Хептаграм XI
Ἱερὸς Γάμος
- Член од
- 13 февруари 2010
- Мислења
- 12.319
- Поени од реакции
- 12.336
"The Woman was and is the Priestess. In Her reposes the Mystery.
She is the Mother, brooding yet tender, the lover, at once passionate and aloof, the wife, revered and cherished. She is the witch woman.
She stands co-equal with her mate who is the chieftain, the hunter, the thinker and the doer. The woman is the Priestess, guardian of the mystery, syble of the unconscious and prophetess of dreams.
Togther they balanced each other until the catastrophe of the Patriarchal Age, arch-typified by the monosexual monster, Jehova.
Then, under the rule of Priests, woman became an inferior animal while man became isolated in his imagined superiority and found himself at the mercy of his own merciless intelligence.
Woman, Woman -- where are you?
Come back to us again. Forgive even if you cannot forget and serve once more in our Temples.
Take us by the hand. Kiss us on the lips and tell us we are not alone.
Witch-Woman, out of the ashes of the stake, rise again!
It was in the Dianic Cult that the old way continued. Those splendid and terrible women; Messilina, Toffana, La Voisin and DeBrinvillies raised revenge to a high art. Others sought the forbidden mystery in secret rites and purchased a brief reunion at an awful price. This was the ope in the Maid of Orleans, the dream of hopeless millions that the woman who was to redeem them had come at last. Her failure and her fate teach us that innocence is no protection.
Be cunning, oh woman, be wise, be subtle, be merciless. I have asked you to understand and forgive -- but forget not overmuch.
Trust nothing but yourself."
- Jack Parsons, Thelemite & founder of JPL
She is the Mother, brooding yet tender, the lover, at once passionate and aloof, the wife, revered and cherished. She is the witch woman.
She stands co-equal with her mate who is the chieftain, the hunter, the thinker and the doer. The woman is the Priestess, guardian of the mystery, syble of the unconscious and prophetess of dreams.
Togther they balanced each other until the catastrophe of the Patriarchal Age, arch-typified by the monosexual monster, Jehova.
Then, under the rule of Priests, woman became an inferior animal while man became isolated in his imagined superiority and found himself at the mercy of his own merciless intelligence.
Woman, Woman -- where are you?
Come back to us again. Forgive even if you cannot forget and serve once more in our Temples.
Take us by the hand. Kiss us on the lips and tell us we are not alone.
Witch-Woman, out of the ashes of the stake, rise again!
It was in the Dianic Cult that the old way continued. Those splendid and terrible women; Messilina, Toffana, La Voisin and DeBrinvillies raised revenge to a high art. Others sought the forbidden mystery in secret rites and purchased a brief reunion at an awful price. This was the ope in the Maid of Orleans, the dream of hopeless millions that the woman who was to redeem them had come at last. Her failure and her fate teach us that innocence is no protection.
Be cunning, oh woman, be wise, be subtle, be merciless. I have asked you to understand and forgive -- but forget not overmuch.
Trust nothing but yourself."
- Jack Parsons, Thelemite & founder of JPL