Lester Freamon
A man of focus, commitment, sheer will...
- Член од
- 14 јануари 2015
- Мислења
- 16.238
- Поени од реакции
- 36.516
Епа и ти и тој на гуглето тукушто генерализиравте по неколку случаеви, земја од 1.5 милијарди, т.е во превод колку 1000 Македонии.Да де, временски зони
. Еве ова прво ми излезе од гуглето
Worked with quite a few Indian developers both based in the UK and in India. No positive experiences, generally poor quality, sloppy and very slow.
Worked with an Indian contractor in the UK recently (.Net development). He wrote procedural code, didn't understand basic OO principles, couldn't use git, didn't understand unit testing. He apparently had over 10 years experience. His code performed abysmally. Got rid of him after 6 weeks. Binned everything he had written.
Worked with a java based software house in bangalore. Even visited the site once. One of their releases introduced a lot of old bugs. They couldn't understand why. After 3 days of messing about we got fed up waiting for them and had a look at the jar files. We spotted that they'd merged old code in. We had to tell them.
Indian software house again, they upgraded their old client server software to a 3 tier. Didn't test it properly. Used a wizard. All the old client global variables were now global variables in the middle tier. It was a labelling system and thus mixed up print run data because of this.
Unless they get their act together software development in India is finished, in fact I suspect it already is. Yes executives will push for out sourcing as they are looking for short term cost gain but there are plenty of other countries offering cheaper services at much higher quality.
Со локална канцеларија таму, и филтрирање со интервјуа, нема како да примиш такви, или и да влета ќе бидат исклучоци. А да бидеме реални, не дека и кај нас сите се тепаат да работат, чим нема работа се дупнаа играње пинг понг, не гледам некој од нив да го искористи времето и да направи некој изум.
По иновации како држава сме веројатно на рамниште со африканските, може во други индустрии главна улога играат парите, ама не и кај софтвер, особено ако си програмер.