Првин беше вака ..... бидејќи некои информации не се земаат во предвид или па не се прочитани, кај многумина предизвикува огромен страв, па фрустрации, па уште ќе убивале итн итн. Се извинувам што некои делови ќе се на англиски.
Има две теории (додуша едната е теорија, другата е вистината докажана и од други области) т.е. основи, па во зависност од тоа која ти е попривлечна/ пологична, сите понатамошни тврдења треба да се базираат на таа основа.
Едната е Пастеровата бактериолошка, а другата е Бешамп т.н.целуларна
1. Disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body. | Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body. |
2. Micro-organisms are generally to be guarded against. | These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and assist in the metabolic processes of the body. |
3. The function of micro-organisms is constant. | The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical. |
4. The shapes and colours of micro-organisms are constant | Micro-organisms change their shapes and colours to reflect the medium |
5. Every disease is associated with a particular micro-organism | Every disease is associated with a particular condition. |
6. Micro-organisms are primary causal agents. | Micro-organisms become "pathogenic" as the health of the host organism deteriorates. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent. |
7. Disease can "strike" anybody. | Disease is built by unhealthy conditions. |
8. To prevent disease we have to "build defences". | To prevent disease we have to create health. |
Quotes about Bechamp
Antoine Bechamp, from whose research Pasteur plagiarized whatever he thought was useful, came up with an interesting point of view that has never been refuted. Bechamp discovered tiny organisms he called "microzymas" which are present in all things - animal, vegetable, and mineral, whether living or dead. Depending upon the condition of the host, these microzymas could assume various forms. Bad bacteria and viruses were simply the forms assumed by the microzymas when there was a condition of disease. In a diseased body, the microzymas became pathological bacteria and viruses. In a healthy body, microzymas formed healthy cells. When a plant or animal died, the microzymas lived on. To this day, the whole theory of microzymas has never been disproved.
"These microorganisms (germs) feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion. These tiny organisms are derived from still tinier organisms called microzyma. These microzyma are present in the tissues and blood of all living organisms where they remain normally quiescent and harmless. When the welfare of the human body is threatened by the presence of potentially harmful material, a transmutation takes place. The microzyma changes into a bacterium or virus which immediately goes to work to rid the body of this harmful material. When the bacteria or viruses have completed their task of consuming the harmful material they automatically revert to the microzyma stage".—Bechamp
Ај да прочитаме нешто различно за Пастер:
What's The Big Secret?
Before he died, Pasteur instructed his family not to release some 10,000 pages of lab notes after his death. Not until 1975, after the death of his grandson, were these "secret" notes finally made public. An historian from Princeton, Professor Geison made a thorough study of the lab notes. He presented his findings in an address to The American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston in 1993. Dr. Geison's conclusions: Pasteur published much fraudulent data and was guilty of many counts of "scientific misconduct," violating rules of medicine, science, and ethics.
Like Koch, Pasteur was very motivated by money. In the race for a vaccine for anthrax, for example, not only did Pasteur not test it on animals before using humans; it was also established that Pasteur actually stole the formula from a colleague named Toussaint. Unable to prove his claim at the time, Toussaint died a few months later of a nervous breakdown. (Hume)
Нешто слично и тука има:
Фармакомафијата стриктно се држи за Пастер, инаку нема индустријата да им биде во светски рамки повеќе од 1.200 (илјада и двесте) милијарди долари т.е. 1
трилион и 200 милијарди долари, а и во светски рамки се
повеќе “болни”.
Ова врска имунитетот како ни кажуваат, а уствари како е во реалност.:
Dr Merrill W Chase, immunologist whose research on white blood cells helped undermine longstanding belief that antibodies alone protected body from disease and micro-organisms, dies at age 98 (M)
Dr. Merrill W. Chase, an immunologist whose research on white blood cells helped
undermine the longstanding belief that antibodies alone protected the body from disease and micro-organisms
Следејќи ги тврдењата на Пастер, тогаш про-ваксерите се во право и нивните лаења се издржани, ама само на хартија и во дебати. Додека во реалноста е сосема обратно. Енергијата не можеш да ја уништиш, таа само преминува од еден облик во друг. Па го имаме следново:
Mother Nature Always Bats Last
In his early research to formulate penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming knew very well about the way living things could
change or adapt when stressful substances were added. He knew, perhaps better than anyone, the dangers of resistance from overuse of penicillin, and
warned against that overuse from the very beginning, as expressed in an interview Fleming gave to the New York Times in 1945:
"The greatest possibility of evil in self-medication is the use of too-small doses, so that instead of clearing up infection the microbes are educated to resist penicillin..."
Think of it this way:
the oldest living things on earth are bacteria and viruses. They have been around for billions of years. They have persisted through myriads of
changeful environments - hot, cold, wet, dry, with oxygen, without oxygen, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers - you name it. They're still around. Thousands of species of plants and animals have come and gone because they couldn't adapt. So it's pretty safe to say that on this planet,
the masters of adapting are bacteria and viruses.
Now suddenly in the 1940s, we introduce a new substance into the human population: penicillin, a substance which kills all bacteria. Do you think bacteria might have run into some other stresses in the past 10 billion years? Probably have. How did they survive?
They changed - doctors say 'mutated.' The ones that mutated survived; the rest died.
Even from the very beginning of the Antibiotic Age in the 1940s, doctors noticed the signs of MUTATION. Exposed to antibiotics, if bacteria can change and survive, they are said to be drug-resistant.
Since the 1940s, many antibiotics have been developed until today there are about 160 types. The problem is that most are just slightly different versions of a few main types. And resistance to those main types has increased year by year.
Here's a good example of drug resistance:
- in 1946, about 88% of Staphylococcus infections could be cured by penicillin.
- By 1950, only 61% of staph infections could be killed by penicillin
- In 1982, fewer than 10% of staph cases could be cured by penicillin.
- Today it is less than 5%.
Истата работа е и со вакцините, на пример со таа против грип, секоја година нова мутација се јавува, а луѓето си “фаќаат” грип. (Баш ме интересира каде и како се фаќа). Би сакал да фатам неколку грипови одма ќе ги продадам. Купувачи има, кој за свекрва, кој за снаа, кој за бивш дечко/маж итн.
Некои од медицинската фела тука беа љути, зашто подолго време нема откриено нов антибиотик, но што би се постигнало со тоа освен нови мутации можда...
За вакцините, нивната ефикасност и омиленото заштита на стадото:
Тврдењата за имунитетот на стадото, произлегле од истражување, каде се дошло до заклучок, ако
65%, значи првично било 65%, од децата прележале болеста, минимални се шансите за нови епидемии. После тоа од 65%, дојдовме на 95%, а подоле ќе видите случаеви каде и со 99% пак вакцинацијата не си ја исполнила целта.
Еден од попознати случеви е во Англија, градовите Leicester и Sheffield. Иако голем % од населението било вакцинирано, сепак доаѓало до епидемии. На првите им скурчило тоа што иако вакцинирани, сепак епидемија има, плус и тие вакцинираните заболувале и умирале, па решиле да пробат нешто ново, а тоа ново било да поработат на хигиената. Резултатите многукратно позитивни за разлика од Sheffield кои иако уште поголем % се вакцинирале, епидемија имале и парче ги правела.
http://www.whale.to/a/smallpox_stats_h.htm тука има некои статистики
Да видиме за стадото што толку многу го зборите, нормално би требало да сте во право според Пастер, арно ама во реалноста дали е така:
The belief in herd immunity leads to many delusions. One of them is that when the number of immune people in a community drops below a certain point, it will make the next epidemic come sooner. In 1976 in Britain the vaccination rate for whooping cough dropped from 76% to 42%, because there had been publicity of bad side effects from the vaccine. The medicrats expected that the drop in the vaccination rate would make the next whooping cough epidemic come sooner, as well as expecting it to be worse. The whooping cough bacteria paid no attention to human theories, and the disease followed the usual timing of its natural cycle of virulence. Medicrats expressed surprise that the epidemic did not come sooner. There were also fewer cases and fewer deaths during this epidemic. The much lower vaccination rate of 42% made no difference to the long term decline of whooping cough, which had been happening for a hundred years.
Во К.Паланка исто имало во 2016, самите доктори велат
циклично и во ист период
https://www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g7608/rr/823459 Имунитет на производителите на вакцини, зашто би им бил потребен ...
http://sonorannews.com/2017/07/03/vaccine-manufacturers-exempt-liability/ тука спомнуваат невообичаени состојки или што ти ја знам.
There had been 14 cases of measles this year coming into the country.
Dr Caroline McElnay said the disease had not been able to spread from those cases because New Zealand's immunisation coverage was high enough to stop it.
Во 2017 едно, сега во 2019 друго, ќе да е циклично и со друго нешто поврзано...
Овие имале по две дози (а нулта пациентот дури 3), па повторно развиле сиптоми.
Largest measles epidemic in North America in a decade--Quebec, Canada, 2011: contribution of susceptibility, serendipity, and superspreading events.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23264672 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646939/
"According to Dr. Joel Tumlison, physician specialist in our outbreak response section, 25 of the 26 mumps cases have been verified as having been
fully vaccinated. We don't have records on the 26th yet," McNeill said in an email.
A study conducted by the FDA showed that
acellular pertussis (or whooping cough) vaccines are effective in preventing the disease among those vaccinated, but that they may
not prevent infection from the
pertussis-causing bacteria in those vaccinated or
its spread to others, including those who may not be vaccinated.