Да нашинец е, живее во Австралија. Во јавноста и кај луѓето кои ги интересира оваа тематика е познат како Astralwalker.
Еве што вели за себе:
Till the present day I had numerous contacts with ETs that I described in my book
“Extraordinary Powers in Humans”. The ETs had showed me what is going to be like just
before the expansion of our star and the arrival of the energetic pulse. They have also
showed me what we need to do as humanity. They had showed me the next step.
I recall that things started to take an unusual direction after I was taken at seven years of
age. I was taken many times in later years, but this was the first one I recall. Very soon after
I was taken, during the nights (sleeping time) I started to become very conscious of myself. It
was not rare to find myself floating above the roof of my house looking everything from bird
perspective. Flying above my neighbourhood was my favourite thing to do. Almost always I
was able to detect that some strong source of light is somewhere behind me watching on my
every move. It wasn’t scary, but in contrary, it felt protective in some way. I didn’t pay much
attention to it since flying and jumping above roofs was much more interesting to me. That
lasted for many weeks.
As a result of long years of practicing meditation, I started figuring out the mystery of their
way of life. I felt compelled and focused to obtain the knowledge that was once considered
the norm in ancient civilizations. Thus, I meditated six hours a day and started to discover
my inner potential. I became attracted to all psychic abilities, but particularly to the
extraordinary ability called astral projection.
Rapidly, I began to understand that humanity was under some kind of experiment by a few
E.T races and that the truth was hidden from us. One by one, the missing pieces of the
mosaic started to fall into the place and I was starting to see what was going on.