Ne e normalna tuku ja koga pisav ovde sledat golemi demografski promeni i so toa problemi vo Kina imase hehenca ovde. Kano vikase nema problem, mesto edno tri deca ke pravele i reseno. E sega izgleda ne e bas taka lesno.
Ne e normalna tuku ja koga pisav ovde sledat golemi demografski promeni i so toa problemi vo Kina imase hehenca ovde. Kano vikase nema problem, mesto edno tri deca ke pravele i reseno. E sega izgleda ne e bas taka lesno.
vo 60tite im bese prvoto namaluvanje vidi kaj bea togas vidi kaj se sega...
i poleka malku so glupostite na guardian, tie realno poima nemaat sto se slucuva tamu na teren a uste pomalku gledame nekakva analiza na kineskata dijaspora koja e mnogu razlicna od zapadnata i nezavisno kade e 99% e prvo del od kina pa od "novata" drzava. eve pocni od kaj vas u ger, prasaj nekoj kinez dali se odkazal od prc drzavjanstvo za germanskoto?
vo 60tite im bese prvoto namaluvanje vidi kaj bea togas vidi kaj se sega...
i poleka malku so glupostite na guardian, tie realno poima nemaat sto se slucuva tamu na teren a uste pomalku gledame nekakva analiza na kineskata dijaspora koja e mnogu razlicna od zapadnata i nezavisno kade e 99% e prvo del od kina pa od "novata" drzava. eve pocni od kaj vas u ger, prasaj nekoj kinez dali se odkazal od prc drzavjanstvo za germanskoto?
Kineskata dijaspora. Ok, tuku ova se oficijalni brojki od Kina. Ama vo pravo si treba da sme pazlivi. I od Korona imaat samo 5.000 zrtvi onie videana sega sto se vrtat se fejk ili od drugo umrele. Realnosta e taa, Kina ke ima golem demografski problem. Fakt e toa. Go spomnuvam samo posto toa nosi novi problemi i predizvici so sebe.
Kineskata dijaspora. Ok, tuku ova se oficijalni brojki od Kina. Ama vo pravo si treba da sme pazlivi. I od Korona imaat samo 5.000 zrtvi onie videana sega sto se vrtat se fejk ili od drugo umrele. Realnosta e taa, Kina ke ima golem demografski problem. Fakt e toa. Go spomnuvam samo posto toa nosi novi problemi i predizvici so sebe.
U.S. Weapons Industry Unprepared for a China Conflict, Report Says The war in Ukraine is highlighting the inability of U.S. arms companies to replenish the military’s stocks
Mr. Jones said the study, which reflected input from senior military, defense, congressional, industry and other government officials, showed how quickly the U.S. military would run out of munitions in a potential conflict with China in the Indo-Pacific.
“How do you effectively deter if you don’t have sufficient stockpiles of the kinds of munitions you’re going to need for a China-Taiwan Strait kind of scenario?” Mr. Jones said.
The problems with the industrial base, in part the result of outdated military contracting procedures and a sluggish bureaucracy, are now affecting the ability to create a credible deterrent in the Indo-Pacific region or face-off against China in a military conflict, according to the study’s finding.
“These shortfalls would make it extremely difficult for the United States to sustain a protracted conflict,” the report said. “They also highlight that the U.S. defense industrial base lacks adequate surge capacity for a major war.”
The rate of consumption of weaponry by the Ukrainians is quickly demonstrating the challenges the U.S. industrial base could face in an extended conflict over Taiwan. The number of Javelin shoulder-fired missiles sent to Ukraine since last August, for example, is equal to about seven years of production based on fiscal 2022 production rates, the study said.
The number of antiaircraft Stinger systems provided to Kyiv represent roughly the same number of systems exported abroad over the past 20 years, the study said. Meanwhile, the more than one million rounds of 155 mm ammunition sent to Ukraine by Washington has shrunk the U.S. military’s own supplies, which the study says are now considered low.
Inventories of the Javelin system, howitzer artillery and counter-artillery radars are also all considered low, according to the study.
The war in Ukraine has highlighted the inability of U.S. companies to replenish the military’s stocks.
Автоматски споено мислење:
The U.S. defense industrial base is not adequately prepared for the international security environment that now exists. In a major regional conflict—such as a war with China in the Taiwan Strait—the U.S. use of munitions would likely exceed the current stockpiles of the U.S. Department of Defense. According to the results of a series of CSIS war games, the United States would likely run out of some munitions—such as long-range, precision-guided munitions—in less than one week in a Taiwan Strait conflict.
The U.S. defense industrial base is not adequately prepared for the international security environment that now exists. In a major regional conflict—such as a war with China in the Taiwan Strait—the U.S. use of munitions would likely exceed the current stockpiles of the U.S. Department of Defense. According to the results of a series of CSIS war games, the United States would likely run out of some munitions—such as long-range, precision-guided munitions—in less than one week in a Taiwan Strait conflict.
Е тоа е најчудното, квичат кинезите ги шпионирале, ама не го уриваат иако ги сликал нуклеарните силоси во Монтана со изговор дека било безбедносен ризик остатоците да паднат на нешто битно, баш у Монтана па и нема нешто многу народ, а нуклеарните силоси сигурно не може да ги преебе еден балон.
Сигурно балонот навистина е за време кој и избегал на кинезите и затоа не вреди да се трошат ракети на такви мети кој не загрозуваат никаква безбедност и патем е одлична шанска да квичат како се лоши кинезите.
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