Светска економска криза
Aceva: Без сомнеж, настан на годината а можеби и на столетието. Еве веќе ги гледам моите ученици, веќе ги чувствуваат последиците. Наместо Марлборо, пушат Родео. На парче! И после ќе ми речат Македонија не била засегната...
Ах, учебниците ќе ми ги менуваат, а богами и атласите.
pio-pzs: Абе остај ти тоа, дали гледаше кога полнеа гласачки кутии овие опозиционерите? Ама џабе им епак 63 резервирани фотелји си имаме во ПарламентОт. :icon_cool Вмро-вмро, дај да залепам некоја плаката од тебе на чело.
concrete: abe... da... gwujo... ima zamesano prsti... ili ne, kakoidae. benzinot poeftini... a jas... uste go vozam...ladicevo na plin... kaj se sega regulatorite... na gwujco... da ja namalat cenata...?
ili mozebi lepat plakati kaj obama...koj kje go spasi svetot... kako crniot vitez... ili bese toa supermen... iako cundo pisuvam... i mozda ve potsekjam na nekoj politicar... sepak ne sum jas kiro gligorov... prestar sum za takvi raboti da pravam... aaa... rade... ruceko
Bacillus_Gagous: The global financial crisis of 2008 is a major financial crisis, the worst of its kind since the Great Depression, which is ongoing as of December 2008. It became prominently visible in September 2008 with the failure, merger or conservatorship of several large United States-based financial firms. The underlying causes leading to the crisis had been reported in business journals for many months before September, with commentary about the financial stability of leading U.S. and European investment banks, insurance firms and mortgage banks consequent to the subprime mortgage crisis. Beginning with failures of large financial institutions in the United States, it rapidly evolved into a global crisis resulting in a number of European bank failures and declines in various stock indexes, and large reductions in the market value of equities (stock)commodities worldwide. The crisis has led to a liquidity problem and the de-leveraging of financial institutions especially in the United States and Europe, which further accelerated the liquidity crisis. World political leaders and national ministers of finance and central bank directors have coordinated their efforts to reduce fears but the crisis is ongoing and continues to change, evolving at the close of October into a currency crisis with investors transferring vast capital resources into stronger currencies such as the yen, the dollar and the Swiss franc, leading many emergent economies to seek aid from the International Monetary Fund. The crisis was triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis and is an acute phase of the financial crisis of 2007–2008. *цитирано од кајгана форум, преведено и ставено на главна на wikipedia.org
babydol: ccc no coment!!!