После тоа пак таму отишол една сезона.Law првен има играно за Шити, после за нас.
И Христов човече, ќе ми одговориш ли зошто си дволичен?
Ете ти дадов два случаи со "предавници"...
После тоа пак таму отишол една сезона.Law првен има играно за Шити, после за нас.
И Христов човече, ќе ми одговориш ли зошто си дволичен?
Ете ти дадов два случаи со "предавници"...
Прво не си Баба Вањѓа, да знаеш кој што би направил кога би бил нешто.Второ, не ме интересира за некој кој дошол во мојот омилен тим, ме интересира за играчи за кој мојот клуб направил се што можел, во случајот Харгривс, зимаше 2 години плата, одигра 5 натпревари, за на крај да биде слободен, да има понуди од 2-3 клуба, а тој да го одбере Шити, е тоа нема никад да му го простамLaw првен има играно за Шити, после за нас.
И Христов човече, ќе ми одговориш ли зошто си дволичен?
Ете ти дадов два случаи со "предавници"...
Да смениме на нешо повесело. Сето тоа што го мислам и сум го кажувал со години уназад е убаво спакувано во вој текст.If you had been in a coma for the best part of two decades, woke up and watched the Manchester United game this weekend, very little would seem to have changed about the Old Trafford club. Still playing expansive football, still very much a team rather than a set of individuals, still with a vicious, remorseless will to win.
This is so much the case that we merely take it for granted. This is how Manchester United have played for at least 20 years. The late goals, the perpetual commitment to attacking, the wide men, it's all the same old same old, regardless of the playing personnel.
We may well take it for granted but let's stop for a moment and consider it; this is a nothing short of a phenomenon and it's a phenomenon born out of the manager, Sir Alex Ferguson. It is the manifestation of his remarkable spirit and a testament to his powers of communication and inspiration. He is leagues ahead of his rivals in this regard.
Debates often centre on tactics and playing staff, naturally enough. But football is a game played in the emotions and minds of its participants as much as in their feet. This is where lesser managers fail. They can assemble a team of great players and they can improve their skill but thy are unable to put grit in their soul, unable to make them never give up, unable to stir them into greater collective achievement. Ferguson is a master at this. He is able to inculcate a team spirit that implicitly dictates that individual achievements are to be gained only as part of the team ethic.
When this is added into his peerless ability to juggle a squad and to improve it from a point of strength rather weakness, keeps United at the apex of the English game. You can say its to do with their wealth and their status but it really isn't. Monied clubs have failed plenty in the past. It is Ferguson that makes United winners.
When Chelsea had Jose Mourinho is charge, he briefly brought a similar team spirit to the club, but it couldn't last. Arsenal had it when going undefeated for a season but they have not kept it. Arsene Wenger has not been able to maintain this team in team out, year after year. It remains the challenge for Manchester City. Their skill set is not in question but how much bottle have they got when the pressure is on? How much do they want it as a team?
There is never any question that Ferguson's teams have a powerful will to win. This has frequently dragged them through games, sometimes whole seasons, when they have not played that well or when they have not had the strongest squad. This is by far and away their biggest asset.
Who has the better players between the top clubs is always a moot point but United almost always have the best attitude. Even when their opponents get themselves together and beat United to the title, they can't make it last and United soon reassert themselves. You can't disregard the quality of the players, of course, but I believe, beyond everything else, it is their bloody-minded will to succeed which sees them win so often.
On Sunday they kicked Arsenal when they were down, knelt on their throat and hurt them and then hurt them again. They had no need to do that but they were like wild dogs with the taste of blood. Ferguson hounds are trained to kill and they went for the jugular and Jesus, it was bloody savage.
Even players who are new to the club seem to acquire the Manchester United way as soon as they put pen to paper, which suggests that Ferguson actually identifies the type of player who will have the right attitude in advance of signing them. It can't just be luck. If he gets it wrong on a player, he's gone sooner than later. No mercy. Off you go.
All Arsenal fans are rightly calling for their manager to invest in their squad but just as vital is for Wenger to instil an all-for-one-one-for-all-ethic in the team. Not just for one big game or for a week or two but to instil it permanently. He does not seem able to.
It's just not there and it hasn't been there for years. Although respected in management, he is way behind Ferguson in this. Just having good players isn't enough. Having a football philosophy, no matter how sophisticated isn't enough, just spending money isn't enough. You need that metaphysical quality - the winners' mentality and balls of steel - that Ferguson brings to the table every year.
Roberto Mancini might have infinite money and as many brilliant players as he wants but the real unanswered question is whether can he keep them together as a team all pulling in the same direction even in the tough times, in the difficult games, in the games when things go against them. And if he can for this season, can he do it next, and again and again? Because to beat Ferguson that is what you have to do. He is relentless - beat him once and it just makes him more single-minded, more determined. He will not be denied and all the players know this and perform accordingly. Their mind-blowing amount of titles prove this without doubt.
To hear Ferguson sympathising with Wenger after the game and to almost be embarrassed to put eight past them was the most damning verdict of all. His will to win, his competitive spirit would never allow him to be like that with a true rival. You really don't want Ferguson's pity - it's the ultimate symbol of your hapless failure.
When Sir Alex Ferguson has retired and his power has gone, it will allow all those football fans who can't bear him simply because he is the Manchester United manager to see this extraordinary character more clearly and appreciate him, not just for his football acumen, but for his almost super-human willpower.
Manchester United haven't become so dominant for so long purely through wealth, nor purely through being stuffed full of great players. United's success is at least as much based in their collective mind. To all their rivals; you don't just have to beat the players, you have to beat their mentality. Good luck...you're going to bloody well need it.
Чудно, зашо човекот кој го носиш на аватар и кој претставува икона на Манчестер Јунајтед ама ич очигледно не го цени Шмајхел поради трансферот во Сити и покрај тоа што е заслужен за многу трофеи.Не слушам вакви муабети за Ло и Шмајхел.
Сакаше ли Харго 2 години да седи на клупа и да шета по болници? Не сакаше да игра? Зарем заборави дека многу помогна за титулата во ЛШ и ПЛ?Ај бе не се заебавајте и вие, у курац веќе, што ако отишол во Сити, ауу ми пукна филмот сега.Плачел после последната утакмица за Манчетсер, земаше плата 2 години без да стапне на терен, сега во Шити ќе оди, нека оди и да дае господ уште 5 години фудбал да не заигра, матер му ебам.
Го ценам како фудбалер, како личност, но ако отиде во Шити, ќе го мразам повеќе од Тевез, дека прави полошо и од Тевез.Ц.ц.ц.ц, ебате неблагодарниците
Цело време пробувам некако ова да го објаснам,алал да ти е за постот!!!Пак ќе ви кажам за Тевез не се напнавте вака. Значи Харгривс е ослободен, што к** сакате? Човекот ЛШ ви донесе со неговиот перформанс во финалето, со повредено колено играше. Значи некој што стискал заби да го изигра тоа финале вие го ругате зошто ќе идел во Сити откако ние му се заблагодаривме за неговите услуги и му посакавме среќа кај и да оди? Бе глејте сеир фаќајте им, 20 меча дали ќе изигра, тендонитис има.
Зошто тогаш го цените Шмајхел? Зошто тогаш има статуа на Денис Ло пред Олд Трафорд кој исто така играл за Сити откако донесол титули на Манчестер Јунајтед?
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