Naletav na ovie pogatoci:
Another plant species characteristic of plant life in Macedonia — the poppy. The quality of thick poppy juice is measured worldwide by morphine units; while Chinese opium contains eight such units and is considered to be of high quality, Indian opium contains seven units, and Turkish opium only six, Macedonian opium contains a full 14 morphine units and is undoubtedly the best quality opium in the world.
The first Macedonian poppy was planted in 1835 during the Ottoman empire's rule.
Towards the end of the 19th century, 30 percent of the total output of the Turkish empire came from Macedonia.
The Austro-Hungarian empire, the leading regional rival to Ottoman rule, kept a vigilant eye on the Macedonian opium production as any increase in output meant the Turks were gearing for war.
Kako stoi proizvodstvoto na afion vo Makedonija, se investira vo opium ili ke investiraat vo kanabis slepcive nashi.