Дозволи да ти цитирам неколку цитати од линкот што самиот ти го наведе (а се сомневам дека го прочита):
Hitler's private statements about Christianity were often conflicting. Hitler's intimates, such as
Joseph Goebbels,
Albert Speer, and
Martin Bormann suggest that
Hitler generally had negative opinions of religion..."
"An example from the Table Talk includes Hitler's statement that, "Our epoch will certainly see the end of the
disease of Christianity."
"Goebbels notes in a diary entry in 1939 a conversation in which
Hitler had "expressed his revulsion against Christianity. He wished that the time were ripe for him to be able to openly express that.
Christianity had corrupted and infected the entire world of antiquity."
"In 1941,
Hitler praised an anti-Christian tract from AD 362,
neo-platonist and
pagan Roman emperor Julian the Apostate's
Against the Galileans, saying "I really hadn't known how clearly a man like Julian had judged Christians and Christianity, one must read this...."
Konrad Heiden has quoted Hitler as stating, "
We do not want any other god than Germany itself."
Да цитирам уште?

Сметам дека за секој разумен човек ова ќе биде доволно за да се заклучи дека ниту по зборовите Хитлер не може да се нарече христијанин, а камо ли пак по неговите многубројни анти-христијански т.е. еволуционистички громорозни дела.