Дали во христијанските учења или записи постои поимот tzaddikim, tzaddik (праведни души, Tzadik identifies a person who has killed out the desires of the lower mind.) или истиот постои само во Кабалата? Спомнат е Заветот со Аврам, но таму не можев да најдам некој текст за тие праведни души. Мислам дека и Исус негде го сметаат за една од тие души (или погрешно сум разбрал) претставен како човек, како еден од тие праведни чисти души. Можи и да нема врска со прашања до христијанството, но ме интересира дали постои ова учење и каков став има христијанството по ова.
Among the most sacred of texts it is written:
In each generation there are born thirty-six
righteous souls who by their very existence,
assure the continuation of the world.
According to Abraham's Covenant, once each
millennium, God shall return to earth and count
among the many, those who remain righteous.
Were it not for these tzaddikim, the righteous ones,
who stand in God's judgment, mankind's fate would
be grave and certain peril.
These traddikim have no knowledge of each other,
Neither have they an understanding of their own
singular importance. As innocents, they remain
unaware of the critical consequences of their
thoughts, their faith, and their deeds,
Save for one.
To this tzaddik alone is granted knowledge
of his position, for to him is trusted the
most sacred of tasks.