to 2022.
ARMSTRONG Matthew Jonathan, born in 1978, Massachusetts. Current station: Helsinki, Finland, First Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2021. Previous known station: Budapest, Dushanbe.
MALORY Jay, born in 1979, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Attaché, 2021.
MINEER Andrew Ernest, born in 1987, current station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2021 Section of the Regional Affairs. Previous known station: US Marine Corps in Afghanistan. Married to
MINEER Jenna, CIA officer.
MENTZ Eric, born in Virginia, current station: Helsinki, Finland, First Secretary, CIA, chief of station. Previous known station: Athens, Ankara.
VANATTA Danielle, born in 1993, current station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2022. Previous known station: US military.
TYNAN Collins Patric, born in 1988, California. Current station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, Section of the Regional Affairs, 2021. College of the Holy Cross graduate.
VOZNYAK Vitaliy Oleksandrovych, born in 1988, Lviv. Previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, 2019 to 2022, Riga, Prague, Dushanbe.
Helsinki, Finland,
Former and acting officers of MI6
DODD Tomas, born in 1965, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, Ambassador, 2018-2021. Asia and the Middle East expert. MI6 special operations in Afghanistan.
SIMMONDS Adam James, born in 1992, previous known station: Helsinki, Finland, 2019-2021, wife
SIMMONDS Tabitha, MI6 officer.
HILSDON Ashley Ralph, born in 1985, current station: Helsinki, Finland, Second Secretary, Political Section, 2019.
EVANS Kathrine Irene Carol, born in 1985, current station: Helsinki, Finland, First Secretary, 2021.
PANDE Nalini, born in 1978, current station: Helsinki, Finland, First Secretary, 2021.