- Член од
- 22 февруари 2009
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- 35
abre sumljav deka se turci.....na gayllada nemat onakvo..etmologijaNotably, it was the patriotic members of the Hellas Fan Club who chanted the words «Μακεδονία» the loudest, everyone else contenting themselves with the two-syllable: «Ελλάς,» which in Karamanlidian, means ‘beloved poor country across big water.’
http://www.e-novine.com/intervju/intervju-kultura/30123-Grci-olo-kao-svi-drugi.htmlGreeks are scum and all other
* How important is the fact that you're born in Frankfurt?
The fact that I was born in Frankfurt is not important, it was the only thing I could think when I wrote a biography of the first book. In fact, in Germany, I was only three months, my mother and father went into voluntary exile during the junta, which has lasted since 1967. to 1974. My mother sang with Mikis Theodorakis at the time when it was dangerous work, so they fled to Holland, my father was there was a director and has taught drama in Amsterdam, and by accident I was born in Frankfurt. Mother after my birth went on world tour koncenrtnu against Hunt with Theodorakis, and I stayed with her nanny a few months in Frankfurt, then a few years in Amsterdam. When you think about it, I think I like to define the fact that I was born in Greece.
* Often travel and the long. Where is your house?
I traveled a lot since I was a kid and it seems that I can not stop. Traveling is the only way to feel free - far from all, closer to themselves. After a while, always want to go back home to my comfortable couch, my movies, music, friends. But for me there is no freer than the moment when I'm in an airplane over the ocean and sipping tomato juice. Homeland Greece, as you Serbia. This is the place where your family and friends where you are and things that were close - sounds, music, food, people, events, attitudes. But I was always a relief when you leave it behind. Greece is one of the most beautiful countries I've seen, but unfortunately occupied by the Greeks. And Greeks are scum and all the others, and still have that stupid superiority complex, with its powerful ancient ancestors and their 2000 years old civilization. When it all confused with the real lack of education and get unbearable umarajuć people.
I think that future generations have a better chance to improve this, and because of the Internet that you quickly show that the simple fact that there are other countries, civilization and people on the ground next to your accursed village.
* This superiority complex is reflected also in relation to immigrants. How to explain the Greek xenophobia?
I can only tell you a story. I was in a village like that and go for twenty years (it is actually a village from the story "Czech doctor) and my local friends are we talking about how people treat the Albanians there and how they have been told that they can not come to the pub . I ask myself: "Well, come on, there is a bre F. who was an immigrant in Germany for twenty years and who knows through what these people go. " Everyone laughed and told me to F. actually was the person who banned Albanians to come to the inn. L 'understand? I do not.
Everything is a matter of education, really. We do not have it. Everything is serious and important I have learned in the family, among friends, and personal engagement. School is a place where only learn to be Grk what is best for you and that's all. So grow up and become the best and then kriviš Jews and the Albanians and the Turks and Americans and blacks and gays and Olympiakos fans and women (if you're a man) and men (if you're a woman).
Greek media do not report problems, they are part of the problem.
.... When the 1821 super powers England, France and Russia wanted to destroy the Ottoman Empire had to create a new nation without or with very little national consciousness (probably to remind you of something?). So they came up when the Greek comes to be history, because it's the only thing we had. Of course, the shepherds who lived here at that time nothing in common with Alexander, Homer and the Parthenon did not have. Suddenly, we got all those pastors who inserted the idea that they actually are not shepherds but proud sons, grandchildren and relatives further Pericles, Demostenisa and Pythagoras, the names for which they have never heard of, but it looked like the Europeans to respect. So we have essentially the entire national identity built on lies: we are all sons of Socrates (but not gay). Now, the illusion can be useful for several years, or during the war, but if you hold 200 years people in the belief that you are the best and that everyone can kiss you in the ass sooner or later shvatićeš that it is not so and you will be depressed. Nationally. Will become the subject of mockery. National.
* Where to place the Greek media, perhaps the worst that I saw?
Greek media do not report problems, they are part of the problem. Scandals about which report only and are useless, because they do not solve nothing at the end of them out, no one was punished, no one regretted what he did, in most cases the "bad guys" only, or even promote are rewarded. The thing with the Greek policy is not to some people who are in the highest social circles of stealing money from the poor. It happens in all Western countries - in the east, as far as I know. The powerful always take the money from the pockets of the poor. The problem in Greece in the last ten years and more, is that powerful people totally fuck that we know. Somehow I do in person, and even catch them in action as they only promrljaju "Yes, okay, I gave the church five mountain and they gave me five million, and what should you care?" And say that you odjebeš. The media can make a mess a couple of days about it, after which it should appear on the current news, be it a war or the birth of a new panda in the Beijing zoo. So people are now not only feel weak and small compared to the powerful authorities, but they feel funny and because they are treated not only as a poor and insignificant but also as an idiot. It is a feeling of total helplessness. This is what happened last December when the police killed him stupid boyfriend. Everyone knew that the cop will not be punished - and not - because the game play so if you are on our side can do whatever you want - stealing, killing, without any consequences. In the last 15 years politicians and the media are on the same side, in the same job, in such interaction are inseparable.
* On the other hand, Greece is almost the only country where people always come out on the streets and protest. But no ordinary Grk does not respect those who loudly and angrily express their views in relation to social and political situation, despite the fact that they are the only ones who speak the same instead of ordinary Greeks. Why no support, or at least why they did not support their own children on the streets last December?
Greece is the only country where there are people who are on the streets, there are France, Italy, Spain and others. Our only, but quite serious "tradition" is "Politehnio, which occurred in 1973, but different from other countries and their revolutionary moment of May 1968. In Greece, happened to be students or university, were against the junta. It was a great rebellion, Hunt tanks entered the Faculty and on that occasion killed 30-40 people, I do not know exactly. But the revolt led to the overthrow of Hunt, and something even more important - since banned the entry of police and army at the university, which is very important. The political mainstream is accepted at the time independence of universities in this respect, tolerate and actually tried to swallow the rebellion and - many members of the Communist Party (KKE) and PASOK tried to connect with them, many student leaders were also enroll in PASOK and the KKE.
After that, mainstream politicians have begun to feel a bit uncomfortable on the occasion of this phenomenon - ie students and young people, who have a shelter in which the police can not enter, they do not like it, of course, but in their simple minds this is in some way associated with the fall of Hunt, which was .. hm .. good thing. Thus, the movement won in some way "justified" and become more powerful than in other countries, although never to this December, there was no attempt uprising.
* It seems as if the "uprising" in December 2008, and hopes the change failed?
In my opinion it is not at all in December failed. What was important for me is that a whole new generation to understand how the system works and, unfortunately, kills one petnaestogodišnjaka. The lack of punishment brought bitter message. I was actually on the corner next, when the victim prior generation, another šesnaestogodišnjak, Mihalis Kaltezas, died on exarchate, 1986, also was killed by a policeman, who also was not punished. I had seventeen years and I understood the message.
I see it like this: a bunch of young people is popizdela it felt wrong, because she saw the ugly face of the state and opposed to it with stones. Of course not mean that the uprising began, but it reminded me of what my publisher says the best seller: "If a stupid book bought millions of people who never read books, some of these people will like and reads may be another book, and one more. " And that's it. Victory. And this is like, if you are thousands of young people across the country gathered and began to think then we won.
* Do you think that literature should be politically engaged? Can you imagine yourself in a political party?
Literature is the art. Art is a way that people did better, there is political. Belong to the left side of the political spectrum, and so far no party has not received my full support. Unfortunately, I am too old to imagine situations and other summer fairy tale.
* How do you feel like someone who deals with art and culture in the country to which it did not really care?
The relationship between modern Greece and the culture is completely opposite to that in ancient Greece. Now there is no mainstream interest in art. And that would have the money and attention to these mainstream. However, the ministers of culture in Greece are clowns. Perhaps you remember the scandal Zahopulos man was the Minister of Culture of Greece and arrange millions who gave the European Union for Culture, mainly Orthodox Church and their fake clubs "culture" and other similar false clubs behind them are standing deputies and their wives - he became a star tabloid story after discovering that he had oral sex with a secretary, and then attempted suicide. We speak, therefore, the Minister of Culture! Menu actually do not mind that I live in a country that culture is not interested, and that helps the internet, so you do not feel so isolated, such as twenty years ago, so now you can be a member of a larger company than your little village.
* What do you think about modern Greek Literature?
Modern Greek literature is, unfortunately, at least - boring. And trying to be "modern." This is imitation of cynicism from the nineties such as Bret Easton Ellis, but without the humor. It's like making Tarantinovog film without the element of fun. Only some people cursing each other and look at his penis. Boring. I do not know what the book is great. I do not know anything about the hunt for the whales, but "Moby Dick" is one of the best novels ever written, with over 100 pages of detailed description of the whale. If someone started to talk to me in the cafe 45 minutes on parts of the whale, probably would be killed by severe, lethal drugs. But in this book you want to know about whales, harpoons and other matters. Why? Because I like the story, people, characters. There is something that is interesting. In modern Greek literature, something's wrong.
А еве еден цитат од СајтотEве линк еден текст во којшто добро се објаснети причините за создавање на новата грчка нација, за борбата меѓу "романизмот" и "хеленизмот" во текот на 19 и почетокот на 20 век.
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Уште едно сведоштво за “лажната историја на Грција’’ од Шервин Вакили:
The False history of Greece (تاریخ دروغین یونان) - The myth of the Greek political democracy, the myth of Greek philosophy, the myth of Persian wars, .... by Sherwin Vakili
A detailed critical survey on the history of Greece in its golden age on Athenian culture, and its deconstruction due to Persian history. A review of Greek civilization, which leads to eradicating the myth of the "Greek miracle".
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