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Член од
9 мај 2008
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Јас учев со еден Александар Трајковски ама не верувам да е тој.
Член од
8 август 2008
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Ако Кун вреди 50м (башка шо има само 1 год од договорот, не го знаев тоа досега), тогаш Реал за Есиен и Кол би требало да понуди барем... :raz:

Член од
2 март 2007
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carter, овај е?

И официјално го има него на клипот и тој е тој од кај мене, само што многу ми е тапа нетот за да видам каде точно го има. Првин мислев дека е тој од 1:03, али сега со сликава не ми изгледа така.


Chelsea Fan!
Член од
30 јуни 2006
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Доста секирации и без засилувања у Англија пак ќе бидеме јаки:)..зар Манчестер ќе купи некое засилување??неверувам..


Член од
22 јануари 2009
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Доста секирации и без засилувања у Англија пак ќе бидеме јаки:)..зар Манчестер ќе купи некое засилување??неверувам..

А во ЛШ шо прајме :) ?


Sadio smokve oko Tadz Mahala
Член од
31 јули 2009
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Posted on: Thu 27 May 2010
If Carlo Ancelotti had thought he could sit back and relax in the immediate aftermath of his magnificent first Chelsea season, he would have been mistaken.
Cobham is quiet by its own standards. A few injured players are still under treatment and support staff are working away, but the dressing room area, gym and especially the pitches outside are close to empty and the view from manager's office which affords a panorama of the grassy expanse is tranquil, especially in the early summer sun.
His large veranda the other side of a glass door looks especially inviting. A week ago the Premier League trophy sat on a table there, gleaming in the light.
Yet in the space of two hours on this post-season morning, Carlo fits in discussions with chief executive Ron Gourlay, further talks with sporting director Frank Arnesen and gives a major interview to the Chelsea magazine before inviting the Official Chelsea Website into his office to discuss the year he became a Double-winner.
But then the 50-year-old Italian will have expected nothing but a busy time in the days following the FA Cup Final before he heads off for a well-earned holiday. He is hardly new to big club life and he is hardly new to success.
Any regular winner in football will tell you the same - familiarity with silverware never breeds contempt and Carlo needed no encouragement to enjoy the trophy parade around the streets of London SW6 to the full, treating Eel Brook Common to a highly-amplified chorus on the way.
'We did also in Italy the celebration with the bus,' he confirms before smiling as he remembers his show stopper.
'I like to sing but I didn't prepare anything so I tried to sing a famous Italian song, Volare, and I think it was good for the atmosphere.

'It is very good to have a celebration with our fans, there was a fantastic atmosphere and this improves the relationship between the fans and the team. In the future it will be important to have this good relationship.
'But I don't know why they threw to us celery,' he adds.
Now there is an awful lot about football that Carlo could teach Chelseafc.com but on this occasion we are in our element.
Although his assistant, Bruno Demichelis, who has been listening from the adjacent office, is able to repeat to his friend the relevant terrace song, a brief history lesson follows on a ritual no longer permitted inside stadiums with tales of its 1980s birth, matches held up for vegetable clearance at QPR etc.
They both take it on board. Carlo made it clear through the season that he enjoys the culture surrounding football in England. A darker side he now associates with the Italian game may have been around back when celery flinging was at its height but nowadays a cultural difference between the countries is clear to him. At the end of his first year he confirms the atmosphere surrounding the games is the greatest professional change he has noticed since moving abroad. But what about on the pitch?
'Technically, I think the small teams have more knowledge in Italy. Defensively, it is impossible in Italy to have a score 7-0 or 9-1 because the small teams stay back to defend and only do counter-attack. Here you can say that small teams play good football, they attack. Here it is different.
'Before I had good knowledge about the top four but not the small teams. I learnt that here.'

Carlo arrived from AC Milan last summer not wishing to overhaul everything at Chelsea. After all we had been in contention for major prizes and had just won the FA Cup. The fact he was prepared to adopt existing staff with only Bruno coming with him was a sign that much was working well.
The new man was concentrating on a few, important alterations. So has a year at Chelsea changed him more than he has changed Chelsea?
'I don't know!' he says with a little laugh.
'I try to change something in the play but for me it was a very good experience this year. I learnt a lot of things, not only tactically but physically. For example in Italy, in training, we used to physically work without the ball. Here we work always with the ball - and here I learnt this. This is a very good thing.'
In return Carlo has let Chelsea attack. Not since the days of Ruud Gullit in charge has the team looked so unchained at times, so comfortable going forward across the team, so full of goals. A coincidence?
It is the same Ruud Gullit who was a Carlo Ancelotti team-mate at Milan and although some will say his Chelsea team of 1996-98 played in a Dutch-influenced way, can the hand of Arrigo Sacchi (pictured below left), Milan's hugely-successful and innovative coach when the two were players at the San Siro, be seen in both men's work?

'I think so,' says Carlo. 'Gullit was my friend. We played five years together, we shared a room, I have a very good relationship with him and he was a fantastic, attacking striker.
'For me and also for a lot of players Sacchi was a fantastic teacher because also in that team there was a lot of players who have since done jobs as manager - Gullit, Van Basten, Rijkaard, Tassotti, Galli, me - there are seven or eight players from that squad who are coaches.'
Tomorrow the Chelsea manager further discusses life in Sacchi's Milan team, how Chelsea successfully evolved during the season and the condition of the players he has handed over to Fabio Capello.


Chelsea Fan!
Член од
30 јуни 2006
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А во ЛШ шо прајме :) ?
За Лш треба многу јак состав,и сите да играат..зар мислиш дека еден играч ако дојде дека ке освоиш?и 3 да дојдат сигурно одма нема да се освои Лш...Челзи кога игра Лш воопшто не мисли за Ангија..И оваа сезона за малце да останевме без ништо освоено...али тоа е..:wink:


Член од
22 јануари 2009
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Есиен нема да настапи на Светското...навистина жално,човекот заборај како се игра фудбал..:tapp:


Член од
22 јануари 2009
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Ке ни го дај Мурињо изгледа... :)
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