Дај копираја пораката да видиме, мене е ми е стигнато ништо. А да не на некој му стигна нешто сабајлево, од пошта ipod писмо ова она?
Dear VK user,
As soon as we started the first contest, we formed our terms and conditions in which we mentioned that you can invite people from the same ip address,but that was done so you could invite your family.
Multiple users isn't mentioned as cheating, but registering lots of other people from the same IP address is considered as cheating.
We have done few revisions of the invites and cleaned some fake invites, but you didn't stop with the cheating, so we will soon launch an invite cleaning filter.
The contest ends tomorrow, but many users will be disqualified.
To prevent that, you have to re-activate your whole account, and wait for VK administrators to check the information, so you can participate in the contest again.
You will now re-login to one of our 2 information centers, depending on your region.
Go to: vk-info.
Europe users use ► eu.pn
United States users use ► us.pn
We hope that we will have you back in our contest again.
Regards, VK Team.